y36 roses

  1. Cyzarine Haden

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Pomidor

    Cyzarine loved, loved, loved the rose giving. She thought it was the most amazing day of the year. She always knew she'd get few and she didn't need any from anyone given that she had a wonderful boyfriend. But, she loved spreading the love and joy to others in the school. She thought it was...
  2. Vader Hume

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Underexposure

    Vader had a vague inkling about the next name, he knew the boy was gryffindor, but he hadn't been in the gryffindor common room. Someone had let Vader know that he was likely to find the boy in the library. So that was where he was, looking in the library with all his roses for this Noel person...