Open Y37 SDA Exhibition Duel

Tyler glanced at the professor as she told them to keep it civil. As if they weren't. If he truly wanted to humiliate Sydney with his words, he would. This was simply part of the dueling. he was almost distracted by this, but managed to think quickly as she sent fire his way. "Aguamenti." He cast, conjuring water to get rid of the fire. "Obscuro!" He added, casting a spell he hoped might catch her off guard.
Eric wasn't sure if the SDA duel thing was for members or not. It sounded more like a way to promote the club to new members. But on the off chance that it would be interesting, Eric headed over to the duelling chamber. He was a little late, so the duel was in full swing when he arrived. He hadn't been paying attention to anything club related yet, and he had skipped out on the last meeting of the previous year. So Eric hadn't known Sydney had taken over the club along with some Slytherin guy until he saw them dueling on the stage. Immediately he felt furious. Why was Sydney asked to do something like that? She was terrible, she would be awful at leading anyone. He glared at the stage, hoping with all his might that the guy would beat her squarely in front of everyone.
Salem watched closely as Tyler and the other girl traded spells, doing her part to ooh and ahh appropriately. The girl sent a stream of fire at Tyler and Salem inadvertently took a step back from her close vantage point by the stage, cheering when Tyler dosed it with some water. "Nice, Tyler!" She called, applauding at the good spell choice as he sent his own spell back. Salem had no idea what half the spells they were using did, but it sure did look cool.
Kia had slipped silently in as the new leaders were giving introductions- or at least, as one of them was. She was determined to be more active this year, and she would be paying close attention to who won. Not seeing anyone here worth her time, she chose a corner to herself and settled against the wall to watch the duel.
Sydney tried not to let her frustration with Tyler show as he continued using new spells she hadn't learnt yet, her mouth a tight line as she pulled up another shield charm. Glancing at the crowd, Sydney spotted Ava Lancaster and remembered she had her own trump card of a spell she could use. "Amphbian Eructo!*" Sydney grinned as her spell shot off, hoping Ava could appreciate how much her form had improved since she'd taught her the spell last year. It would certainly be fun to see Tyler try to showboat if she managed to hit him with this.
*Spell ID#30138499
Tyler frowned at the spell Sydney used, which wasn't one he really knew about. But with her smug expression ,it was clear she wasn't expecting him to. But he managed to block it all the same. "Silencio." He cast back at her coolly.
Salem didn't know most of the spells being slung around, but they all sounded pretty impressive. She was more impressed that Tyler was just able to cooly block all of them and she clapped as he returned fire.
Sydney grit her teeth as Tyler blocked her spell before having the gall to use her own silencing strategy against her. Clearly she she was the more clever duelist here, and she was itchy to knock that smug look off his face. "Everte Statum!"
Brooke had to say she was impressed. Neither duelist had managed to land a hit yet, but once Sydney had stopped bad mouthing her opponent, she was pleased to see her sister was actually a decent duelist. Brooke had known Sydney had to be, she'd seen a few of her duels last year and obviously Sydney was the club leader, but part of her, a part that sounded a lot like their parents, kept making Brooke think Sydney was just waiting for the right moment to screw it all up. Still quietly cheering for Sydney in the back, Brooke felt hesitantly hopeful that maybe her sister had found something good that she wouldn't completely sabotage for once.
Tyler wished his spell had hit, it would have been so satisfying to just shut Sydney up. He was trying to think of a better spell, one both effective and a bit showy, when he moved a bit too late to block her spell. He was hit, flying backwards and falling down onto the platform. Thankfully his wand wasn't knocked from his hand, so he immediately tried to get a disarming spell in, though he knew as soon as he cast it that it would entirely miss his target.
Salem covered her mouth when Tyler was hit, watching remorsefully as he slide back across the stage. "Get up, Tyler!" She called unhelpfully as he still tried to fire back another spell at the girl.
Sydney grinned triumphantly as her spell her, barely needing to duck as Tyler returned fire. "See, it's all about timing and picking spells that will catch your opponent off guard," She said, more to the crowd at large, thrilled that she finally had Tyler on the ropes. Unthreatened with Tyler laying on the ground as he rightly should, Sydney lazily raised her wand, mulling over what spell she could use to finish the job. Maybe something to bring Tyler down to the appropriate mental level for his spell choices, she decided, barely even looking at she shot a Confundus charm at him.
Tyler growled in frustration at Sydney's words. He heard Salem from the crowd, but ignored her. From his position on the ground, he crouched, ducking to avoid the spell, and then aimed his wand carefully. If he was still somewhat down, he was more likely to be underestimated. He then shot a stunning spell at Sydney, muttering the incantation under his breath. To his delight, it hit her square in the chest. As Sydney went down, Tyler stood op and dusted off his robes. "Never get overconfident and cocky, at least until you've won." He said calmly.

Godmod approved
Brooke was surprised when Sydney actually managed to hit Tyler, clapping a little more enthusiastically than she had before. She felt tense though as Sydney turned away to grand-stand, wishing she could call out to Sydney to pay attention as she spotted Tyler starting to move even as Sydney fired off another spell without really paying attention. When Tyler was able to just stun Sydney, Brooke had to groan. Of course pride would be what actually took Sydney out, and Brooke dragged a hand over her face, deciding to quickly make her exit while the proctor was reviving her sister and calling the duel. The last thing she wanted was Sydney spotting her when she was no doubt livid over having just lost.
Lydia watched as the two duellists exchanged spell after spell. When Lee was knocked to the platform by a well-placed Everte Statum, Lydia made a conscious effort not to wince. The boy was with it enough not to lose his wand. He recovered and, still on the ground, managed to take out his opponent with the Stunning Spell.

Interesting how the most basic of charms could decide a duel. The professor hoped the students would take note of that. She rose from her seat, climbed onto the stage, and knelt next to Townsend, reviving her with Rennervate.

Lydia returned to her seat without another word. While she was the proctor, this was still the SDA’s show, and she wanted to give them the opportunity to end it.
Sydney's heart had been thrumming with vicious glee to have seen Tyler on the ground. She was about to prove to everyone who the better duelist and leader here was. Turning her head after casting her spell, Sydney felt like things were moving in slow motion when she realized Tyler was still moving, his own wand pointed at her, and before she could react, she felt the cold impact of the stunning spell.

The room came rushing back after what could have only been a few moments and Sydney sat up in a rush as Professor Drage stepped back. She wanted to rage at Tyler, her breath coming out tight at how unfair it all was, but she couldn't. She could barely get to her feet, shakily, and keep her expression neutral, her mouth twisted tight enough to keep all the furious words and emotions in check while she still could. Tyler and his smug, idiot face could wrap this up, hopefully quickly, and then Sydney could leave. She'd lost, and she'd have a lot of work to do to make up for this embarrassment.

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