šŸŒ¹ Rose Giving Yellow for Red?

Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
21 (12/7/2041)
Jordie really didn't know any of the names on his list well. The head girl and the hothead Holland, well, he wasn't sure that counted. But that was alright, he liked meeting new people. He liked the next name on his list, at least. "Skylarrrrrrr!" Jordie trilled, skipping along outside and looking for people.
Having already received two roses, Skylar was sure she wouldn't be receiving any others. She'd been about to head back to her dorm when she heard her name being called. Well, not really called, more like someone was singing her name in a way? It couldn't be called singing either, but she grinned as she heard it anyway, already knowing that whoever the sound came from would probably put her in a good mood. She was still a bit disappointed to not have sent any roses this year because she'd forgotten, but she was determined not to forget next year. Realising she hadn't even yet responded to whoever was calling her name out she turned, looking for the source, and saw a boy who looked a bit younger than her calling it out. "I'm over here!" she called back, unable to keep a slight laugh of amusement out of her voice.
Jordie smiled brightly, turning when he heard the voice and skipping over. "I have a rose for you!" He declared, waving the yellow rose around before skipping over and offering it out with the note. "It's really pretty!" He told her.

Dear Skylar,

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! SO ABOUT THAT PICNIC! Iā€™m gonna invite a bunch of people to come along with us! Hope thatā€™s good with you! You can invite whoever you want! Itā€™s gonna be a big picnic!!

Your friend and best baker in the world,
Lillith Montgomery
Laughing at the boy's enthusiasm, Skylar took the rose from him, opening the note immediately. As she read through it she felt a smile grow on her face at her friend's happiness and eagerness that translated into writing too. Once she finished she glanced back up at the boy, and grinned. "Thank you!! Have fun delivering the other roses!" she added, before waving to him as she turned to leave, her mind already preoccupied with the picnic that Lillith was suggesting, and who she'd invite.

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