Closed Word to the Wise

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (50)
Sitting still for too long always got Angel in a bad mood, and he seemed to be doing a lot of sitting around right now as exam season loomed. Deciding to stretch his legs, Angel strolled out onto the lawn for a bit, surprised when he spotted one of the kids he'd had to almost literally drag out of the forest the other night, frowning at the memory. At the time, it had been late, and the last thing Angel had wanted to do was spend more time trying to wrangle a bunch of pre-teens, so he'd shooed them off to bed after taking a few house points. Now thought, Angel couldn't help but think what the Slytherin boy had mentioned about the girl's actions being a bit more extreme than just wandering around in the forest. Punching another kid was pretty serious business when you were 11, and Angel was surprised to find he was already approaching the girl, clearing his throat awkwardly behind her to get her attention.

"It's Rose, right?" He said, eying the girl cautiously. "I wanted to talk to you about the other night." Angel hoped this conversation could come across as a casual level of concern from a third party and not some stuffy teacher ready to tell her off again. He had a feeling Rose wouldn't respond well to that, and now that Angel wasn't up in the middle of the night dealing with arguing kids he was in a much better mood. Maybe he could even talk some sense into her and save her spending the rest of her school career in detention.
Rose hated this place. She hated being away from home, from her friends. She hated how easy-going Ren was about everything. How easily Lily trusted everyone. She hated her classes and the kids around her. Even the Professors were stupid. She had taken a walk, needing to get out, when she heard a voice behind her. She turned and looked up to see the Professor that had kicked them out of the forest. "Why?" She asked bluntly, but turned to face him. She wasn't as angry at this one. He actually did his job. Even if he was a bit late. She knew Lily wouldn't follow Jasper around again. She hoped.
Angel raised an eyebrow at Rose's flat response, but she didn't seem like she was about to start throwing punches again today, so he considered it a win. "I just want to make sure you know you can't go around solving your problems by punching them, as tempting at it maybe," He said as sternly as he could manage. The whole thing felt a bit hypocritical of him, considering he was a bit of a terror when he was at school, but something about being around kids all day was making Angel feel like he needed to share whatever limited wisdom he had. "You got away with it with me, but if you do it again, the next teacher is probably going to take more than a few house points." The idea of having to divvy out detention or punishment still seemed a bit laughable to Angel, but he knew some other staff didn't have the same reservations.

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