Open Window shopping

Penny Wills

Eeylop's Assistant | Pretty Broke
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 11 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Penny inquisitive personality was often relayed to her by others as “Will you keep your nose out of other people's business, Penelope Wills!” But today she was minding her own business, idly wandered the shops, looking for discounts or bargains as her coin purse was on the light side. She browsed the windows of Gladrag's Wizardwear that displayed pair of snake skin high heal boots with red felt buckle straps that sat proudly matched with silk emerald robes, fitted at the waistline. She sighed and shook her head, “Wizard fashion is so weird!” She commented to no one in particular. The magical born child had always preferred muggle clothing.

@Emori Pourroulis
Emori was out, which was usual these days. She hated being stuck indoors for too long, without much to do. She needed to explore or just do something, so she wouldn’t be bored. She had asked to meet her friend @Ihaka Lahey because it was always more fun than if she were by herself, and the girl pointed to a shop on the street that caught her eye. It was some strange fashion shop, or something, and Emori’s curiosity made her grab Ihaka’s arm and pull him towards the window of said shop. She noticed a girl there, and when she commented on the fashion Emori couldn’t agree more. "You can say that again," she said, glancing at the other girl with a smile.
Penny turned her head, noticing another girl who was in agreement about the fashion. She giggled, looking back at the window. "My grandmother on the other hand, would love those shoes! I wonder if witches get to a certain age when they start to like this look? Too much Turnip Wine and Wrinkle Reducing Potion sends them doolally perhaps."

She shook her head, and smiled at the girl. "Nice to meet you, I'm Penny."
Emori convinced Ihaka to go to some strange part of town he's never explored before. He's never explored it because he never knew these parts exists! Ihaka felt like a veil been pulled away from his eyes. Suddenly, New Zealand was a lot bigger than he previously thought. He wonders if it's like that back in the states where his cousin lived. "What do you call this place again?" Ihaka questions as he is tugged by Emori nearing a strange shop with peculiar clothing on display. That he could agree with both girls. "Hi, you two don't know each other right? How does this world," Ihaka gestured with his hands in front of him, "...operate?"
Emori playfully rolled her eyes at Ihaka’s question, it really wasn’t that difficult to remember. "You mean, the wizarding world?" she answered with another question because she really didn’t know how else to respond to it. She turned to the girl again. She said some weird words. "Eh, I hope not, but I wouldn’t put it past them - us," she shrugged with a small smile, whichever was the correct term to use. "And no, dude, we don’t know each other. It’s nice to meet you too Penny, I’m Emori and this is Ihaka," she added. She honestly didn’t know how to answer her friend’s next question. "I really don’t know." Emori just sort of...went along with it.
Penny twigged pretty quick that the boy was from the muggle world, he looked lost and was asking strange questions about 'this world', as if it wasn't the normal one. She smiled at him, maybe muggles did it differently. "Well, that there is called a shop. And you can buy things from it." She explained in jest, "We can pick you out a robe and pointy hat from inside to help you blend in to this world if you want?"
Lenore was taking a walk to 'broaden her horizons', which she was sure just mean her uncle didn't want her eating the cookie batter before he could stock the shop floor. She browsed the robe shop, marveling at how strange wizarding clothes were and carefully passing a small group of kids. Judging by the introductions, they didn't know each other already and Lenore probably wasn't interrupting anything with her presence. "The pointy hat's very important if you wanna be a proper wizard," Lenore said, winking as she walked by. "I'm more of a curly-tipped hat kind of girl, personally." She saw one such hat and sidled over to examine it. It had a little enchanted bat fluttering from the end of it and Lenore tried it on, looking over to the others to see if they had any comments.
Ihaka snapped his fingers, "Yeah, that! Wizarding world, it sounds like WOW, World of Warcraft. Which is a," a pc game that Ihaka never got around to playing, and now he's mentioning it...and for what reason? Are they even the same genre?! "Hi...," Ihaka waves, smiling warily over at Penny. Ihaka found her pretty, it made him smile all weirdly and stuff. "Right...yeah," Ihaka responded. Then came another girl their age joining on their discussion of robes and hats. She tries one on, causing Ihaka to jump and point at the fluttering bat. "That's so cool! How do you do that? Is it battery powered?"
Emori giggled at Penny's response, that had been sarcastic but in a friendly, non-mean way, and it was funny. At her suggestion, she nodded vigorously. "Oh yes! I want to help," she announced with a grin, thinking all the sorts of fun stuff and clothing that Ihaka could try out. "If you want to, of course," she added quickly, directing the question at him. Another girl approached the group, and Em turned to her, snorting a little. "There's some very fine truth in that statement," she agreed, deciding to play along. When she tried it on, Em smiled. "It looks good on you, you should totally buy it." Not that Emori would ever wear a witch's hat, but it did look nice on the other girl. "Uh, Ihaka," she said. "She's not doing anything to the hat, the hat is bewitched to do that by itself."
Penny smiled back at Ihaka, "I'm serious, I'll give you a wizards make-over anytime!" She told him. Penny had a vague idea that batteries were something used in the muggle world, Emori was able to translate fortunately.

She looked at the new girl and assessed the hat, "It looks nice, my only advice is that bats aren't in fashion at the moment! What about something with owls on it?" She suggested, although there wasn't a witches hat in the vicinity she could point out as fashionable.
Lenore giggled at Ihaka's assumption the hat was battery powered. She hadn't caught the other two girls' names, but thought they seemed okay. She smiled at the compliment, and considered buying the hat. "If you want the fashion industry to tell you what's good, sure," Lenore said pleasantly, internally noting yet another magical thing she'd have to keep track of. She preferred the more traditional bats to owls, but supposed owls were cute too. "I'm Lenore Howell, pleased to meet you all. Are you new to magic?" Her question was directed towards the boy, Ihaka, as she tried to think of a tactful way to inquire if he was muggleborn.

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