Y32 Duelling Match #26

Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (64)
Monty was starting to make bets in his head about who would win the duelling tournament, though he expected he would be wrong. The students were by now so evenly matched that it was impossible to tell who would emerge victorious. Gesturing the next two up onto the stage, he explained the rules again and then allowed them to begin.

OOCOut of Character:
All right, make sure that you use the spell list for guidance. No board rule breaking is acceptable. Have fun! I have a copy of the code that you should use with every post. Remember, when you are knocked out, unable to shoot anymore spells, you lost. And if you run out of points, you lose.

The duel begins now. If someone doesn't post after 24 hours, they are disqualified.

[b]Current Points:[/b]
[hr]RP content[hr][b]Action(s) Taken:
Point Changes:
Points Remaining:[/b]
Current Points: 150

Relief from the fact that her duel with Tristan was behind her soaked into October's bones like steam from a warm bath, relaxing all her tensed nerves. Her next opponent held no real concern for her. October was familiar with the Slytherin from classes, and though it had been a battle of words, rather than spells, October felt secure in having won their previous encounter years ago in the arts room. Now there was nothing left to do but focus on her abilities, and win the duel. Quick reflexes snapping into action she struck at once, hoping to get this duel over as tidily as she had finished the one with Tristan. "Stupefy!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining:145
Current Points: 150

Odette was happy to find herself in the final round for her year. The only opponent in her way was October Alcott, a girl she knew only vaguely. October was a prefect, and one of those annoying girls who seemed perfect in every way. The two of them had once argued in the arts room, but Odette figured the other girl had forgotten about that by now. October went first, and Odette blocked her spell. Then she sent one back. "Expelliarmus!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:140
Current Points: 145

As nice as it would be, October expected her first spell wouldn't be enough to catch her opponent off guard, and she was ready with a shielding spell. Returning to the tactic that had worked for her so far, October moved as she cast her next spell, hoping to catch the Slytherin at an angle she wouldn't expect. "Petrificus Totalus!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:135
Current Points: 140

Odette knew the girl on the other side of the platform wouldn't be easy to beat, but still felt a little disappointed when her spell failed to hit. She blocked the girl's next spell, wondering what sort of thing would catch her off guard. Odette decided to go for something a little different now. She sent a Knee-reversing hex at the other girl.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:130
Current Points: 135

October stayed focused on her opponent, ready with another shielding spell when the Slytherin retaliated. She tried to use her diminutive height to catch the girl unaware, aiming her next spell from a low angle. "Expelliarmus!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:125
Current Points: 130

Odette blocked October's spell, though the angle was a bit unexpected. She managed to block it, thankfully, and quickly sent a spell back. She fired a Babbling curse October's way.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:120
Current Points: 125

October watched the girl, frustrated, and gripped her wand firmly as she shielded against the retaliation. It bothered her less than in the duel with Tristan, but October had still hoped this duel would be over more quickly. Moving as she retaliated, October fired another spell back. "Confundo!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:115
Current Points: 120

Odette was glad she managed to block the next spell too, and flashed her opponent a smile. She was enjoying the duel, remembering once again why she always signed up for this tournament. She decided on something a bit more daring. "Diffindo."
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:110
Current Points: 115

October's frown deepened slightly at the Slytherin's smile, which she answered with a displeased look. October wasn't especially interested in finding this fun, she just wanted to win. She had come so close now, and wanted to take home the victory. Gripping her wand firmly, she shielded against the other girl's spell and retaliated quickly. "Stupefy!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:105
Current Points: 110

Odette could tell the other girl was getting a bit frustrated, and it only made her more delighted. It had been a while since she let herself be a little bit mean, but in a competition it wasn't all bad, right? She blocked the girl's spell, then sent one her way that would spice things up. "Incendio!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining:100
Current Points: 105

October had been prepared to block another spell, but hadn't expected the particular one that came. Was this girl actually trying to kill her?! Heart racing, October blocked the spell quickly and gritted her teeth as she fired back. "Expelliarmus!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 95
Current Points: 100

Odette had expected the fire to hit the girls robes, if anything. It had been used in the duels before, so she didn't think anything bad about using it. She was definitely having more fun than October was, and that was good. "Levicorpus!" She fired at her.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 90
Current Points: 95

October was starting to become genuinely frustrated with this girl. She shielded quickly, and turned as she replied, trying to catch her unawares again. "Stupefy!" She cast, frowning. Maybe if October had been in a better mood she would have made more creative choices of spells, but as it was she just wanted this duel over and done with.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 85
Current Points: 90

Odette jumped to the side to avoid the spell October sent her way, but then laughed. "Really? You're repetitive." She called to the Ravenclaw. "I thought you guys were supposed to be smart and creative. Impedimentia!" She cast quickly after her words, hoping that it would catch the other girl off guard.
Action(s) Taken: Dodged spell, Cast Spell
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 75
Due to the 24 hour rule, Odette Harper is the winner.

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