Y40 Dueling Match #21

Lena Williams

Stay at Home Mum | Raising a Zoo
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Divorced (Bi)
Sexual Orientation
Curly, 10 in. Flexible Pear Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
36 (9/2026)
@James Woodlock II vs. @Ronald Lazarao

Lena was excited to see this second round of matches. She knew they'd likely be more intense as students were getting closer and closer to victory. As each student took the platform, she stood in the center, wand at the ready. "Alright, you know the drill - nice, clean fight. Don't use spells outside of your year. Best of luck!" she exclaimed before stepping out of the way.

The duel begins now. You have 24 hours from this to post your first reply, or face disqualification. Once both duelists have posted, you will have 24 hours from your opponents post to reply, or be disqualified. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. Please also remember site rules apply, including power/god modding. You can find the site rules here. Duels will run until there is a winner or until 6 IRL days have passed, in which case the winner will be chosen by RNG. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!

As an added note: Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels.

[b]Current Points:[/b] 150
[hr][/hr]RP content[hr][/hr][b]Action(s) Taken:[/b]
[b]Point Changes:[/b]
[b]Points Remaining:[/b]
Current Points: 150
Ronald si happy that he is advance to the next duel, he prepared himself for this battle when Professor Williams ask both of us to bow to each other, Ronald dont waste his time and then he cast a stunning spell and said "Stupefy"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Points change: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

With one duel already under his belt James was feeling confident as he prepared for another. He bowed to his somewhat familiar opponent and once the duel began he raised his wand to cast the shielding charm and fired his own stunning spell back at him.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 140
Current Points: 145
Ronald see the stunning spell that his oppnent cast to me, and Ronad use shield charm and then he pointed his wand and said "Petrificus Totalus"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:
Current Points: 140

James raises his wand to block the spell and fired back a stunning spell of his own.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 130
Current Points: 135
Ronald blocked the stunning spell again to him but he said Protego and then cast to his oppenent babbling curse
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell 2x
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:125
Current Points: 130

James blocked the babbling curse though with some difficulty and managed to throw back a jelly fingers curse of his own back at the other boy.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spells x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 120
Current Points: 125
Ronald block the curse that he attempt to cast to me, and then he pointed his wand to the opponent and said "Rictusempra"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 120

James manages to block the spell that would have sent him into a fit of giggles and fires back a babbling curse.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 110
Current Points: 115
His opponent so fast to cast a spell that he said earlier so he blocked this spell in shield charm and then he cast "Stupefy"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: - 10
Points Remaining: 105
OOCOut of Character:

Heads up! This duel will be decided by RNG if a winner is not decided sooner.
The duel will time out at 11:59PM EST tomorrow, Saturday; that's approximately 30 hours from now!
Current Points: 105

James blocked the spell and raised his wand to fire back another stunning spell.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 95
Current Points: 105
Ronald see that his opponent will be fight until the end so he block his spell and then he pin point his wand to the Slytherin boy and said "confundo"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: - 10
|Points Remaining: 95

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