🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Rose for a Green

Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Yellow rose for @Celia Vuong

Rosie wasn't sure that it was wise to try and give a rose to someone who was on the quidditch pitch, but after some questions to various people around the school, it was clear they would find the slytherin captain on the pitch. So, Rosie had walked with Aurora to the quidditch pitch. Thankfully, she spotted the exact girl they needed not yet in the air. "Hold on! Celia!" she shouted loudly.
Aurora was pretty excited to deliver a rose to the slytherin captain. The other girl wasn't that much older than Aurora was but was arguably, one of the best beaters in the school in a good long while, possibly ever. Miles better than Aurora herself was. She walked with her sister and spotted the girl. "Now whose yelling," she teased in return as they approached her.
Despite starting her own sorority, Celia had to admit that her social life wasn't quite where she had once hoped it would be. She wasn't popular so much as she was infamous, and she really only had two friends after six years at Hogwarts. So Celia wasn't expecting much in terms of roses. She hadn't sent any, and as long as she got at least one, she figured she would be fine. (After all, was there anything more embarrassing than not getting a single rose?)

Celia assumed she had some time to go for a quick fly, but she had barely picked up her bat when she heard someone calling her name. She turned to see Aurora and her sister approaching. They had a basket of roses with them, so it wasn't hard to guess what they were here for. "Hey," Celia said, giving them a polite smile. She glanced between the two of them. "Are you guys doing deliveries together?"
Rosie was a little intimidated by Celia, but she smiled at her easily. ”We are, yeah!” she said excitedly. ”We realise we could do it separately and help out more, but I'd rather do it with Aurora than alone,” she said, as she took out the yellow rose that she had for the girl. ”This is for you,” she held it out.
Aurora approached with Rosie excitedly, giving the other beater a wide smile. ”Yeah, plus two heads are better than one when you have to find a first year from a different house,” Aurora added with a giggle. It was easier, and it was fun, she liked spending time with her sister. ”And it comes with a note,” Aurora added as she took out a note that was to go with it.

I'm sorry.
When Celia was much younger, she had wondered what it would like to have a twin or even just a sister close in age. It seemed her imagination had not been too far off, if these two were anything to judge by. She was a little amused when they tried to justify doing less work — as if there was anything wrong with that. "You know, you could do your deliveries even faster if you split them up." Celia had never understood what compelled people to sign up to deliver roses, aside from the chance to read the notes.

Celia tucked her bat under her arm and accepted the rose and note with a grateful smile. However, her good mood evaporated when she saw who had sent the rose. For a second, Celia was tempted to throw the piece of paper away. But of course, she was in the middle of the pitch, not a single trash can in sight. She supposed she could vanish it, but she was highly aware of the fact that she was not alone. Celia pasted on a smile and folded the note back up, creasing the edges sharply. "Thanks for the delivery," she said tightly.

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