WPC Y46 S1 - Weeds & Flowers

Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
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Interested in Somebody
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
The gardens were one of Kiara's favourite spots around the castle and she loved being a part of the wild patch club and being able to take care of a small part of it. Even more so when she got asked to be co-leader of the club. She knew she had done very little during that time and had mostly just been trying to support Rosie who often took the lead. With graduation coming up at the end of the year she knew she had wanted to do something nice though and thus she had prepared one of this year's meetings. Not to mention she would be leading it, which made her more nervous than she would've liked to be. Especially when her original plan had needed some last minute adjustments when she noticed how some nasty weeds had managed to overtake a big part of the patch. "Right, uh, hi. Welcome." Kiara smiled as she greeted the club members, trying to speak up a little louder than she normally did so that hopefully everyone would hear her. "For today's meeting we've got a bit of a mix of activities for you. With spring coming to an end we're letting you guys pluck whichever spring flowers you want and get creative with them. You could just pick a few you like to put in some water and brighten up your dorm but we've also got some supplies for making flower crowns over there." She nodded towards a table to the side. "As you may notice, however, the weeds are pretty strong this year so we'd also gladly appreciate your help in carefully getting rid of those as well. Just make sure not to damage any of the other plants." Kiara finished, trying to figure out if there was anything else of importance she still needed to say but unable to come up with anything. She glanced at Rosie for a second before facing the group again. "That's pretty much it, I think, so unless Rosie has something to add we can all get started. We'll be here if you've got any questions."
Briony was more than keen to get out of the castle when she'd heard they had a Wild Patch meeting. She'd never felt more at home than hearing the name of the club, even if things tended to be a bit more 'patch' than 'wild'. She still enjoyed just being outside and jumped at the opportunity to get her hands a little dirty when Kiara asked them to clear up some weeds or work on a project with some of the Patch's plants.

Donning some gloves, Briony spent some time plucking out weeds, pretending she was an alchemist' apprentice harvesting herbs for awhile before getting a fun idea. Anyone could make a flower crown with flowers she figured, but what if she could use the weeds for more than just mulch on the compost pile. Collecting more carefully, Briony felt she'd done enough clearing and sat herself down in the grass to get to work, carefully weaving a sloppy braid of milkweed, dandelions, and a few thistles. "Ouch, stay put," she groused, glad there was no gorse in the gardens or this would be a lot harder. "I need to be... Queen of the Weeds," she muttered as another stem came loose while she fussed with the thistle and frowned.
Magne liked being outside, and the summer in New Zealand was nice. It wasn't as warm as he'd gotten use to in Greece but it was nice. This was by all accounts better than a summer in Greece. He walked to the grounds and to the wild patch and could immediately see what they'd be doing. He didn't need to understand what was being said in the slightest. Magne just got to work pulling up the weeds.
Aurora had wanted something nice and easy, and she knew that combined they would manage to get all the weeds. It wouldn't be hard in the slightest. Rosie stood with Kiara and smiled at the various students who were at the club with them. She smiled at all of them, looking between them happily, and nodded along with what was being said. "I don't have anything to add, just if you're unsure about if something is a weed or not, just ask!" she encouraged, before letting people get started, moving around to provide help and answer questions.
Callie loved being outside in the garden. She loved the wild patch for that reason. The girl was smiling easily, as she listened to what they were to do, and she decided she would pick some flowers and maybe give them to Dante or something. Callie began picking flowers, while also pulling up any weeds that there were. Making sure that she was getting the weed properly, and keeping the flowers she picked safe from being crushed.
Fraser was happy to have anything to do which wasn't exams or revision. He knew that he should try to revise, but it wasn't his fault that it was just so terribly boring. He was therefore glad for the wild patch event where he could just do something outside. De-weeding and picking flowers wasn't the most fun, but it was outside and it beat being boring indoors. He began immediately getting to work.
Margo always liked to spend time in the garden when she could but she was finding she had very little time this year to tend to it like she would have wanted. But at least with the Wild Patch there was always someone to take care of the plants if she didn't. Still she was glad to spend and afternoon cleaning up and making something. She carefully collected some flowers and fashioned them into a small but cute bouquet, as she reached for another daisy she noticed a young girl near by who seemed to be struggling. "Do you need some help?" she asked. "If you shave down some of the more woody stems they'll bend easier." she offered. @Briony Mettlestone
Naveen had been eager to see what the Wild Patch club was all about. He missed his garden back home and while he knew his dad was fully capable of taking care of it what he was gone, he still worried. As the club leader talked to them and went over what they would be doing he was excited to get his hands dirty, or rather his gloves dirty. When they were set off to get to work Naveen took one look at the club's garden beds and started to fret. There were plenty of weeds which was what they were there to clean up but he was starting to noticed plants that had been sewed too close together and other mistakes that made him anxious to look at. But first things first, he started weeding and putting together a list of things to bring to the club leader right away.
Briony looked up when one of the older club members spoke up, recognizing her as one of the prefects in the club. She admired the girl’s bouquet for a moment before looking down at her own project thoughtfully. “Shave it with what?” She asked pensively, picking at a particularly tough stem with her thumbnail and wincing when it bit into the quick under her nail. It was a lot harder than making daisy chains that was for sure. “This is what I get for using spiky plants, I guess. And my hands are all sticky too, ew,” she said with a very put upon sigh. @Margo Fox

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