🌹 Rose Giving Yellow, Blue And Green

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Chloë definitely felt like she had lucked out to have a full list of names of people she knew. Even if she didn't really know some of them, she at least knew who they were which made finding them a whole lot easier. So far, she had managed to find almost everyone on her list as she was making her way through the castle. She stood on her toes for a second to look around the corridor she was in to see if she could spot the blonde she was looking for, excited when she did. "Kiara!" She smiled as she made her way over to the girl. "Got a rose for you."
Kiara was still on her last rose, not ready to actually find the right person, but she was searching for Lillian as she heard her name. She wasn't exactly sure what she expected or actually did she expect any rose, but she was glad that she did get any. Kia turned around to see Gryffindor girl going towards her. "Chloe! Hey! Really? Thank you!" she fastly let it all out and then cheerfully smiled. "How is your delivering? How much has left?"
Chloë nodded in response to Kiara, letting out a chuckle at how excited she seemed to be. "Yeah, here you go." She held the yellow rose out for her to take, after checking the right note was on there. "It's going pretty good, I guess I'm lucky I know everyone on my list. I've got like three left." She smiled. She didn't think she'd ever really gotten to talk to Kiara, so it was nice to do so for a change. "What about you? Delivering as well?"

You're cool, let's hang out more, okay!
"Thank you!" Kiara took the rose and read the note. She sweetly smiled at the note, even if she felt a little bit bad that she hadn't sent any rose to Nicole, but she made sure to remember and search for Nicole after delivering roses. "Yes, you're lucky with that. I knew like only three of them, at least you don't have to shout for everyone."she lightly laughed. "Oh, I am fine. Yeah, I'm delivering too. It's fun, but I have last rose and if I am honest, that I am a little bit worried about this one. I have to deliver it to the girl that is really close to the boy that I am close with who is also our classmate and in the Gryffindor with you. It's messy," she laughed. She didn't know if Chloe knew anything about her and Arthur, but it didn't change a lot anyways. "How many roses did you get yourself?"she lightly tilted head in interest.
Chloë chuckled when Kiara mentioned she didn't have to shout for everyone, since she knew who to look for. That had definitely been a pro so far, especially when she had come across her cousin shouting names everywhere he went at least two times. "That sounds.. complicated." She stated when she tried to wrap her head around what Kiara was saying about a boy and a girl and who was close with who. "Who is it?" Chloë asked her when she at least understood the last part of Kiara's story, which was that the girl she had to deliver the rose to is a gryffindor. "I've got one, so far. You?" She smiled as she answered Kiara's question, always curious about roses people were receiving.
Kiara nodded as Chloe said that it sounds complicated. She was sure that it actually wasn't as messed up as she made it sound. "Oh, I am delivering rose to Lillian Lockwood." she forgot that she didn't call their names and it probably was the reason why it sounded so messed up. "What colour? Ight, this is the second one, but I feel bad that I didn't send Nicole rose." she finally turned the note around and let Chloe read it.
Chloë didn't exactly know what it was that was going on between Kiara, Lillian and some other boy but she was sure things couldn't be that bad. "I reckon you'll be fine." She said encouragingly, quite enjoying her chat with the other girl so far. Maybe she should hang out with her more often, she could need some girl friends after all. "I got a yellow one." She smiled, before reading the note when Kiara turned it around for her to read. "I had the same thing, but I don't think people really feel bad about it." She responded with a small shrug, although she had also felt a little bad for forgetting to send Emma a rose. "And if they do there's always other ways to show them they're appreciated."
Kia thankfully smiled at Chloe, she knew she would be fine, but hearing it from someone else was way more relieving than convincing herself. "Probably, but thank you!" one more classmate that made her think of the question, why hadn't they chit chatted before? "I'm sure by the end of the day you will have a bunch of roses and no idea where to put them all," she half-joked. She was more than sure that Chloe will get a lot of roses, because she was popular in school, but Chloe probably had an idea where to put them. "I really hope so," she hadn't interracted with all the rose even before and she didn't know what to expect from people who she didn't send roses to. "Oh, on this note. I delivered Isaiah two roses," she was allowed to say that, right?
Chloë smiled brightly when Kiara seemed to think she'd be fine as well, happy to know she might just be a little less nervous about that rose situation as she had been a few seconds ago when she mentioned it first. "We'll see about that." She chuckled, although she was always curious about what roses she received. Most of them she could guess since they were from her friends who she was sending them to herself as well. Chloë nodded confidently at Kiara's response to what she had said about sending or not sending certain people a rose. Surely no one would actually get mad over not getting a rose when they had send one out themselves. As long as the gesture was appreciated she knew it'd be good. "No way!" She laughed at the mention of her cousin, wondering if he was more populair already than she had thought he was. "Were there any pink ones?" She asked curiously, happily grabbing any chance she could to tease her cousin.
Kiara crunched nose and nodded, yeah, they will see it. Day wasn't over yet. "Well, there wasn't any pink, but one red from our common friend." she didn't say anything about Jordie's crush on Eion, she didn't want to spill his secrets, but anyways, she smiled like she was hiding something, but ready to get in adventures. "Sooo.. Isaiah will be teased?" she sounded playfully, ready to get in the play. "Oh, and he said you're from France," Kiara automatically switched to French.
Chloë was a little disappointed Kiara hadn't delivered any pink roses to her cousin, which meant she didn't have anything new to tease him with. She couldn't wait untill he'd develop a crush on someone someday, keen to make fun of him. Her cousins were the closest thing she had to younger siblings after all. "Hmm, I'm guessing that didn't really mean anything." She chuckled at the mention of the red rose. There were some kids who just thought they were prettier than the yellow ones after all. "Maybe, if I find out whether that red rose was anything intresting." She gave a little shrug, still not thinking it would. "No way!" Chloë automatically switched to french herself when Kiara suddenly did so. "Oh my god, now we should definitely hang out more. I mean English is nice and all, but it's so good to be able to speak French with someone." She smiled, incredibly glad to have found someone else she could speak in french with. So far it had mostly just been Ajax.
Kiara lightly frowned and nodded. "And he sent only yellow roses too," her voice became a little bit disappointed too as she understood what Chloe wanted to do. She knew that Isaiah was a little bit too young and also probably way more interested in adventures than in girls or boys, and she even said it to him herself, but at this moment it was a little bit more disappointing. "It's from Jordie, he loves to express his love to his friends in a little more exciting way, no romance." Wood lightly shrugged her shoulders, already a little bit disappointed in herself that she couldn't tell anything more interesting than this. However, it was a short moment as she got overfilled with joy and excitement as Chloe answered in French, and even said that they had to hang out more. "Right? After transferring here from Beaux literally I miss French so much! And like I have someone to talk to in French, but it's not the same as talking in it daily. And yes! We totally have to hang out more! From which city you are?" all the love for Jordie, but meeting someone who actually was French, was absolutely another feeling. Not like she was planning on forgetting her best friend, but more like she had found a potential really close friend.
Chloë laughed when Kiara provided her with more information about the roses her cousin had apparently send and received. It would've been fun to tease him about it, but she figured he was still too young for that. She still had to more years at the school with him though, which was surely enough time to tease him before he'd move on to teasing his own siblings when they arrived. Chloë smiled when her classmate seemed as enthusiastic about having someone to speak french with as she was. "It's just.. I don't know, nice to keep it up while at school? During my first year I didn't really have anyone to talk french with and I remember being scared I'd somehow forget it all." She chuckled softly. It would definitely take more than that to forget how to speak her own mother tongue, but still being able to have a little conversation in french every now and then whilst at school was nice. "I'm from Marseille." She answered with a smile. "You?"
Kiara surely was excited about the chance to chit-chat with her classmate and even more excited to do that in French and with someone with who she could develop a friendship. "Really? And now? It would be sad but after the first year? Did you find someone to talk to in French?" she started to ask in interest and she cheerfully smiled as Chloe said that she is from Marseille. "No way! Marseille is literally so beautiful, I have been there a lot, even if it's like seven hours away from me." of course, seven hours by car. By train, it was only three and a half. "I'm from Paris." Kia sounded way softer as she said that, she missed home a lot, at least in summer she was often there. That was at least something.
Chloë laughed when Kiara seemed to doubt she would've lost her abilities to speak french after her first year. Obviously she wouldn't have, but being an eleven year old kid who had to go several months without speaking the language it had been a bit scary. "Oh, yeah!" She nodded when her classmate asked if she had found someone to speak french with. "Ajax, he's in our year. He's pretty fluent at it so I could always just speak french to him if I'd want to." She elaborated, although she was pretty sure Kiara would know who he was since they all shared multiple classes together. "That's cool. You might've even spend more time over there than I did." Chloë half-jokingly responded when the girl mentioned she had spend quite some time in Marseille. Although she did live there for six years, so that might be hard to beat. But who knew. She smiled when Kiara said she was from Paris, suddenly seeming a whole lot less enthusiastic than she had seemed about most things so far. "Feels like a world away, huh?" She asked, well aware what it felt like to be so far from a place that used to be home.
Kiara nodded as Chloe said about Ajax and she remembered the first housemate she had ever met. Right, Ajaccio Skey. "He was the first Ravenclaw I've ever met. He also speaks German, but we haven't really talked except that one time. How did you become friends?" she warmly smiled and hoped that Chloe will tell her that. She was interested in the answer. "Surely not," she giggled at that. "But how old you were when you moved here? And if that's not too personal, then why did you move?" Kia went with her hand through her hair and put some of her blonde stroke behind her ear. "Actually yes, I feel like I am living in the whole new world and it's so weird. Also, the note on which I left France was not the best," she admitted but continued smiling, Kia was glad to finally talk with a new person and Chloe seemed really sweet.
Chloë wasn't exactly surprised when Kiara mentioned Ajax spoke german as well, knowing he could speak multiple languages. "I guess we just sort of did?" She responded with a chuckle when she asked her how they had become friends. "I think we met when he was skating and after talking for a little while I figured out he spoke french, so naturally it just went from there." She tried to explain, never to sure what the exact moment was she had become friends with anyone. At least she knew how they had met and she was sure the whole french thing had been some sort of factor in how their friendship started.

"I was six." Chloë answered Kiara's question with a small smile. "My, uh, my mom kind of clashed with her family when she was younger. And my dad's from around here so at one point they decided it would be easier to leave, to come live here." She elaborated without sharing too much details. Even if she didn't exactly mind sharing the story in itself she didn't really feel like explaining it in its entirety at the moment. Talking about kids not being able to meet their family would probably put a damper on the entire mood of the conversation. "It's pretty daunting, but I'm sure you'll get used to it before you know it." Chloë smiled, thinking moving countries at fifteen would likely be even harder than at six years old. "You wanna talk about it?" She asked carefully at what Kiara said last. Even if she wasn't keen on ruining her own good mood at the moment she figured she'd still be fine. "I mean doesn't have to be right now, but if you ever do talk about it you're more than welcome to seek me out." She offered with a small smile. "About anything, really."
Kiara had always been amazed by people who could speak more than one language, even with the fact that she was able to speak three languages, but she still found it impressive. "It sounds sweet," Kia cheerfully smiled and nodded lightly. "Was he your first friend here or who was?" she lightly started to twirl her rose, without actually looking at it.

Mcleod carefully listened to what Chloe said and then nodded lightly. She tried to memorize what Chloe said that to don't reask that after some time. "Oh, sounds difficult. Have you ever been to France after that?" she lightly smiled at her and then nodded at what she said. "Well, that's for sure. At least people here are amazing," Ravenclaw cheerfully smiled and then lightly nodded at what Chloe said next. Kiara surely wanted to have someone daily next to her who would know about her problem and knew how to help her. "Thank you, maybe some time. Not today, we still have to meet other people and be in a good mood." she lightly giggled and lightly motioned at her own basket and Chloe's basket. "But about seeking out, maybe we can hang out tomorrow or like this week? I'd say today, but you know, dances and deliveries." Kiara joyfully smiled and offered, trying to switch back to a positive note.
Chloë smiled when Kiara it was sweet, honestly happy she had a friend like Ajax around. She took a second to think about her next question, trying to think about her friends and who had come before who. "I don't think so, I think we like officially met in our second year." She answered, quite confident that she had some friends who she had met earlier. She wouldn't exactly be able to pinpoint who had been her first friend though.

"Once, last year." Chloë nodded when Kiara asked if she had been back to france since she left when she was younger. "My brother took me after he graduated from Beauxbatons. It took a lot to convince my mom." She added with a soft laugh, trying to hold on to the good memories she had from that trip rather than the fact it had taken her eight years to be able to visit her home country again. She smiled when Kiara said the people here were amazing, keeping her smile when she mentioned it'd better for them to be in a good mood during deliveries. "Very true." She chuckled in response. Having a rose delivered by someone in a sour mood surely wasn't what anyone wanted today. "Yeah, sure! That'd be cool. We could meet up after class or something." Chloë nodded when Kiara mentioned hanging out somewhere that week, quite pleased with the opportunity to make a new friend. The fact that she could speak french was just an added bonus.

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