Closed Wouldn't Fall For Someone I Thought Couldn't Misbehave

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Harley Tsuji

rebellious 🤘 artist 🤘 girl gang 🤘 punk forever!
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 Inch Swishy Sycamore Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
11/2030 (33)
Harley felt almost like she was living in a dream. This was her final school dance, ever. The time was creeping ever closer when she'd be leaving Hogwarts for good, and it was a lot to take in. She didn't know if the things she would miss outweighed the things she was excited for about adult life, but one way or another she was going to find out soon enough. Harley knew for sure she would miss school dances though, especially ones with her girlfriend. Squeezing Hayley's hand, Harley grinned as she pulled the Slytherin onto the dancefloor. "Let's daaaaance!" Harley laughed, moving with more enthusiasm than grace as she spun Hayley around. "Valentiiiines!"
Hayley couldn't quite believe this was real. Their last school dance, ever. They would never do this again, never see the Great Hall filled with brightly coloured crowds or ridiculously cheesy decorations. Hand in hand with her girlfriend, Hayley looked around, drinking it all in. She'd have to make a really good drawing of this night, and maybe give it to Harley, a memento of their last dance. For now, though, she was happy - more than happy - just to spend the night with Harley. Hayley whooped loudly as Harley pulled her onto the dancefloor. "Hell yeah! Let's do this!"
Harley laughed as she pulled Hayley close after a clumsy spin. "Our last school dance ever, this is so weird." Harley commented as she bobbed side to side with her girlfriend. "Can't believe we got old and gross. I bet second year us would be throwing food at seventh year us." She grinned, remembering how averse they had both been to romance as kids. "Too bad for second year us though, I like it this way." Harley added, leaning in to give Hayley a quick kiss.
Hayley was lost in the moment, the rhythm of the music, the feel of Harley's arms around her. She smiled, a little wistfully. "So weird, right? I can't get my head around it." She chuckled. "Man, so gross. All this - dumb - kissing - and stuff," she said, giving Harley swift kisses between each word. "Sh*t's changed so much. Just thinking of the dumb kids we were . . . man."
Harley swayed happily with Hayley to the music as they talked, giggling slightly between each quick kiss her girlfriend gave her. "Oh, totally." Harley laughed slightly, thinking back. "It's weird, like... how much we've changed, but I also... feel like we're still the same people. Like, fundamentally. We just got smarter." Harley laughed slightly. "Or dumber. Or both." She added, grinning as she lifted Hayley's hand up and did a twirl under her arm.
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