Y45 Wheelbarrow Event: Spectators

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Here is the topic to post your character's watching the events of the wheelbarrow race! You can follow the race here. This topic will close two days after the race ends.

OOC chat can be found here!
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Travis didn't even knew this race was happening. But it seemed like fun, he was so busy with exploring the castle that he missed stuff like this to sign up for. But he was good with cheering on the people, and it looked like fun. So he had made his way and sat down, with gryffindor scarf and all. He was all for spirit and just cheering on. As soon as the start sign was there he cheered and stood up. '' WOOOO come on!!'' He said especially for his roommate Miro.
Renata almost felt a little like she shouldn't go to cheer on Sky, like she should give her friend more space to have time to be with her girlfriend, but Sky was still one of her best friends and she wanted to go and cheer for her. She had her Hufflepuff colours on, but she had put a green ribbon in her hair. She didn't know Ngawaiata well, but she knew she was a prefect and figured if Sky was happy then she was probably a really nice girl. "Show them how it's done, Sky!" she called, cheering.
The wheelbarrow race seemed a little silly, like the type of thing that they would have done in year 1, but Dahlia had seen that Rāwhiti had signed up and she couldn't possibly miss witnessing this. And Anisha was entering too...was that Dorian she was with? Dahlia gasped. She thought Anisha did not like Dorian. This she had to hear more about. She wished she had a camera, because this whole thing was bound to be hilarious, but she was sure that the paper and yearbook had that covered. She had made sure to dress in red, making sure her hair was looking good, as she called out to cheer for both Rāwhiti and Anisha.
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Marley knew she had to cheer for her best friends, Amodeus and Teddy. While she was a bit bummed to not have joined in the competition, she was happy to cheer for her friends. She watched as her friends made their way, giggling a little at Teddy's waddling as he held Amodeus' ankles. "WOO! YESS! Go Teddy and Amodeus! YES! YOU GOT THIS!" Marley loudly said as she cheered for her friends as loud as she could and clapped excitedly.
Marnie had hurried out to the lawn, the letter in her hand starting to smoke as she made into the spectator area. She'd written herself a howler and had just managed to time it right as the race started, the letter tearing itself open to announce in a loud, haughty voice "GO SKY." Marnie wheezed as the howler proceeded to rip itself up, it's job done, and now she had to cheer on her own, still giggling as she sidled up next to Renata. "They're doing well, right! I think? I don't really know if there's a right or wrong way to do it I did the three-legged race thing with Penny the other year but that's kind of different I mean in that you obviously have three legs instead of two legs and two arms to work with but they haven't fallen over yet right so that's good, woo go Sky! Go other Hufflepuffs!" Marnie cheered, trying not to get distracted too much by Sky's arms as she lifted her partner or the way her hair looked moving in the wind as they ran. She was here to support her fellow club leader, she could do that. "EXCELLENT WHEELBARROWING WOO, YOU'RE DOING GREAT," Marnie called, just incase anyone noticed she was staring.
@Renata Stepanova
Cameron was more than used to dragging himself out to school events he didn't particualrly want to go to for the yearbook. At least today he wasn't expected to do anything more than watch, something that was twice as appealing knowing Ngawaiata was competing. He'd felt a bit weird with realizing it was with her girlfriend, a dynamic Cameron hadn't quite wrapped his head around, but it didn't take any enjoyment of watching Ngawaiata getting wheeled around across the lawn as the race started.

Crouching to get a better angle, Cameron took care to get in a few shots of the teams as well as the race as a whole but he couldn't help but take a few extra of Ngawaiata, even if those were just to show her all the weird faces she was making later.
Raafe was still limping as he made it down to the lawn, only escaping from the Hospital Wing after a lot of insistent assurances and a rare use of puppy dog eyes which Raafe had concluded he was not very good at. At least they hadn't completely missed the race so if he could find Anisha in the audience maybe the pair of them could commiserate by heckling the racers a little. It had been an accident, but he still felt bad letting her down, he wasn't good at saying no to Anisha and possibly would have still tried to race if the nurses hadn't all but held him down still his leg was feeling better.

"Hey, where's Anisha-" Raafe started, spotting Dahlia when he couldn't find his cousin in the crowd. He trailed off however when he realized she was still in the race. With Dorian Fitzwilliam. "Huh," he said simply, raising an eyebrow at Dahlia to confirm she'd seen this development too, just in case he'd hit his head as well as his knee on the stairs. "Did one of them get imperio'd or something?"

@Dahlia Doherty
While on paper Angel approved of any and all school spirit and house point awarding activities for the good of his house. In actuality, he was mostly just here to have a good laugh and maybe see if Cyndi was down for betting on the students again.

In lieu of spotting her, Angel turned his attention to the race, whistling and popping off a string of silver and green confetti as it got underway, glad to see some of his third years and one of his prefects out there. June Davenport seemed to be having the easiest go of it and Angel wondered how long before Tempest gave up trying to instruct her partner and just did the race herself, but it was a good race so far Angel thought, summoning a lounger for himself to settle in and watch properly.
Renata grinned at Marnie, she liked how enthusiastic the younger girl was and how much school spirit she showed. Though, she did talk quite a lot and quite fast, sometimes Renata found it difficult to keep up. "I did the three legged race with Sky last time," she said. "But I do not know how to do this one." She watched the two of them, though also looked around to see how the other Hufflepuffs were going. Sky was the only competitor she knew well, but she was having fun just watching. "Maybe they should play Quidditch. Good arm strength!"
@Marnie Frogg
Dahlia tried to bite back some giggles watching Rāwhiti, he still looked cute even when he was doing something so silly. But she was still floored by Anisha, and apparently Raafe also was. She had figured they would have been in the race together, though apparently he'd gotten hurt before and couldn't make it. Instead, she simply turned to him, mouth agape. "I know, right? It's so weird." Still, they were somehow managing to work together, and Dahlia was actually feeling pretty proud of Anisha. Even if she absolutely had to hear the gossip later. "They're...not fighting? Not yet, anyway?"
@Raafe Khatri
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