Yellow for a Slytherin

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (30)
Lunchtime seemed like the best time to track down a much older student in another house, so Kauri made his way down the Slytherin table, looking around. There was no way he was gonna recognise someone he had never met before, so he resorted to calling out. "Asaiah Murphy?" He called, waving his basket of roses as he walked down the length of the table. "Is Asaiah here? Rose delivery for Asaiah Murphy!"
Asaiah waited patiently for his two friends to turn up for lunch when he heard his name being called out for the second time today. He raised his hand and waved at the boy. ''I'm here.'' he said with a smile on his face.
Kauri beamed, relieved that his target hadn't been too difficult to find. "Hey, mate, rose for you!" He dug through his basket for a moment before pulling out the right one, handing it over to the older boy carefully.
It sucks that our Adventure List plans from first year turned into a revenge attack and we got in trouble for it, but thanks for not disowning me as a friend anyway. At least we have the memories! I miss you every day I don't get to see you!

Love you always, Marisol
He smiled as he took the rose from the younger student and thanked him before reading the note attached to it. ''Idiot.'' he murmered whilst reading it. He would never disown her as his friend, but he was going to talk to her about their Adventure List in the near future because he didn't want the other plans they had to go wrong also.

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