Work work work.

Kevin took out his card. "Here you go." He waited for Gabriel to finish with it before putting it back in his wallet and then his pocket.
Gabriel swiped the card and handed Kevin the keypad to enter his pin number. While Kevin did that, he popped his head through into the hallway, and called out "Dave, I've got a customer. Almost done?" "Just about." Came the reply from his co-worker, and Gabriel smiled, returning his attention to Kevin.
Kevin waited for Gabriel to be allowed in, he was okay with pain but he did want this over as soon as possible, then there was the healing part to go through. Kevin kept a straight face though inside he grimaced at the idea of the pain, it would be worth it though. "Just a little while to go then?"
Gabriel nodded, and the door opened, two teenage girls walked out, holding tissues over matching bleeding lip piercings. They were followed by a tall man with very long hair and tattoos right up his neck and along his temples. "Piercing or a tatt, Gabriel?" He asked. "A tatt. Back piece. It's gonna be a while. Can you mind the desk?" Gabriel asked, grabbing some paper and pens for preliminary drawings. "Sure thing." Dave replied, sitting down behind the counter, and Gabriel led Kevin back into the hallway behind the counter, this time going into one of the first side rooms, which led into a totally white room reminiscent of a dentist's office. "Have a seat." Gabriel smiled at Kevin, heading over to the autoclave; a large device shaped like a microwave, and checking if it had finished sterilising whatever was in it.
Kevin followed Gabriel into, yet, another room. He scrunched up his nose as the room reminded him of the dentist but he sat where he was told to and made no fuss. "Anything I gotta do or you just want me to sit here?" His other tattoo's had been in easy to get too places so he just had to sit there and bite his lip until it was over. Not only was this not in an easy to get to place, it was much bigger than his previous ones too.
"Yeah, just have a seat." He smiled, sitting down with the paper and pencil. "I've just got to do a couple of sketches first, then I'll get you to lie down and we can start." He said serenely, pencil dancing over the paper as he spoke. Gabriel never, never, never did a tattoo without sketching first. That way he was prepared for the drawing totally and it took no effort whatsoever.
Kevin nodded. "Alright then." He waited for the younger man to finish his sketching. Kevin was getting impatient but he wouldn't be rude and let it show so he just waited until Gabriel finally finished.

(Sorry for lameness)
(('s cool ^_^))

Gabriel did a couple of sketches, until he could easily draw the dragon from memory. "Right." He smiled. "If you just want to take your shirt off and get comfortable, I'll draw the design on you in vivid so I have guidelines to work from, then we'll get started." He smiled, getting the black vivid out of the cupboard above the sink.
Kevin removed his shirt, now all of his other tattoos were perfectly visible, and got comfortable in a way that the piece of skin needed was on show as well. He tried to relax as he felt the bloke draw on him, remembering it hurt more when you tensed.
Gabriel nodded approvingly. "Right, this is just the pen, nothing to worry about. I'm just drawing guidelines." He explained, before touching the pen to Kevin's skin, and quickly sketching out the design from memory.
KEvin nodded and felt the pen slide across his skin. He slowly got used to it and, after a minute, found it sothing. He was slightly put off when the guy stopped before remembering that the pen wasn't the reason he had come here.

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