Would you rather....?

Not exactly knowing the difference in shows, I'll go with Nickelodeon, because it sounds similar to a name of somebody I know. :r

Would you rather listen to nails on a chalk board for 12 hours, or be in solitary confinement for a week (no human contact. no internet/entertainment of any sort. just you.)?
nail on chalk board, I can't live without internet and entertainment.

Would you rather RP something romantic or something evil?
Romantic because I suck at evil and love some mushy stuff :wub: xD

Would you rather have hot chocolate or chocolate milk?
I would say chocolate milk because after I drink a cup of hot chocolate I have to drink something else because my mouth feels dry.

Would you rather trip and fall in front of the person your crushing on or burp or break wind in front of someone your trying to get a job from?
Fall in front of my crush, though I don't have one xD

Would you rather eat something very spicy, or very sour?
very spicy because I like spicy and can tolerate it, I think

Would you rather get slapped by your teacher or get grounded by your parents?
Slapped by my teacher. Then I could sue them :shifty:

would you rather stick your hand in a bowl of maggots, or a bowl of cockroaches?
mobile for a week, as i barely use mine anyway
would you rather have a bad cold or sit an exam
sit an exam, once its over im free. If i have a cold im stuck with it

would you rather listen to music or be the one making it (eg. singing, guitar or some other musical machine :D )
listen to it! I love listening to music:)

Would you rather lock your sister in the toilet or a dark store ?
haha i'm sensing sister issues :p

well i don't have a real sister but i think the toilet would do just fine

would you rather walk the dog or clean the house (both lovely tasks waiting for me :( )
(yes, sister issues ;))
walk the dog, its more fun :)

Would you rather listen to your favorite song many times or try new songs all the time?
tricky one!

try the new songs all the time, if i was listening to the same song all the time then I would get bored.

would you rather followed by a ghost or a vampire?
Ghost. They're cool.

Would you rather ghost hunters or TAPS
Curry. Tastes nicer than chinese. :p

Would you rather mum or dad.
Loud. It annoys Graham and Mikaela. :D

Would you rather relentless or monster??
Laptop. Harry is my baby :p

Would you rather Merlin or Gossip girl??
ok umm harry???? :s

and thats sooo mean!

urmm just because there's more of it im choosing GG :)

would you rather doctor who or torchwood??
Harry is my laptop cos it's a HP as in Harry Potter :p

Omg!! You're evil. Umm... That's such a hard decision to make. I'm gonna have to say...Torchwood.

Would you rather Jack or Laicey.
X-factor. At least then I can laugh at some of the losers who think they can sing.

Would you rather 30STM or MCR

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