🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Underexposure

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader had a vague inkling about the next name, he knew the boy was gryffindor, but he hadn't been in the gryffindor common room. Someone had let Vader know that he was likely to find the boy in the library. So that was where he was, looking in the library with all his roses for this Noel person. He asked a few people and was eventually directed towards a boy sitting at solitary table. "Noel?" he said as he approached.
Noel was studying ofcourse he did his very best to get good grades again this semester. It would be an busy one and next year would even be more busy. But he needed to prepare so he made his way to the library and found his place to study. But than an boy came to him, he was older and it was one of the prefects. He smiled and turned his head in the direction of him. '' Yes? Hey Vader is it right?'' He than asked the older boy. And waited for an response what he could do for him.
Vader nodded, "Yeah it is," he had to come to like his name at some point really, or just come to get used to it. He took the yellow rose and the note and held it out to the other boy, "I have this rose and note for you,"
Chaser squad!

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