Open Without Costumes

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Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (24)
Minnie wasn’t supposed to go to the halloween celebration, but with the excitement of everyone else and the way she knew it would probably be good to go, the girl had gone against her parents wishes and was attending anyway. There hadn’t been enough time to get a costume, so she was just attending in her uniform. At the very least it wasn’t normal clothes so she didn’t feel too out of place with them. The Ravenclaw had never attended a halloween celebration before, her last school had had one too, but she’d always been told she couldn’t go. That she had work to do, that she had things to do that were a whole lot more important. Her parents were there at Hogwarts, they wouldn’t need to know that Minnie had gone. She didn’t feel particularly comfortable lying to them but she couldn’t help it, she had to lie to them, Minnie wanted to attend and she had a few hours to spare, a few hours would not affect her grades so highly. The ravenclaw felt out of place in the great hall, but she marvelled happily at the decorations, at the costumes worn by other students. There were so many cool and different costumes. She had nothing to really compare it to, she had never gone to anything halloween related. Minnie walked to the snacks table and noted all of the different sweets laid out. So many she hadn’t tried before. She reached for a cookie and munched on it as she just took in everything about this room.
Ignotus had not thought that the school would take time to plan a Halloween party - never mind one to this detail and extent - so he had put absolutely no thought into his costume. His costume was little more than his actual clothes just slapped together so when he walked in and saw how intense people were getting he felt a little out of place. That was, at least, until he saw a girl just in a Ravenclaw uniform. He decided to walk towards her, in part to talk but also because the treats looked good. When he had Ig gave her a crooked smile and said, "Forgot about Halloween or are you a Gryffindor and this is the scariest thing you could think of?" He smiled and reached for a chocolate frog, looking at the card briefly before looking up at the girl expectantly.
Minnie looked at the boy who greeted her, she shook her head at the question, since the reason was neither, ”I hadn’t planned to come,” she replied honestly, with a little shrug at the boy. She looked at his costume, not sure she actually knew it. ”What are you dressed as?” She was sure that when he told her she would see it and figure it out, but she hadn’t yet. Perhaps it was just that she was thinking about all the things a person could possibly be and unsure how to narrow it down, ”A sailor maybe?” she didn’t know how into costumes people went, so the striped shirt was all she had to go off of. Hopefully the boy wouldn’t mind that too much, she didn’t know nearly enough about halloween to make a better guess at it.
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