Y19 Quidditch

Professor Abbigale Jinxx said:
it's about time someone scored. I mean really?
Well done Pandora :r
To the system, you all basically suck right now. The only boost that you had to your score was based on how many years you'd played prior and it was a very small boost. First year chasers (and any other position), as the teams had, had the worst boost of all so it was no surprise to me that Belladonna, who had the quaffle a lot, never scored. That Pandora actually did score is pretty neat (with my above explanation, perhaps you can see how neat it is too). :)

But, as I believe I stated earlier, your starting odds will be slightly (very slightly) higher next game now that you've played in one.

Also,School Quidditch is equivalent to mixing little league with high school teams because of all the year levels represented. Have you seen a little league game? :p . So, even if we do tweak the odds, continue to expect to fail more than you succeed. You'll enjoy your successes more because of it. It's character building. ;)
I've actually never seen a little league game, but thanks for the explanation :r
Professor Abbigale Jinxx said:
I've actually never seen a little league game, but thanks for the explanation :r
:o You don't know what you're missing!
I have been dreading this for a while, but I don't understand the Quidditch Part of Roleplay.

Like what can I post and what not. And Is there a time limit between posts?

I read the rules, but are there more limitations?

And the button is totally random right?

(I had no time to read through the whole topic igh.*)

Oh and do you have to use an action every time?
Well, captain isn't on so you got the next best person. I'm a pro at knowing what you can/can't do.

Like what can I post and what not. And Is there a time limit between posts?
Post RPing with the quaffle or following someone if they have it. You have free range, though don't automatically get from one area of the pitch to the other side (aka, catching a guard/score and then attempting). Well, there's no rule against that but it is fun to RP a few posts before attempting to score. There is and there isn't a time limit. As per the rules say: "If the quaffle is in the possession of someone who has not posted in four hours, you may post taking possession of the quaffle. You must be eligible to post this steal (either it has been four hours since your last post or you have had an opponent and teammate post before you). Please refer to rule 2a in your post." So, if a teammate and an opponent has not posted, you have to wait 4 hours. If they have, one hour needs to go by before you can post since you have to use an action.

I read the rules, but are there more limitations?
Not really.

And I the button is totally random right?
Nope. The button you should be pressing is "Other Action" until you RP that you have reached the goals. Once you reached the goals, then you will press the "Attempt Score" or something along those lines. Then the system will tell you if you have missed or scored, and RP according to that.

Oh and do you have to use an action every time?
Yes. The button labeled "Other Action" until you want to RP trying to score.
Tamara: You could also take a look at the other games for ideas of what you can and can't RP. :r
And, you really should take some time to read through all of the rules. Reading half of the rules isn't helpful, especially if you aren't reading the ones that apply to the position that your character plays. :correct:
Hopefully you should find it simple enough, though.
Usually if you can't see Quidditch buttons you shouldn't be posting. :tut:
Did Reeve forget to let the snitch out? I think he might have left it in the chest. :p
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Did Reeve forget to let the snitch out? I think he might have left it in the chest. :p
That's what Isabella is starting to think. :r
Someone ate the Snitch. :r
Can Sergios just fall off his broom and call it quits? :r
If his feet hit the ground, he will call it quits since that is against the rules. :p
I've had no luck with bludgers. Tybalt is apparently an awful beater. lol
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
If his feet hit the ground, he will call it quits since that is against the rules. :p
So tempting.
Isabella and Sergios need to get some pointers from Bridie. :r
Hahah noo! I was so shocked when I saw that it was successful!
So was I actually :p I was like, so fast?! Sarah was annoyed that she didn't even get to score :p
Hahaha sorry for catching the Snitch guys! :p
Because Birdie took the Snitch so soon, the other Snitch decided to hide away and did not wanted to be caught ever again. Now it has PTSD.
Riley Sparkles said:
Hahaha sorry for catching the Snitch guys! :p
Does Bridie want to be a Slytherin for like five minutes? :r
Glad someone finally got the snitch! xD
But it was the wrong team!

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