Y47 Ilvermorny Practice S1

Kit seized the opportunity to grab the quaffle again after Zoey scored.
March chased after a glint but realised it was nothing.
Larissa lost sight of a bludger.
Zoey kept close to Kit as she grabbed the quaffle again. She wondered if she should offer any tips or if it was better to let her figure it out on her own.
Kit thought about taking a chance to score and then hit the wrong button but had to dodge a bludger. She took a breath before heading towards the hoops again.
Summer watched as Kit approached the hoops with the quaffle in hand, ready to try and block her.
March continued to keep an eye on Nabi, and searched around for the snitch.
Nabi flew around looking for the snitch.
Kit tossed the quaffle towards the hoops and frowned as Summer blocked it, muttering a curse word under her breath.
March continued to look for the snitch, but couldn't find it.
Kit didn't see anybody nearby and decided to snag the quaffle again, looping back towards the keeper.
Kit failed to score... again.
He groaned as he continued to miss the snitch wherever it was.
Zoey saw Kit was struggling and took hold of the quaffle if only to give her a break.
Kit followed Zoey as she took possession of the quaffle.
Zoey held the quaffle close as she approached the hoops quickly. With one quick toss she got the ball through the left hoop easily.
March flew after what he thought was the snitch, but it wasn't
Kit was glad to see that at least one of them could score and grabbed the quaffle next, trying to quickly score to throw the keeper off, but was easily blocked.
Nabi gasped as she saw the snitch. She surged forward and grabbed it, holding it up triumphantly.
March surged after Nabi and cheered for her when she got the snitch!
Nabi let the snitch go and smiled gratefully at March for his cheering

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