Y27 Gryffindor Quidditch Try Outs

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Archie had some big shoes to fill as a captain but he was willing to live up to the task and be the best captain he could be, alongside Ailsa of course. He was happy to have one of his closest friends beside him as she could help him make decisions which would hopefully lead the team to victory. After arriving to the pitch and placing his gear to one side so it wouldn't be in the way, Archie stretched both his arms then squared his shoulders as he spoke to the group of students that had gathered. There were old faces and many new ones. Archie couldn't wait to begin the try outs and gather an idea of what the team would be like in the upcoming year so he quickly said "Okay guys, my name's Archie and I'll be one of your captains this year. I want to get right into these try outs so, if you're new, as soon as you're ready I want you to state your name, and what position you're trying out for." He paused, then continued when he noticed everyone was listening. "Old members don't need to try out, but alternates do and of course everyone that is new to the team. Now let's get started guys!" He ended his little speech on a positive note, wanting to waste no time getting to the fun part which was seeing everyone try out. He smiled as the group dispersed, excited for what was to come.


Zara Lovette

Rudolf Lagowski

Falon Urie

Scarlet Frost

Ailsa Evans

Archie Renner

James Cade

[th colspan="2"]Gryffindor Team[/th]
OOCOut of Character:
If you were on the team last year you're guaranteed your spot as long as you post attendance here before the try outs close! Alternates need to try out again and if I've forgotten you on the list please let me know via PM! We can always use extra players and alternates especially so please try out and have fun! :D

If you're a first year and you want to try out, please PM me before posting as you'll only be able to try out if there's a need for more players!
Ailsa had been surprised when she along with Archie had been captain of the Gryffindor team, she had mostly been surprised because in her mind the obvious choice was more Archie than her, but she was happy with the outcome. The girl had her broom in hand a small smile on her face, she was just keen to get started on the try-outs, she was excited for it. She had never been on this side of it, as something more than just a player, and though she was happy to have Archie lead it all, she was keen on getting started and evaluating the performances of the the people trying out so that they could have the best team ever and once again, like in the previous year win the cup. The teen smiled easily at her friend as he began explaining she didn't interrupt and she didn't correct him on anything he said despite really wanting to. it wasn't too long of a speech and she just nodded in agreement with what he said, moving to just get started watching the young people trying out for the team.
The whole last year had been wasted watching her roommates from the sidelines, and Lizzie wasn't going to let this one go to waste too. Broom clutched firmly in her hand, she hurried down to the quidditch pitch, eyes bright and heart racing. A whole year without any real sports had been torture, and Lizzie was beyond eager to get moving and have something to actually do with her time now. One of the first applicants to make it to the pitch, she listened eagerly to the captain, excited to get in the air and show what she could do. When they were called on to introduce themselves Lizzie's hand shot into the air, waving urgently. "Lizzie Taylor! Trying out for Beater!"

It had taken a bit of consideration to decide which position to try out for, but after a lot of thinking, Lizzie had settled on Beater as the position with the perfect combination of active play, independence, and challenge to focus. She had spent more of the winter flying than ever before, even forsaking precious time on her snowboard to practice for the tryouts, and the big moment had arrived. When the time came she mounted her broom confidently and kicked off hard, doing a quick rotation upside down as she rose in a move she had practised over and over at home to hopefully impress the captain right from the beginning.

After flying a couple of warmup laps Lizzie rose to a high altitude and hovered for a moment, surveying the pitch, before angling the nose of her broom down and tilting into a steep, rapid dive, gripping the broom firmly with her free hand. At about halfway down she pulled out of the dive rapidly and hardly looked before darting off in another direction, trying hard to show her chops as a dynamic flier. Lizzie's skiing and snowboarding experience made her fearless in the face of changing altitudes and fast acceleration, and she wanted to do everything she could to demonstrate that ability, make it clear that she wouldn't wimp out of anything.

Once she spotted a bludger nearby Lizzie resettled herself on her broom, crossing her feet tightly underneath the broom as she reoriented and darted after the bludger, bat swinging fast and connecting to the ball with a sharp crack. Grinning and riding the high of her success so far, Lizzie flew up a little higher and began circling, keeping her eye on the bludger. As the ball approached again Lizzie looped a little loop and swung again, but her cocky manoeuvre threw Lizzie's aim off and she missed, swinging too hard at nothing and almost throwing herself off the broom entirely. Tightening her grip and panting with panic, Lizzie righted herself just enough to get stable in time to swing roughly at the bludger again before it got too near her, sending it flying off a short distance.

Resettling herself, Lizzie breathed out a long, shaky sigh and tried to let go of the embarrassment and creeping feeling of failure, determined to redeem herself after almost falling so disasterously like that. Steeling herself, Lizzie flew after the bludger in a slightly more controlled way, getting in a couple more decent hits and making a couple more near misses, though none nearly as disasterous as the first one. When it came time for her final strike, Lizzie made up her mind. She had been practicing a move that dad called reckless, and maybe it was, but if Lizzie could pull it off, maybe it'd redeem her enough to still make the team.

Squeezing the broom as hard as she could with her thighs, Lizzie swung upside down and let go, using both hands on her bat to deliver an harsh smack to the bludger, hanging off the broom like monkey bars at the playground at her old school. Grinning and proud of her fancy move, Lizzie struggled a little to grab hold of the broom again and pull herself up enough to flip back the right way, but after a slightly wobbly recovery she righted herself, beaming triumphantly as she descended back towards the captain. She touched down with a confident smile to the captain, panting hard as she struck a cocky pose before falling back in with the rest of the group, sweaty and exhausted, muscles strained to their limits.
The Gryffindor couldn't believe she was a Fourth Year already. She felt as if her time at Hogwarts was racing by, but Falon was excited to get into Quidditch again. She flung her broom over her shoulder and made her way down to the Quidditch Pitch. She was glad she didn't have to try out again, but she was desperate to get up into the air. She'd have to wait until after the try outs, but then Falon would whip around the Pitch. Falon didn't have too much of an opportunity to practice because their family lived around muggles, but she didn't think that she would have gotten worse. Falon smiled at the two named captain, and moved out of the way for the new people to trial.
Wyatt licked his lips as he waited for what was to come. After both his uncle and cousin had given him a few intensive Quidditch training sessions and three years of practice the boy felt certain that he was good enough to try out for the Gryffindor team. Or at least he couldn't be as bad as some of the players he had seen in the past. It helped, too, that he had built a strong confidence level from hearing that it wasn't hopeless to dream of working in medicine. He only had to alter his path and be more realistic (though it felt more fantastical) with his dreams. Wyatt Finch now felt he could proudly represent Gryffindor thanks to Professor Kingsley's kind and helpful words so he left his friends to approach the Quidditch Pitch, feeling only certain that he would succeed.

As he approached there were faces he most certainly recognised from the Common Room and even classes there decked in basic Quidditch Gear with whatever brooms and bats they could manage. He was donned similarly except with his cousin's professional Beater's bat as this was lucky. He could only think it would be as it had helped the Falmouth Falcon's win a game. He smiled at the infamous red headed boy who instructed those who were actually participating in try-outs. With only alternative positions available he knew it was limited and he was unlikely to actually play a game this season but that did not mean he wouldn't try. In fact it made him work harder after he looked up to the co-captains and said, "Wyatt Finch, trying out for Beater." His nerves only rocked him when he kicked off from the ground and flew into position for the pseudo-game to begin.

Quickly bopping through the sky with near break-neck speeds Wyatt felt sure of himself and his abilities. Thanks to lacrosse and surfing he felt that he would be on the best track because he had no problems handling a stick and therefor the bat would be no problem either. As for surfing, the sport would only allow the boy to try to do more daring and perhaps more difficult things though he was no show pony. It wasn't long before he saw a bludger barrelling towards another player so he pushed himself forward with a hastened pace and managed to send it in the opposing direction with a firm but smooth crack of the beater's bat he had borrowed. A small smile and he continued on his way, flying past the would-be and current chasers, even passing the quaffed on when he could though he remembered his priorities. He saw a bludger coming his way and squaring his shoulders and tightening his grip on the bat he once more sent the wild ball out, towards the goal posts to distract the opposing player's keeper so that he could enable a score for another player. He wanted the whole team to succeed, not only himself, so this was important to Wyatt.

The beater hopeful flicked his gaze forward as he zoomed expertly through the sky as he continued to follow the trajectory of the second bludger which he aimed to hit before a Gryffindor girl could. They were in competition for this position and he wanted only to get first pick for any alternating games that the beater could. Since all positions were full this was the best he could truly hope for so the boy tightened his grip on the bat once more and he knocked that away as well, glad for it.

It wasn't much longer since the 'game' had finished with the snitch being caught so Wyatt did a quick lap around the pitch before touching down and he smiled at the older boy. "Thanks, man." With this the American left, hoping so much to have impressed him enough to get to play for the team.
James enjoyed being the Gryffindor seeker, it gave him confidence and it was a great way to impress girls so he was looking forward to continuing into the new season. James walked out onto the pitch clutching his broom, he looked around at the nervous hopefuls and was glad that he didn't have to tryout again. No captain would be trying a move like that anytime soon after the player rebelled when Lowan and Skye did it. James listened as Archie welcomed the first years and gave them a little talk before he got on his broom and took a few laps before returning to the ground. He wasn't going to help any younger students try to become his alternate. The last thing he wanted for some kid to make the team and for the captain to 'alternate the squad' and 'give everyone a chance'. He hoped Archie would have more sense than that. After all, James had never failed to catch a snitch so far, and he didn't intend to start anytime soon.
Lyra Potter had not tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team in two years. Her mother had not allowed it because of Lyra's behavior at the school and at home. However, Lyra had been on her very best behavior this past break and finally got Kiera to agree to let her try out for the house team once more. She knew there was a chance she wouldn't make the team, but she felt confident in her abilities. She was actually very good at Quidditch. She had been flying as long as she could walk. Quidditch ran in her blood as both of her parents had been great professional players. Besides, Falon was on the team and Lyra wouldn't mind spending more time with her.

Lyra went down to the great hall and ate breakfast with the rest of the Gryffindors before heading out to the Quidditch Pitch for the tryouts. There was already a sizable group in the arena. Lyra waved to Falon as she arrived. "I'm Lyra Potter, and I'm trying out for chaser." she said, confidently. Lyra jumped on her broom and took to the skies. The broom felt like an extension of herself. She flew quickly through the air along with the others trying out. The Gryffindor fourth year soared around the pitch, pushing her broom to go faster. One of the things that Lyra loved about flying and Quidditch was the thrill of the wind whipping past your head and the dizzying heights you could reach. It was perfectly reckless, and she couldn't love it more.

Lyra snatched the Quaffle out of the air as it was thrown up in the air. She passed it back and forth with the other Chasers, proving that she could work on a team as they made their way up and down the pitch. She attempted five total shots at the goals during the tryout, and she made three of the five. Her mother had been an excellent chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, and Lyra had talked her in to helping her during the break when they weren't all helping at Ollivander's. She thought she had done well, and she hoped she had done well enough to land herself a space as an alternate since there were no open positions on the team. Lyra landed on the ground with a smile on her face before making her way over to Falon to catch up.
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Leo could not love Quidditch more. It was the reason he was able to be so cheerful and motivated all the time - without it, life would be boring. To him it was liberating. It was a place he could escape to when he needed a break from his parents constantly sending him owls about improving his grades. He knew they were important and it was the reason he promised to work hard for real starting from now. Leo could not bear being a disappointment to them another time. He was getting tired of their nagging. But with school also came the wonderful sport of quidditch and he could not refuse to play it. Sure he meant to work extremely hard but in order to do that he needed something else too. Quidditch was the balance he needed.

With this positivity in mind, Leo walked down to the pitch, more than ready to show the new quidditch captain what he was capable of doing on a broom. Last year had admittedly been a disaster but he was not going to let anything come between him and his hobby. He was that determined. Besides, he had practiced over the summer break (in Italy where no one could see except for his family).

After the speech Archie gave, the third year went up to him and introduced himself and the position he was trying out for. "Leo Benivieni, trying out for chaser." He grinned very optimistically at the cap and mounted his broom, not forgetting to grab a quaffle first. It was unusual to his direct family that he loved quidditch so much, but it didn't surprise Leo. He always adored the strangest of things compared and unrelated to his family, considering he came from a muggle one.

Leo took a deep breath before urging his broom to go forwards, quaffle in one hand, the adrenaline already kicking in. He almost stopped himself shouting out of joy when he scored his first 'goal'. He gained speed, unfortunately missing the next few. His senses began to snap him back into action and for the last time, Leo flew faster than he knew he was capable of and slowed down just a bit when he got near the hoop, enough for him to raise his hand and throw the quaffle as far as he could, with as much force as he could muster.

When Archie signaled for the tryouts to be over, Leo smiled to himself, proud of his achievements. In the end he had scored three out of six goals. The Gryffindor flew back down to the ground, dismounting his broom and running up to the captain, panting. "That was great. Thanks, cap." With a last friendly smile, Leo made his way up to the castle, ready to tell his siblings everything.
Rudolf had every reason to feel confident about the year ahead; Gryffindor had, like, the best seeker ever (or maybe Rudolf was a little biased), and the rest of the team were pretty good, too. Besides, Hufflepuff's team captain was now Reuben, and whilst Rudolf was incredibly proud of his twin, he couldn't deny that a little of his good cheer came from his confidence that Hufflepuff wouldn't win a single match. All they really had to worry about now was Slytherin and Ravenclaw, but with James Cade as their seeker, Rudolf wasn't particularly inclined to worry. He gave his best friend a thump on the shoulder by way of greeting, and then stood back next to him to watch the tryouts.
Falon UrieChaser
Rudolf LagowskiChaser
Lyra PotterChaser
Ailsa EvansBeater
Lizzie TaylorBeater
Archie RennerKeeper
James CadeSeeker
Leo BenivieniAlternate Chaser
Wyatt FinchAlternate Beater
[th colspan="2"]Gryffindor Team Y27[/th]

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