Y36 Ravenclaw Quidditch Try-Outs

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Minnie had been nervous about today. She had been so nervous. She had read and read, anything from books about quidditch to publics speaking to feeling confident around peers, but none of it was ever enough to make her feel ready for what she had to do that day. The try-outs. Minnie dreaded what she would feel like when an actual game rolled around, but there would be time to worry about that later. She needed to first get through this and then she could worry about practices and then a game. It wasn't the students fault that she was worried about all of it. She had to be a leader, not take it out on them. But she was made anxious by just watching people stand around - did they not know how much was riding on this. She sighed and very lightly and quickly touched her necklace. She waited till it seemed that everyone was there then she cleared her throat loudly, "Right, let's get started," she said, "I'm Minnie Calida, I'm seeker and co-captain, with me is Lars Van Houten, keeper and co-captain," she introduced them both hoping her tone was coming across as confident as she was hoping it was. "Today will be easy, we are looking for a few players and a few alternates. Those of you who are already on the team, just fly up into the air and provide support. People trying out, please one by one step forward, state your name and the position you are going for," Minnie said, "Please only list one," The girl then looked to Lars in case he had anything to add and when he was happy she declared the try-outs started.

Positon Player
SeekerMinnie Calida Co- Captain
KeeperLars Van Houten Co -Captain
BeaterChloe Chan
ChaserChase Warrick
Chaser Available
Chaser Available

OOCOut of Character:

Returning players are guaranteed their spots as long as they post attendance in this thread before tryouts are over. Returning alternates must try out again.

First years must PM me if they want to try out. No first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students.
Chloe was more than looking forward to another year of Quidditch, she was ready to show the other teams what she had to offer, and she knew that eventually she had to be almost as good as her father. Right? He had so much talent and was known, and Chloe was beginning to look up to him. She had practiced all summer, and asked Chad for advice here and there by owling him, and she was eager to show the rest of the team what she had. She arrived to the pitch for the tryouts, and when she saw @Minnie Calida her face lit up. "Hey, congratulations for co-captain, it’s well-deserved," she told her roommate, meaning it. Chloe would have liked being captain, but she didn’t have any resentment towards Minnie, or the previous captains, if anything the fourth year preferred Minnie to have the badge than anyone else. When the tryouts began, Chloe mounted her broom and kicked off from the ground, doing a few laps and helping anyone trying out for beater who needed her assistance.
It was surreal for Lars to stand here, as Minnie's co-captain. Last year, he'd only been an alternate keeper, but now he was here sharing the captaincy. He hoped that he wouldn't disappoint Minnie, or their team. He knew that Minnie took it very seriously, and that her parents' approval depended a lot on how she and their team did this year. He smiled nervously as Minnie took the lead. When she looked at him for something to say, he scrambled for something that wasn't already said. "Uh, good luck." He said quickly. "And... players, please try to give people trying out as much chance as possible to show their skills. And see who you can work together with." He said quickly. He glanced at Chase, as this advice especially went for Chasers. They'd need good teamwork to win the cup this year.
One thing Arinna wanted to do before leaving Hogwarts was to try out for the team. She had practically begged Ari for a broom but the man did not budge. He would only buy her one if she got into the team. With this, she set foot in the pitch with a borrowed broom. She spotted Minnie and Lars who seemed to be the co-captains this year. She waved brightly at them, "Minnie, Lars, hi!" She knew them from the team the previous years and it seemed the captains last year, their prefects too, passed the leadership to them. "Arinna Desai, trying for Beater." Mounting the broom after taking the bat, she kicked off the ground. The last time she was on a broom was her flying class. Jasper would be surprised to know she tried out for this. She flew around, getting used to thw feeling before she sped off, looking for bludgers. She spotted one about to collide toward another student. Swinging the bat, she whacked it away, earning a grin for herself. She sped away as she was on the lookout for another one. A whizzing sound and she ducked just in time to avoid the bludger. Rounding about, she faced the bludger as it made its way back to her. A swing of the bat and she hit it toward another chaser, making a sound as it hit its mark. This went on until they were whistled to touch down. Three successive hits was not bad for her as Arinna caught her breath, the adrenaline still kicking.
Thalia had had enough encouragement from literally all of her sisters to try out for the team. Apparently she needed to get out there and not be so shy around others. It was difficult though, it was just how she was, and she did secretly enjoy flying this summer even though she had been scared for her life last year in flying class. Both Artemis and Octavia had helped her though and showed her the bright side of being on a broom. And they had trained her a little, so the second year was prepared to try out and before she could talk herself or her sister out of it the two walked down to the Quidditch pitch, and Thalia smiled nervously, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as the co-captains gave their mini speeches. It all seemed like a big, official scary thing, but she forced herself to get over it. She was going to do this, she had to now that she was here, it was too late to turn back now.

She tried to pay as much attention to the words of Minnie and Lars, as they introduced themselves, and the fact that they were not that much older than her eases her mind a bit. They were young but if whoever had picked them as captains had faith in them, then so did Thalia. When it was her turn to approach them, she did so, hoping the other players wouldn’t give her much of a hard time today. "Thalia Pourroulis...and I’m trying out for chaser," she said softly, before she was given the signal to go up in the air. Thalia remembered everything that her sisters had said, and she mounted a school broom she had asked to borrow, before she kicked off the ground and surprisingly she got the hang of being up in the air fairly quickly. She had expected to wobble more than she was, but it was easier this time. She smiled despite herself and when she spotted a quaffle she grabbed it and tucked it under her arm like she was taught, and headed to one side of the pitch, her heart racing. She glanced at Tee, and gave her a smile, hoping she was doing fine. She was almost near the hoops when she felt something hit her in the side and she winced in pain, tears forming in her eyes. She tried to shake off the pain - her first time being hit by a bludger! Already. She wiped her eyes and reached the hoops, her mouth widening when it went straight through. Well. She tried a second and third time but those narrowly missed the hoops. She sighed, but tried another time, and it went through, again, just barely, but it was a score. She didn’t have time to get another shot at it as the captains signalled it was the end of tryouts. Thalia flew back to the ground and joined her sister again, still feeling the adrenaline from being in the air.
Ajaccio was very nervous, he had never been someone who had ever tried out for a team, but after thinking about it and working on it for the better part of a whole semester, it would be bad of him to not go along and at least give it a try - Lysander's help had been too good to not try. He was nervous, he was so hopeful that he would make the team. He had never been a team player, but this was going to be so good - he thought it would be exciting to play against his friends. Ajaccio looked towards the captains neither of whom were particularly older than him, but he was rather eager to join a young team. He thought it would be cool to be part of the team, even if he wasn’t a full member he would be happy. The teen nodded along eagerly and then they were allowed to try. He watched a few others step forward and start the try out. He had taken great care with a hair band in his hair to keep it out of his eyes. ”Hi, Ajaccio Skey trying out for Chaser,” Ajaccio said to her giving a little fake salute.
Ajaccio got on his broom and then flew up into the air. He was so excited as soon as he got up into the air, he had to admit, even if he wasn’t able to get on the team, he did love flying. He enjoyed a whole lot just flying around. He linked up with some of the other chasers and began flying with them. He caught the ball when it was thrown to him and then he continued to fly forward, the teen was clutching the ball tightly and then he threw the ball to someone else, as they were closer. He knew that if they scored that would be better than him attempting just because had the ball and the other person had managed to score. Ajax cheered loudly and then focused, he managed to catch the ball as it was thrown back out, surprising even himself. He flew off and after making it to the other hoops and threw the ball, cheering loudly mostly in surprise when he actually managed to score. As the try-out continue he fumbled the ball a few times and missed a few times, but he still managed to score a few times too. He was pretty pleased with himself by the end of it. He got back to the ground and felt pretty pleased with himself. He knew he should at least, whether he make it or not, reach out to Lysander and Sapphire to thank them for their help.
She hadn't planned on trying out for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team but upon hearing that her sister wanted to have a go at it, Teodora figured she might try it out too just for fun. After practising most of the summer she was confident enough in their abilities to make the team, even if they would just be alternates. She walked down to the pitch together with her sister, talking to her about how best to approach their position and going over the tips they'd gotten from their sisters one last time. Quidditch seemed like a dangerous yet exciting sport and playing for the house team would probably be the coolest thing they would get to do here if both of them made it. She listened to the captains speak and stepped forward after her sister. ''Hi, I'm Teodora Pourroulis and I'm trying out for Chaser as well,'' Teodora said, giving the captains a smile before joining her sister and the other participants in the air. She would have to show them all she had today and so she was determined to not let anything stand in her way, except for her sister perhaps. She stuck close to Thalia whilst racing towards the hoops until it was her time to attempt a couple of shots. It wasn't going all too bad she had concluded after managing to score two times in a row, though unfortunately missed her third and fourth attempt to score, throwing the ball wide twice. That was fine, there was still some time left to show the captains that she wasn't that awful at it. At the end of the practice, she flew down towards the ground and smiled brightly when her sister joined her, hoping all had gone well for her.
Hattie was excited to be back at Hogwarts for another year. She saw a poster about the quidditch tryouts in the common room and was itching to have a go. It would be a good experience for her, especially since her Aunt Georgina played professionally and even gave Hattie a broom as a present a few years ago. She didn't know why she hadn't tried out earlier. After all, her father had kept telling her, but this time she was brave enough to actually do it. The girl tied her hair into a ponytail as she promptly made her way to the quidditch pitch, ready to take on anything. She gathered around with her housemates as the captain spoke. It felt a little bit weird that one of the captains was in her own year, but she tried not to let this get to her. When told, she made her way over to sign up. "Hattie Thorne. Trying out for chaser." she said, before mounting her broom and taking off into the air, beginning to do laps as a warm up.

As the quaffle was being thrown in every direction, Hattie was quick to intercept it, trying her best to hold it tightly as she flew around, pushing towards the goals. She wanted to make her father and her aunt proud and she knew that she could do it. She could feel the sweat dripping down her face as she inched closer to them, and when she felt that she was close enough, she swung her arm back as far as she could and swiftly brought it forward, letting go of the quaffle and watching as it went straight through the far left hoop. The girl kept doing this throughout the practice, hoping that the co-captains could see the effort that she was putting in. When the tryouts had finally finished, she thanked both of the co-captains before heading back up to the castle for a well-deserved shower.
Emily had always wandered over to the Quidditch Pitch and cheered for her Ravenclaw team. She never had the time or the passion to actually join the team. That changed last year, time was going ridiculously fast and soon she was going to leave this school and basically she would have achieved nothing. She was going to be more ambitious than that and thus went to the Quidditch pitch with a broom in her hand. She knew try-outs were held today. She knew one of the co captains since he was in her year and Emily felt safe. She walked over to the sign up ''Emily Underwood, trying out for beater, but I think I can make a fair chaser as well.'' Emily smiled and when the try outs started she mounted her broom.

Emily twirled the bat in her hand and flew up towards the seeker. There she spotted a bludger and with a nice wack the bludger went away. Emily smiled and went on to look for another bludger. Soon she spotted one zooming around and gave it another wack towards the seeker of the ''other'' team. The bludger hits it mark and Emily smiled broadly. She was actually fairly decent at this. When she flew past the chasers she saw another bludger and with another big wack the bludger flew away. Her job was to keep everyone safe and so far that was coming along fairly decent. Emily zoomed towards another bludger and now she gave it another wack towards a seeker, but she missed. The wind took the bludger and it moved away from its target.

Let just say you can't always get a hit in. Emily grinned and did some chaser practice afterwards. She threw the quaffle towards the hoops a couple of times. She did like being a beater more, which also held most of her talents. Emily grinned and flew back to the grounds when the try out ended. She now had to wait if she was going to be picked for the team.
Elizabeth had had to adjust since her brother left school, and that meant finding more things that she enjoyed doing herself rather than because she had a family influence. One of those things that she'd wanted to give a go, but never had the chance to, was Quidditch. The second year made her way down to the pitch with confidence on her face. The worst thing that could happen would be that she was rejected right? So really there was no loss at all in this situation. She listened as the lady Captain gave a speech and really, Elizabeth hadn't thought too much about what position she would want to play. She knew she wasn't a bad flyer, although she wasn't particularly strong so perhaps Beater wouldn't be for her. The idea of Quaffles being launched straight at her also wasn't particularly engaging, especially when Keeper meant she'd have to stay still and hovering in the air most of the time. That left two positions left, but as some of the older students went up first, she became increasingly aware that there were many people all trying out for Chaser, which left one choice. "I'd like to try out for Seeker," she smiled at the Captains, figuring that the lady Captain probably should have at least one person as back up anyway, so why not her? She could dodge things, and maybe she'd not be terrible at catching things too.
Mounting her school broom, Elizabeth headed up into the air to look out for the tiny golden ball. She didn't really know just how tiny this would be, but as she watched the other students she started to realise that it must have been little given the size of the other balls. How on earth was she meant to find this? The Ravenclaw flew around the pitch slowly, keeping an eye out for the bludgers too to make sure she didn't get hit by anything (although on one occasion she did have to duck out the way of one aimed for her head and it was then that she realised how dangerous the sport could be.) She was feeling pretty useless when she couldn't lay her eyes on the ball, mainly because she didn't even know what she was looking for. It wasn't like they'd had a chance last year in flying to have a go. Eventually she saw something twinkle in the distance, and figuring it was a better call than to fly endlessly in a circle began to head after it. She caught up to it after a while and realised it was definitely yellow, like some kind of flying metal. It took Elizabeth a further few minutes but eventually she managed to pin the snitch by flying in the opposite direction to it, meeting it as they both came round one of the stands and she closed her fingers around it tightly. "Is this what you're looking for?" she called to the manly Captain, hoping he could confirm it. The brunette released the snitch with a grin, thinking that it hadn't been completely terrible for a first time.
This is the last call for Ravenclaw try-outs. These will close tomorrow.
Tryouts are closed! Thanks very much for trying out. The team for Y36 is shown down below.

Thanks again!

Team Year 36
Positon Player
SeekerMinnie Calida Co- Captain
KeeperLars Van Houten Co -Captain
BeaterChloe Chan
BeaterArinna Desai
ChaserThalia Pourroulis
Chaser Teodora Pourroulis
Chaser Hattie Thorne
Alternate BeaterEmily Underwood
Alternate SeekerElizabeth Addams
Alternate ChaserAjaccio Skey

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