Window Pain

OOCOut of Character:
Just realised that Jamie has basically met Alex's (created) family, just needs to meet Hannah :r
Alex rolled his eyes as Jamie wiggled his way out of accepting an undercover compliment. He seemed hell-bent on being modest, to the extent that he would insult his poor fathers singing, though Alex was sure he was probably telling the truth about that, it wasn't usually something you made up. ''Fine, you win.'' He muttered, letting the subject rest as he admitted defeat and continued sketching the outline of Jamie, pushing up his glasses as they slowly made their way down his nose. He didn't want them to fall off his face and possibly break, it wouldn't be fun, at all. But Jamie's statement about his father made Alex think of his own father, not Jerome, but his real, blood related father, Harry. He frowned slightly aas past emotions of happiness that would never return swelled up in his stomach and treated to explode, he felt slightly sick with dread, which caused him to go pale slightly. But his mood doubled in happiness as Jamie glared at him, he knew why this occurred, simply put, it was because Alex had the blanket, and Jamie did not. So in reply to Jamie's glare, he smiled happily, his moody personality allowing him to quickly change from feeling dreadful, but to feeling quite pleased with himself, and he was susure iit sshowed.

Alex tilted his head as Jamie seemed shocked about the question, he didn't seem entirely confident as Alex had been when answering it. Though they could have different viewpoints on the subject. Maybe Jamie was confused about his relationship? Or was not as confident about it as Alex was about his, so he allowed Jamie some grace and politely waited for the answer he may have wanted a little more than he should have. Finally the answer left his mouth and it caused Alex to become increasingly curious, he began to wonder who he wanted to ask him out, and why he didn't just ask them out. But than he rolled his eyes to hhimself when he remembered how they met, with Jamie crying by a window, the blame being put on teasing, so he quickly understood his hesitation, especially if one of the gguys he wanted to ask out was a jerk or something, which was possible, there were a lot of jerks that really needed to be put in their place. He wanted to ask 'who?' But he was quite sure he wouodn't get an answer, in fact, he was willing to bet his wand on it. It could be a very sensetive subject, it was even to Alex, he didn't like blurting out hwho hhe would like to date, that was a receipe for disaster and humiliation, especially in the teen years.

Alex once again frowned slightly, he didn't like talking about his weird family, not at all. He knew that he needed to re connect with them, especially Drew, Hannah not so much, he was just a normal brother to her, but he had to admit, he could be a little kinder to hhis little brother, considering Drew was the nicest thing the world could invent, he deserved more slack then Alex gave him. Then there was Emma, who wasn't really related to him, considering Amy never officially adopted him, which meant that by law he was an orphan, and by law he was living with family friends, and by law Drew was not his brother because he had been adopted by Amy since it was easier to adopt him than it was with Alex, which was partially Alex's fault. It was confusing, so Alex didn't really mention it, but he had to say something, and when he cleared his brain and thought about it, it was quite a simple question to answer. ''I have a younger brother named Drew, he goes to Hogwarts, and I have two younger sisters, though one is a half sister, and the other is not really related to me, if you want to look at it technically, anyway, neither of them are in school just yet, though my half-sister, who is named Hannah, will be starting here next year, so we'll be stuck with her..'' He answered. He then decided that iit was his turn to ask that questions, deciding to keep the subject to family, now that he had just opened the box to his disfunctional family. ''So what's your family like?" He asked, seeing this as a better question than asking a replica of Jamie's.
James watched the young Alexander loose himself in his craft as the rain continued to pound against the glass as the dull light filtered in showering the young artist in an odd glow that made him almost magical to watch. His hand glided across the page in an almost graceful manner as the image that he had in his mind came into existences something that James fell in love with every time he did it as if he was breathing life into something all his own. The way the glasses slid down his face was almost sexy in a nerdy kind of way or how his hair fell down in his face in an almost mysterious kind of way that was hard not to find captivating. Jamie could not help but stare especially when the Alex took the time to look up from his work and show off that perfect smile that would make Voldemort himself crack a smile.

He listened patiently as the man spoke about his family when out of nowhere a familiar name floated from Alexander's lips, a name that he had not heard since this past summer where he met a young man with an equally charming smile. His name was Drew Handler and James could see where he know got his good looks from if the two boys of the family looked so attractive then their father must be a rare specimen indeed."It is a smaller world ... you see I have met Drew and I must say he shares your good looks!" Jamie said with a smirk as he teased Alexander a little though he doubted that the boy would be unnerved by the information. Jamie listened as Alexander spoke about his sisters which was interesting as neither of them were closely related which was a fact that he made great effort to make apparently clear. That is when the question was pointed at Jamie who thought again for a moment before giving his answer as it was another one of those things he was not one hundred percent comfortable answering but a deal was a deal and Jamie was a man of his word.

"My parents are both dead ... my dad or rather adoptive father is a social worker and healer who took me in when I was sent back to France. I did not know my biological parents they were in accident when I was just a baby and with no living relatives I was taken in by the Japanese government and placed in the care of an old monk. However when I reached the proper age to be accepted in the magical community I was sent to Hogwarts but that is when the french government located me and asked me to return which I was forced to and Tillian was made my temporary guardian. He liked me enough so he decided to keep." Jamie said in a quiet voice as he told Alexander about his own family.
Alex continued to draw, but stopped suddenly when he heard Jamie repeat Drew's name. Seriously? He had actually met Drew? Poor Jamie, actually having to be seen with Drew. In all honesty, Drew wasn't that bad, as long as he kept his pacifest ways to himself, he seemed like a regular, quiet, shy kid. Which Alex found an annoying personality for a younger brother, they were supposed to be fun, but Drew wasn't fun, he was serious and boring and scolded Alex for the dumbest of things. He rolled his eyes, if Jamie was trying to tease him, it didn't work well, Alex felt no competition when it came to Drew, because it was Drew, simply put and understood. But he was still astounded by the fact that Jamie had met Drew, and seemed completely fine with the metting, Drew was so dorky. "I suppose, though he's a dork." He said, acting like a true big brother, putting down his little brother while he wasn't in the room to defend himself, not that he would, he would probably sit in the corner and frown at Alex's behaviour, like he always did. "Where'd you meet him?" He asked, his curiousity getting the best of him, he was curious as to how Drew was going, though he didn't want to send him an owl or anything, but that didn't mean he didn't want the occasional feedback, he worried about Drew, just a little bit.

He waited patciently once again for Jamie to answer, he was not sure why he continued to ask questions he would have a small problem with answering, but he chose to say nothing, maybe Jamie didn't realise the difficulty until he was faced with the question, it was unknown. But Alex frowned slightly as Jamie told him the story of his family, he felt bad. It seemed that Jamie had been treated like a puppy, just given to someone else whenever it seemed possible, it was sad. But it was nice that the man named Tillian was kind enough to keep him, and not give him away once again, otherwise that would have made Alex feel worse. Though there were some similarities, the fact that both their parents were dead, meant that they shared something deep and meaningful, though Alex wasn't sure if the feelings felt were exactly the same, Alex was not a baby when he lost his mother, he was only three, but still had memories of her, while his father died several years later, so he remembered him very well. He wasn't sure what he should say though, sorry? Maybe? Though that would be pretty useless, because he didn't know Jamie's parents, and it had happened a long time ago, so it would be meaningless to apologise for something that he had no part in, and that happened so long ago, he didn't want to bring up feelings of sadness, whether Jamie was fine with the loss or not. So he decided to change the subject from families, and chose a new subject, Jamie's interesting jacket, with the emblem of something that he had never seen before. "I have a question now." He said, starting on Jamie's nose. "On your jacket, there's an emblem or something, what's it for?" He asked, nodding his head to the jacket.
"I met the charming Drew in Brightstone I believe, this past summer however since we go to separate schools I have not heard from him but maybe this summer I will visit New Zealand again to check up on him. He is a good kid even if he is a dork as you say, he reminds me of myself at that age." Jamie said as he watched Alexander work away as he was trying to piece together the family dynamics but coming up terribly short in his personal opinion. He had no brothers or sisters and so growing up an only child had its down fall which his guardians had hoped to fix by surrounding him by kids his own age which only made the fact that he had no living family all the more noticeable. When other kids talked about their parents Jamie would have nothing to add as his parents died when he was still a baby, which drew sad looks of pity any time he brought it up, not to mention that he was also introverted and reclusive which was a nightmarish combination.

Jamie watched the emotions play across Alex's beautiful face as he processed the information of Jamie's parents death, it was always the same emotion when the subject was brought up even though he wished that it sometime would be different. It always started the same first with confusion as they desperately tried to figure if he was being serious or not, then sadness rolled in as they attempted to figure out how it would feel to loose someone close, then finally pity as they realize that Jamie was now forever alone. Swallowing slight he cleared his throat hoping that it would be enough to move the conversation off of himself and force Alexander to look at anything else in the room but him. It was then that Alex noticed his slytherin patch on his hoodie sleeve, a rather whimsical way to remember his friend Superman who was in his final year of Hogwarts. Jamie was thankful for the change of subject and pounced on the chance to talk about anything else in the world but death.

"Oh the slytherin patch well... it is of course the coat of arms for slytherin house one of the four famous houses of Hogwarts. When I went to Hogwarts I was sorted into Gryffindor but most of my friends were in fact from slytherin. One of them is probably the most unique person I have encounter and my current Best friend Samuel. I met him a year or so ago and ever since then we have been inseparable even at a distance." Jamie said as he smiled really big, a common effect that happened anytime the part-veela was brought up. " I believe drew was in Hufflepuff if I remember well which is another good house full of friendly people and smart as well which is the reason they do not get along with Ravenclaw very well." Jamie added wondering how much Alexander knew about the four houses.
Alex could have laughed up a lung if he'd allowed himself to. Drew was a lot of things, annoying, quiet and stubborn being amoung them, but charming? Charming was most certainly not one of his characteristics. It was nice though that Jamie seemed to be defending him, even though he'd met the Hufflepuff once, which was probably why he was defending him from Alex. Drew had not had enough time to actually annoy Jamie with his pacifest ways. Alex could barely glare at anything in his presence, because if would be offensive and utterly rude to do so, and Drew would never ever drop the subject until Alex folded, which was never. Both were far too stubborn for their own good, which was why they probably rubbed each other the wrong way, they were too similar, but different at the same time. Though it also seemed to be a part of Jaime's personality, standing up for those that couldn't stand up for themselves, but it seemed that he lacked the ability to stand up for himself. Which Alex found to be a very common thing amoungst people these days. "I supposed I could have been stuck with worse." He said. It was true, Drew could have been one of those extremely annoying younger brothers that seemed to love to ruin their older siblings lives, but Drew wasn't like that, he seemed more determined to stay out of Alex's life, not disrupt it. "Drew could be a loud-mouthed kid with the urge to ruin my life." Alex moved onto the eyebrows, the drawing was nearly finished since he was admittedly doing a bit of a rush job, not that it was too noticeable, but classes would be a go soon and he liked Transfiguration, he couldn't miss that class, it was one of the core classes and he had to do it.

Alex nodded at the name of the crest thing. Slytherin, it rung a vague bell for the boy as he tried to remember this significance of the word. Then Jamie said it, one of the Hogwarts houses, there were apparently four. Alex knew of one, Hufflepuff, and it was yellow. If someone asked him to go into more information, he'd shrug, as he had no idea about anything else, though he hoped that Hufflepuff was not full of people just like Drew, otherwise he'd probably die with that sort of knowledge. Alex took a few mental notes. Slytherin seemed to be green, and judging by the crest, had a snake mascot or something, Gryffindor was probably another colour, and as he knew, Hufflepuff was yellow with a badger or mouse or something like that as its mascot. He smirked as Jaime's small seemed to balloon in size at the mention of 'Best friend Samuel'. "Yeah, Drew's in the yellow one." He agreed, hoping to God that Hufflepuff was in fact, the yellow house, otherwise it would be pretty awkward. "But he doesn't really talk to me much about the houses, they don't seem to make much sense to me." He confessed, with a small shrug. Alex had gone to Beauxbatons his whole magic-learning life, he wasn't really interested in the other magical schools because he liked his current one, the added fact that he and Drew had a strained relationship added to his lack of knowledge for the four houses. "So tell me, what exactly is the purpose of the houses?" He asked curiously, finishing up on the eyebrows.
"Truth be told I have no idea... I am sure in history of magic they taught use about the legendary school but much to the same effect that Romeo and Juliet had no clue why their families hated each other I am sure the reason for the four separate house also lays in a past and is only carried on out of habit. As for Drew you should treat him better you see not everyone has been blessed with a live in annoyance, in fact I am jealous that you have a brother to annoy you as I am an only child and with my parents dead I will never get to be something to someone." Jamie said with a sad smile as he quickly pushed the thought away, today had been already emotional enough for him that he could simply no longer remain depressed about life as his mind had decided to rebel at the mere though of sadness. Moving slightly he was becoming bored not because the conversation or the company but rather it was the longest that he had ever sat in one place while doing nothing. He was one of those individuals who always had to be doing something with his hands and so he was often time simply all over the place zipping around though it could be from the vast amounts of caffeine that he ingest on a day to day bases which it was about time for his fourth cup of the day if he was going to make through the rest of the day.

"So have you ever kissed someone before?" Jamie asked as he felt somewhat adventurous at the moment, it was a question that he had not problem answering either which was a plus. He had never been kissed in his life nor did he see the chance of that changing anytime soon unless he is attacked by a kissing fiend in the next couple of months but given his reputation at the moment even that seems like wishful thinking. His father always tells him that love will happen and that he should not rush it but Jamie was impatient was holding out for something that he knew possibly may never happen which was why he struggled so much with his self esteem, maybe it was him and that is why no one is ever interested. However Alexander did not look like he had that problem like Samuel he was beautiful and confident which meant they both had lines of people looking for the chance to simply be in the same room as them let alone ask them out. It was a stark contrast to himself but simply saying that he knew the men was good enough for him... or was it?
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the late reply, but I finally got around to doing it. ^_^

Alex nodded. He wasn't sure why he asked, it had nothing to do with him and chances were he'd just forget about it later on because it impacted his life in no way whatsoever, but he asked anyway, and it was sort of interesting, in a way. He wasn't sure why someone would follow along with something they didn't understand, but it could just be one of those things that can be triggered by one person. If one person from one of the groups carried on like an idiot, than the other inhabitants of the house would probably follow and that would cause for some hostility between the groups. Since Jamie chose to compare the groups with Romeo and Juliet, Alex got the impression that the houses were probably a little hostile to each other. Maybe the plan by the Professors there was to build up some competition between the students and hopefully make some of them work harder to prove that they're are better than the other group of students. It was possible, and was porbably the reason for the separation of the students. Or the Professors were bored one day and decided that there should be some seperation. When Jamie mentioned Drew again, Alex couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty about the whole situation, but Drew and Alex were just as stubborn as each other and everything just went downhill from there. Jamie was correct though, Alex atleast had Drew as an annoyance, but he had no-one, and probably wasn't going to get a sibling unless his adoptive father adopted another kid, or had one of his own, both of which probably were not going to happen, and even if they did, Alex doubted that that would make Jamie feel much better about Alex picking on Drew. A lot. Though Alex wanted to, he didn't comment on the sort of rant/outburst and let it drop, since Jamie seemed to be having a whirlwind day and it would be unfair to remind him of it. Alex eyed Jamie as he started moving about and laughed slightly. "You can move now, I have your outline." He said, remembering that poor Jamie had been sitting still for quite a bit without being able to move about. Must have been drving him crazy.

The sudden topic change was a little surprising, but Alex didn't show it too much and answered the rather simple question quickly. "Yup." To Alex, this was quite an easy question, because he didn't find something like that particularly private. Being sixteen, and having been a 'typical teenager' as his step-parents would describe, Alex had dated, and kissed several people in his lifetime. But if he were asked to name them all, he would probably not be able to, which was a little embarrassing. Looking at the drawing, he was basically finished the sketch, which was a relief because class would porbably be start soonish, and he didn't want to be late. Again. "What about you?" He asked, having absolutely no idea what to ask and so once again flipping the question back to Jamie. "Ever kissed anyone?"

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