Y28 Duelling Match #9

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Professor Misha Haden led the two contestants to the stage, appointing them into the north or south part of the stage respectively. He told them both the rules as well as the point system before walking off the stage to just watch from a good distance. He was sure this would be a good clean game, but he was ready to step in if he was needed to.

OOCOut of Character:

All right, make sure that you use the spell list for guidance. No board rule breaking is acceptable. Have fun! I have a copy of the code that you should use with every post. Remember, when you are knocked out, unable to shoot anymore spells, you lost. And if you run out of points, you lose.
The duel begins now. If someone doesn't post after 24 hours, they are disqualified.

</i>[b]Current Points:[/b] 
[hr]RP content[hr][b]Action(s) Taken:[/b] 
[b]Point Changes:[/b]
[b]Points Remaining:[/b]
Current Points: 150</COLOR>

Teagan signed up for the dueling tournament just to get out all the frustration she has building up. It has been a cruel year; everything from Nora herself and the warning from the Ministry of Magic. The Ravenclaw didn't understand her family sometimes an who could keep up when they're tons? The tournament started with her opponent being in the Gryffindor house. Thinking about the house made her irk to the extent. Should she treat this girl like she treat Woods and Finch is up to her mood right now. Teagan took the north of the platform. Wanting to finish it with one swift of her wand, she bowed first, at least she has respect for this one. And upon recovering her head up, the blonde Ravenclaw didn't had a second thought to cast the disarming spell on her. <COLOR color="#000">"Expelliarmus!" She said calmly without shouting the word. It was strong enough with her emotion flaring up.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145

Current Points: 150</COLOR>

After having won the last dueling tournament for her grade year, Bee was pumped to sign up for it again this year. She was ready to win again! She didn't know who her opponent was but it didn't matter because she was going to beat her in no time. Bee was extremely competitive so there would be no backing down from her. She bowed at girl and grinned wickedly as she raised her wand at the ready. Bee blocked her incoming spell and shot back "Stupefy!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 140

Current Points: 145</COLOR>

The Ravenclaw smirked impressively at her opponent, and immediately cast a shield charm. With a quick flick of her own wand, she cast <COLOR color="#000">"Desaugeo!" this time with a force on her tone.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135

Current Points: 140</COLOR>

Bee saw the spell coming for her and she was so short she was able to duck to avoid being hit with it. She hissed at her clumsy mistake and fired back "Diffindo!" She was playing to win.
Action(s) Taken: Dodge Spell, Cast Spell
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-15
Points Remaining: 125

Current Points: 135</COLOR>

Teagan almost had her opponent and she was busy thinking of another spell when the Gryffindor fired back a spell she didn't wanted to get hit but got hit anyways at her left side. She moaned in pain and checked her side. Blood was coming out. It didn't bother her and made another attempt to cast a spell. <COLOR color="#000">"Incendio!" Teagan said with a wince.
Action(s) Taken: Hit by Spell / Cast Spell
Point Changes: +15 -5
Points Remaining: 145

Current Points: 125</COLOR>

Bee cheered internally when her spell hit her target, trying to remind herself that it was just a dueling tournament so she shouldn't feel bad for her opponent. Her wounds would be taken care of as soon as the duel was over and it would be fine. She heard the spell being fired at her and gasped as she threw up the blocking shield before she caught fire, just in time. That could've been disastrous, so Bee quickly yelled out, "Stupefy!"
Action(s) Taken: Spell Successful, Blocked Spell, Cast Spell
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-20, -5, -5
Points Remaining: 95

Current Points: 145</COLOR>

Teagan's face can't be painted at that time, she keep wincing at the pain on her side and all she can do is dodge the spell and so she drop to the ground. And there, still dropped to her knees, the blonde Ravenclaw fired a spell. <COLOR color="#000">"Reducto!" She said with force, once the spell was released, she stood slowly. Half of the body of her wand was stained with her blood from the hand that first touched her side.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell Dodge Spell
Point Changes: -5 -10
Points Remaining: 130

Current Points: 95</COLOR>

Bee thought the girl was done once she saw her drop to her knees, so she wasn't expecting the spell coming her way. It didn't hit her but it the stage she was standing on since the girl had fired from a low angle and it collapsed beneath her feet. Bee stumbled and fell but she wasn't hurt too badly, she didn't want to go down without a fight. Struggling to stand up over the fallen stage, she shouted back the Jelly Brain Jinx.
Action(s) Taken: Spell Hit, Cast Spell
Point Changes: <COLOR color="green">+15, -5
Points Remaining: 105

Current Points: 130</COLOR>

The Ravenclaw was busy putting pressure on her side and did not bother to look at her opponent because she fell and thought she had time to patch her wound. When Teagan just felt light headed, the room blurry. Was she hallucinating when she saw her real mum? Teagan shook her head but dropped to the ground blacking out.
Action(s) Taken: Hit by Spell
Point Changes: <COLOR color="green">+15
Points Remaining: 145

The duel had gone rather well, but the ravenclaw was knocked out. He walked over, revived the girl before saying, "Since Miss Maxwell was no longer able to compete, Bethany Zanders is the winner," He announced giving a smile towards the girl who'd won and allowing them both to leave.

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