🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Between Quidditch Players

Zagreus Kohler

loner + finding his voice + german
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
9/2043 (16)
@Lysander Summers

Now he was looking for the captain of the Gryffindor team and someone had told him he might find him down on the Quidditch pitch. So, there Zagreus was hoping that he could cross this delivery off the list and only have a couple left to go. It had taken him an awfully long time to find most of the people, so he was really hoping this was just going to be an easy one. Thankfully, his intel was on point and he spotted the boy, rushing over. "You're Lysander, right? I have a rose for you."
Lysanders broom had taken quite the battering from bludgers in its lifetime, but the latest one had really damaged the bristles and hindered his flight. He'd not been in the air long before he realised he needed to touch down and check it over with his kit. He sat on the pitch grass, going through the tail with his twig clippers, until he was interrupted by a young boy. "Oh, hey. Yeah, that's me." He smiled, setting the broom aside for the moment. "Who's it from?"
He was pleased he had found the correct boy, smiling as he reached into his basket to find the right rose. It only took him a moment, smiling shyly as he produced the bright yellow rose and held it out for the boy. "You will have to read it to see who it's from."

Happy Valentines!
You've done great as captain over the years, so proud of you!

- Chloë
Lysander grinned and reached out to take the rose. "That was a trick question to see if you'd already read it or not." He said. "I wouldn't have blamed you. That was like, half the fun of doing those deliveries." Not that many of the roses he'd ever delivered were all that exciting. He flipped the note over in his hand, smiling when he realised who it was from. Chloë had always been supportive of him as captain, even if he wasn't that supportive of himself sometimes. "Thanks for bringing me this. Has anyone given you any yet?" He asked, tucking the yellow rose into one of his buttonholes.​
"It would be rude to read other people's notes like that," he did have to point out with a soft frown. This was supposed to be personal. He didn't think he would like the idea of this so much if the people delivering the roses were reading the notes attached to every one of them. But he had done his job and was ready to move on to his next recipient. Though it seemed the boy had questions, Zag going just a little red in the face as he shook his head. "Nein. I do not expect to get any." He didn't really have anyone who would send him a rose.
Lysander shrugged with a small smile. That was the risk people took writing down notes for just anyone to hand out. He wasn't making the mistake of pouring out personal secrets and feelings into a small note. "Nine?" Lysander interrupted in shock, momentarily surprised that this kid who was, what, a first-year? Was somehow getting so many roses. It quickly clicked that that was not what he'd said. "Oh, wow. That's...like, super sad. Here." He said, digging around for his wand. He gave it a flick, and conjured a bouquet of yellow roses to offer out. "Here you go. Now you have like, nine."
Instantly Zag went a little red in the face. "Nein! I mean... no," this was the problem with foreign languages sometimes sounding like different words in English. But it seemed the older boy got the picture eventually and Zagreus awkwardly shuffled a foot, shifting his grip on his basket. "I mean... it's okay..." he knew he wasn't really going to be getting any roses. He hadn't had any high expectations. But then the boy brought out his wand and suddenly conjured a whole bouquet of yellow roses. And then he was holding them out for Zagreus. "Oh! Um. I don't... that's," suddenly he felt very flustered, going rather red in the face as he awkwardly flapped his free hand. In the end, he really didn't know what to say, ducking his head as he silently accepted the roses from the boy.
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Lysander could only watch with no small amount of amusement at how flustered the younger kid got. He didn't know what it was like not to get any roses, it was just another regular Valentine's Day for him, so he hadn't imagined it would be that big of a deal for anyone else. "I don't know your name but this makes us official pals. If anyone asks where you got them from, you lie straight to their face and tell them they're all from different people. It'll be very impressive, trust me."
He felt incredibly silly standing there with a whole bouquet of roses. And when the older boy said they were now 'official pals', that just made Zag's face burn even brighter. "I'm, um... Zagreus." He decided to at least offer his name. "And, thank you... this is very... um... nice. But... I don't really," he didn't know what to say. He couldn't say with any confidence that he would have gotten nine roses from people. Especially when he hadn't even gotten a single one. "It's a lie." And he didn't really think anyone would believe him, anyhow.

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