Would you rather....?

Carrots - at least they're not green. :r
Would you rather model or act?
Ireland. I want to live there when I grow up.
Would you rather play guitar or piano?
Ryder Straton said:
Ireland. I want to live there when I grow up.
Would you rather play guitar or piano?
Ireland is pretty cool :p

Would you rather have an Ipod or an Iphone
IPone... its like an ipod but with more things that makes it cooler.

Would you rather, forever smell like wet paint or be forced to wear earings the size as a typical clothing iron to any formal occasion.
Forever smell like wet paint omg.

Would you rather have an outfit that's blue, or an outfit that's pink?
Thats a toughy because cats are sooo cute, but I think I'm forever a dog person!

Would you rather have Professor Snape or Professor Styx as a teacher?
Professor Styx. Nuff said.

Would you rather have Riley Sparkles as a friend, or Ava Davershire as a lover? :r
J.K Rowling of course! Sorry Queen but J.K Rowling all the way.
Would you rather go to Fiji or America?
America! America!

Would you rather have your brain transplanted into the body of the world's famous supermodel or be transplanted to the body of the world's famous actress?
Actress as you are not limited by your good looks alone

Would you rather attend Beaux, Durm, or Hogs if they truly existed?
omfg, Dumbledore I suppose. But, he's too old.
Would you rather see a dino or Obama?
A dino of course. I was always fascinated about dinosaurs and seeing a real live one will obviously be a one time experience though I'd like to see any dino except for T-rexes.

Would you rather be a famous author or movie director?
Define Lifetime... If it just means an infinite supply of chocolate that will continually spawn more chocolate as I eat through it. Then assuming it is milk or of the white chocolate I would choose that and happily accept the fate of my heart attack and take that one.

Gosh chocolate...

Would you rather be cursed with a speech bubble which floats over your head and displays whatever your thinking. Or be cursed so that any time you touch the ground, the ground surface turns into a trampoline. AKA, you will forever be jumping around.
I much rather jump around then let all around me know my secrets

Would you rather know when you will die or would you rather know when your love ones will die?
Rather know when I will die. Cause then I'd make my life awesome. Well, more awesome.

Would you rather go to Canada and meet Nick, or have a truckload of twinkies?
Well I've never tried twinkies so it would be Nick all the way!
Would you rather be able to teleport or see the future?
See the future!

Would you rather kiss your grandpa on the lips for a minute or marry your big brother?
Marry big brother. Cause I don't have a big brother that my friend is what I like to call, Loop Hole ;)

Would you rather- have a car or two motor cycles?

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