Y34 Slytherin Quidditch Try Outs

Liam Waldgrave

Thundelarra's Beater | Flirt | Confident | Loud
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Straight 10 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Liam was feeling more confident than ever. First he became beater, than prefect and now co-captain of the Slytherin Quidditch Team together with Leda. He was beyond happy and ready for this year. Slytherin did really well last year and he wanted to continue with that, failing under his leadership was no option. They had to train hard and he had to focus on the game and not too much on the girls. But he was sure Leda made sure he would pay attention. They were a team now too, next to both being prefects. Perhaps Odette had liked his charms after all, it helped him getting this postion for sure. He walked towards the pitch and was curious which students would want to join the team and some alternates returning to try out again. Since Odette was gone they had a beater spot free, and he figured Sapphire would make a good chance if she did her best. At least he had to play together with that person. And he actually rather had a girl beside him than a boy, but well that was Liam right.

Liam was early on the pitch and so he waited until people would join him and Leda would. And when she did and everyone seemed to be there he smiled charmingly. He saw some girls and winked for a second. He hoped he would made a good impression. He made sure everybody saw him and than opened his mouth, his teeth more white than ever had been. '' Hi everyone! And Welcome to the Slytherin Tryouts. '' Liam started off and looked around the group. Than he continued. '' As you did not know. I'm Liam Waldgrave and besides your prefect also one of your captains.'' He than winked at some girl close. Saying that made him feel the best. He than looked at Leda. '' That is my beautiful co-captain and fellow prefect Leda Layton. '' He than introduced her and smiled once more. Now he just had to explain a bit, and he just wanted to start. '' Ok! Well Today you are trying out. Returning members just do your stuff and jump on that broom. Everyone else, please introduce yourself and tell us which position you are trying out for.'' Liam than thought he had said it all and just needed to start. He looked at Leda for a moment to see if she would say something else to add. '' Leda anything you want to say?'' He asked the gentleman he was. He waited and than when it was time. '' Good luck everybody. Go ahead!'' He than said and released all that was needed to play some.

Derek TahanaChaser
Luna Urquhart-CadeChaser
Sara BenivieniChaser
Liam Waldgrave (Co-Captain)Beater
Available Beater
Mordred CavanaughKeeper
Leda Layton (Co-Captain)Seeker

OOCOut of Character:

Players from the previous year are guaranteed their spot without needing to try out again - as long as attendance is posted before try-outs are over. Alternates, however, will need to try out again.

First years are required to PM me for approval before attempting to try out.
Being part of the team last year had been great, though Jasper wished he wasn't just an alternate. That was unlikely to change now, though. Unless they kicked that stupid Luna off the team. He wished they would, she was mean. Or maybe they could kick Blake? Both would be fine with Jasper. He looked for Mordred as he arrived, then listened to his new captains as they spoke to them. He remembered both from the team last year and hoped they remembered him too. It would suck to not even make alternate this year. When it was his turn, Jasper stepped forward confidently. "I'm Jasper Night, trying out for chaser." He told them. "Though I could do beater if you wanted." He added. That also seemed fun to him.

He kicked off into the air. He took the quaffle and flew over to the goals. Mordred was the keeper but Jasper wasn't going to take it easy on him. He tried his best to score as often as he could, aiming for different hoops. He'd often practiced playing with his dad, but knew his dad sometimes took it easy on him a bit. Here that obviously wasn't likely to happen. He did manage to score, and Jasper grinned and whooped. He scored twice more, though two of his attempts were blocked as well. He just hoped the captain hadn't been paying attention to his failed attempts. He flew back to the ground and dismounted his broom. He really hoped he was on the team again.
Leda had been delighted that she'd been asked to be the new co captain. She'd worked hard over the last four years and she felt like she had come to know the team players, although there was one in particular that she still found hard to work with. Her fellow prefect Liam who always seemed to think girls owed him something got on her nerves frequently, and after finding out it was he that would be sharing the titles with her, she had promised herself that she wasn't going to stand for any of his funny business. As she joined Liam on the pitch and waited for the rest the students to gather around, Leda was curious to hear what Liam would say to the group on the first tryouts of their leadership. She did little to hide a roll of her eyes about his comment about her being beautiful. Sure it was the first time she'd ever been told it by a boy, but since it was said by Liam who seemed to want to flirt with anything with a pulse, it didn't stand much ground. "I would just like to clarify, that you won't be getting onto this team by beauty alone," she shot a glance at her co captain, glad that he hadn't been left to lead the Slytherins by himself. "We need to show the other houses that they will not be taking our reign, and while we have to be teammates on the pitch, we also need to be able to trust one another and I hope this is something we can build on off the pitch too." Trust was a hard word in her vocabulary, but she trusted the team had her back, especially when it came to the beaters. "Good luck!" She added finally, wondering who would be joining them this year.
Excited and eager to show the captains her abilities as a Beater, Paige skipped her way towards the Quidditch pitch. She always enjoyed watching Quidditch matches with her parents and siblings, enjoyed playing the sport with them too, but this would be different from those times she played with her family. It would be difficult to convince the captains to let a first year on the team so knew that she had to give it all in order for them to even consider her. She smiled as she stepped onto the pitch and headed for the spot where everyone was standing. Paige waved at the people already present and looked around the pitch whilst she waited for the tryouts to begin. The school's pitch when huge compared with the pitch her family often used... If you could even call that a pitch. Paige turned her attention back to the front and listened attentively. She grinned at the comment Let's about about Liam's earlier statement. At least they weren't boring. Once introductions were out of the way, the Slytherin stepped in line to introduce her to the captains. "Paige Thompson trying out for the beater position," she said to the pair of them and then turned around to mount her broomstick.

Kicking herself off of the ground, Paige started doing laps around the stadium whilst she waited for one of the captains to call out all of the students trying our for Beater. When they finally did, Paige flew towards the ground to pick up one of the practice clubs and began her try out. She flew circles around the pitch, her eyes focused on the few budgers zooming around them. She leaned forward on the broom when she noticed that one of the budgers was going for its target and stretched out her arm. If she would hit the first one, surely she would he others as well. Paige smashed the budger with all her strength towards her own target and watched it as it made its way towards the target. Cheering when it hit the target, Paige resumed her job as Beater and both defended and attacked her teammates.
With Emilia and his relationship fresh on his mind, Derek was rather pleased that he wouldn't need to do much in this try-out, instead he would be able to just nod along, listen and be sure that he practiced. he was pleased with who Odette had put in charge of the team, trusting both of them a whole lot to lead this team and whatever form it might take to a victory. Derek listened to the two of them, nodding along as he did so and smiling vaguely. Finally he was able to just get started, he got onto his broom and shot up into the air. Ready and raringly for this year of quidditch to get started.
Daintree had decided that he would give the sport a try this year. After a few rugby games and a few failed arguments with his dad about the merits of this school Dain had decided to get a little more stuck in. The second year had been on sports teams in the past, had been good on sports teams in the past, so he couldn't imagine he'd have too much trouble now. Quidditch seemed fine, okay so Daintree hadn't done well at the flying class but that was months ago, he was obviously better now and he had practiced a few times in the meantime. It didn't much matter that Daintree didn't have much of an idea how to play quidditch, but wasn't like he'd understood hockey when he'd first tried it or rugby and he'd gotten by fine. The slytherin listened to the two captains speak, knowing that if he was to do well he would need to at the very least respect those people. He nodded along with them before the try-out got under way. The boy stepped forward ignoring those he might've just pushed in front of and gave the captains a small smile. "Daintree Vaskevold, here to try out for beater," the boy spoke plainly, opting to not talk about his sport victories and rather focus on the task at hand.
The boy got a broom and got unsteadily upon it. His father had promised, if he got on to the team he would get Dain the best broom money could buy, but for now he was stuck with this cheap broom his father had persuaded him would be a good start, even if neither of them had known anything about brooms. The slytherin smiled a little as he grabbed one of the bats and then with that in one hand and the other tightly gripped on the broom he shot up into the air. he was a little unsteady, not balancing quite right but enough that it was going okay for him. He wasn't falling off and that was a good sign. The role was fairly evident, he'd seen it in the quidditch games from the year prior, had seen enough to know what the basic principle of it was. He took in the pitch before him as he set off, flying with some relative ease, finding it similar to surfing. He hit a few bludgers, one of them going not exactly in the direction he had wanted but he had managed to actually hit something. As the practice went on, Daintree got a little better at it, steadier at flying, hit a few more bludgers, actually got a few to go in the right direction. One even hit a player it was supposed to. All in all, Daintree felt a little better about it. Maybe this hadn't been a pointless endeavour. He didn't think he'd make the team but, he'd given it his best shot. He returned to the ground when the try-out was over, pleased that in his next argument for leaving the school he'd be able to leverage his try-out.
Blake had had high hopes about their old captain graduating. Finally he would have a captain who would see his talents, and make him the star of the show he was always supposed to be. Liam had always been Blake's favourite person on the team, the kind of guy he could really look up to, and Blake was sure the older boy would see his talents and give him the position he deserved. Blake hadn't even really paid any attention to anything on the tryout announcement other than Liam's name. Perfect. Things were finally going his way, and Blake couldn't wait to take his rightful spot as star of the show.

So when Blake arrived at the pitch for tryouts, it was with a sense of horror as he realised that annoying girl seeker had been made a co-captain. What?! Now he would never get rid of her! Blake knew he was better than Leda, and he was gonna prove it, even if the stupid girl-centric boy hating team would never let him play. "Blake Irons, Seeker." He said firmly when his turn came before kicking off with all his strength, wanting to show himself as the powerful player he was. He soared around the pitch in a wide arc, looking for the snitch as he went. To Blake's relief it didn't take long before he spotted the golden ball up ahead, and he flattened himself to his broom, shooting forwards in pursuit of the snitch. The ball was determined to make it difficult, ducking and weaving as it flew away from Blake, and he twisted and angled his broom as he chased after it, trying to mirror the snitch's movements. It reminded Blake a bit of his first tryout, but he was pleased to feel in much better control of his broom than he had been back then. After an arduous chase, Blake finally closed his fingers around cool metal, grinning in triumph as he held the snitch high. Once he was sure the captains had seen his success Blake released the snitch and resumed the chase, managing to catch the ball several more times before tryouts came to an end. By the time he returned to the ground, Blake felt great. He was certain he had proved himself, and hopefully shown Liam the kind of seeker he could have if he ditched his co-captain.
Sapphire sauntered onto the pitch behind the others as she usually did. She stood near the back, letting the others announce themselves before stepping up herself. "Sapphire Michaels, beater." She told the two co-captains even though she was sure they already knew. She didn't expect to be given the spot unless she earned it. She had practiced with Onyx throughout the break, and even though he'd announced he wouldn't try out for the teams again, she knew she would. She shot around the field as quickly as ever, and she liked to think her aim had improved this year.

Not wanting to maim anyone during try-outs, she made it a point to send the bludgers flying through the center of the middle hoop with each hit. It took a few times calibrating, but by the time practice had ended Sapphire had accomplished her goal several times. She felt pleased. Being the alternate for the last few years had paid off. She hoped she made at least the same position as she had in the previous years, though she hoped for the open spot with Liam. She nodded to the captains as she landed, before popping some cinnamon gum into her mouth and sauntering off with her broom over her shoulders.
Sara had hardly been able to play last year, and she was really relieved (and mildly surprised) that they hadn’t kicked her off the team. This year, she did plan to play more, considering it was her final year at both Hogwarts and on the team. She arrived to the pitch and saw some new faces, fighting the urge to roll her eyes when she saw who had been named co-captain with Leda. She didn’t mind Liam per se, but he was known as the biggest flirt in Slytherin, or at least, out of everyone Sara knew. She stood with some of team members, nodding in greeting towards some of her teammates. When the Caps’ speeches were over, Sara mounted her broom, doing a few laps in warm-up before she decided to help a few who were trying out.
Mordred was tired. It was a new year, and he just did not know what he was going to do with himself. He walked to the pitch slowly. He was in no rush. He just hoped that this year Slytherin would actually win. He listened as the captains spoke before he flew over to the South hoops. He made sure that he was on his A game. Tyler had said that his position was useless, and that made Mordred work even harder to prove his worth to his team.
With the help her dad over the holidays Olivia had trained hard in preparation for the Quidditch tryouts in the new year. She made her way to the Quidditch pitch with her gleaming never before ridden broom hoping she would impress. She was beginning to regret not breaking her new broom in before the tryouts but it was too late for such thoughts, it was now or never. She walked out onto the pitch and once tryout began she stepped forward to introduce herself, choosing to focus her attention on the female captain as the male one seemed a bit...creepy. "Olivia Woodlock, trying out for chaser," She announced before mounting her broom and taking off to begin.

Olivia took took the quaffle and began to make her way toward, she weaved as if moving between imaginary places in an attempt to keep the keeper guessing where she was going to shoot. She launched the quaffle toward the center hoop banging on the keeper moving to defend one of the side hoops but he didn't move and he easily caught it. Olivia looked sheepishly over at the captain's to see if they had seen her poor first attempt. Shot two hit the hoop itself before going through, Olivia had been nervous she had missed two shots in a row but it was a minor miracle the quaffle had rolled the right way. Shots three and four sailed through different hoops, on both occasions Olivia had attempted to make the keeper guess wrong, she succeed on one but the other he guessed right and dived for the save but the quaffle had gone through the hoop any way. When she came to her last shot Olivia was feeling confident she smirked as she faked a throw which made the keeper dive to make a save, with the quaffle still in hand she threw it toward the center hoop, the one she had aimed for on her first throw but on this occasion she actually scored. When she returned to the ground she nodded at the captains and walked away,
Luna had been dreading Quidditch tryouts because she knew she would see Leda. She had managed to avoid the girl so far in the new year but as she was now a co-captain, Leda was unavoidable on the quidditch pitch. Luna had been left mortified after the common room incident and they hadn't spoken since. She made her way out onto the pitch where some of her teammates already were and smiled awkwardly at Leda and nodded her head at Liam. She didn't like the boy and was baffled as to why he'd been selected as co-captain when Leda deserved to do it on her own.
Jai Edogawa-Raven was quite excited to be out in the Pitch today. He was finally a second year and could tryout for the Slytherin Quidditch teams. He had been looking forward to this ever since he had worked out that he would be attending Hogwarts New Zealand. His mum had been the one to teach him how to fly after all, and he had loved it ever since. Of course, it also didn't help that his mum used to play for her own house team as a Keeper. Well, he did not want to play Keeper though. He wanted to play as a Chaser. Tryouts definitely could not begin soon enough.
Jai waited for his turn, quietly fidgeting in his excitement. Soon enough, the wait was over. The young boy stepped forward and grinned at the older players, yep, Quidditch was definitely something he could get excited for. "Jai Edogawa-Raven, trying out for Chaser," he said before mounting his broom and waiting for the signal to begin. As soon as he took off, one of the other Slytherins had gotten to the quaffle and Jai merely grinned at this. He didn't mind whether he was the first to have gotten the quaffle or not, they were a team after all and so the boy tailed after his teammate until he could fly comfortably at their side, and provide assistance whenever needed - of course there wasn't much assistance to be provided given that they weren't playing with any of the other house teams yet. On the next play, Jai managed to scoop the quaffle from the air and managed to make a sharp turn towards the hoops, maneuvering around a bludger that had been hit by one of the beaters trying out. With the quaffle securely tucked to his side, Jai flew towards the hoops and made his first attempt at shooting. He failed and while it was quite a shame, Jai did not expect it to be easy. It took two more times for Jai to get the quaffle past the more seasoned player and managed to shoot it towards the rightmost hoop. Jai cheered for the small victory before continuing on with tryouts. Soon enough, tryouts were called to a halt and Jai was almost disappointed to be back on the ground but at least soon enough the results would at least be announced.
OOCOut of Character:
Last call for Y34 Slytherin try outs! This will be closing in approximately 24 hours :frantics:

Derek TahanaChaser
Luna Urquhart-CadeChaser
Sara BenivieniChaser
Liam Waldgrave (Co-Captain)Beater
Sapphire MichaelsBeater
Mordred CavanaughKeeper
Leda Layton (Co-Captain)Seeker
Blake IronsAlternate Seeker
Jasper NightAlternate Chaser
Jai Edogawa-RavenAlternate Chaser
Daintree VaskevoldAlternate Beater

Thanks all for trying out!

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