Why today? Why at all...

Asparuh thought for a moment, and thought, Hm, why is that? Why am I even here and speaking to a half-blood, if not mudblood? Asparuh did not answer immediately, but took his time. He had to word it correctly. "It's not everyday someone is the victim of a pureblood situation." Asparuh smirked wickedly, "Whatever they did to you, it was more than likely for the best. After all, you aren't pure." Asparuh unfolded his arms and narrowed his eyes, at the mention of a shop. He honestly did not care. He had a thought in the back of his head to just end this woman's misery.
"In my world it seems like it is." Melissa said truthfully, she had been victim to many pureblood bashings. She had in fact grown up to believe she was pureblood, but her pure mother had in fact cheated on her pure father with a muggle. Mel guessed that was a big reason to why she hated pureblood's thinking they were superior. Shaking off her train of thoughts, that was also a big reason as to why she was in this position now.

Whatever they did to you, it was more than likely for the best. Those words cut like a knife, but Melissa swallowed harshly and glared. She successfully stopped tears and managed to completely push out all thoughts. She didnt see how it was for the 'best'. The glare she was met with next was frightening. She suddenly didnt feel as safe being with the man, but she managed to push out those thoughts aswell.
Asparuh smirked, thoroughly enjoying her pain. He found it easy to read people after all his years of being alive. Asparuh ran through his thoughts of what purebloods could have done to this woman. Asparuh also went to his own doings when he wasn't killing mudbloods or recruiting Death Eaters and eliminating the traitors. Asparuh chuckled, and inquired, "What did they do to you? Call you names because you had a muggle in the family? Take your lover away?" There wasn't much a pureblood could do to someone, besides those things he mentioned.
Melissa watched the man carefully. He then began asking what they had done to Mel. She tensed and then, he had said it. Why was she still here, talking to this horrid man? How many times had she asked herself that question? Why was she still standing here? The answer was because she had to face this sooner or later and maybe this cruel way was helping somehow? It didnt matter anymore. She raised her head and looked the man in the eye. "Parents of my husband took him away from me. They found out of my mothers cheating ways. I am not the pureblood everyone thinks me to be. No." She said strongly, but the no at the end was faded, distant. So much poured into the two letter word. It was her life at this very moment. The powerful word, no. She was not who she thought she was, she had known this almost two years, but others did not. It would all soon come crashing down at her feet. With the no, you are a lie.
Asparuh could not retain his laughter once the woman explained herself. He was laughing coldly, darkly, and soft. He took a step toward her, and stared at her in the eyes. Asparuh was having too much fun with this woman. A victim. And pouring out her mind was a successful happening to Asparuh's amusement. Asparuh could now see that she was an open book. A once believed to be a pureblood soon discovered that she wasn't someone so righteous and pure. Asparuh smirked, and remarked as cold as can be, "I am glad they took your husband away. It was best to the pureblood race. We don't need anymore half-breeds out there." Asparuh snickered, "Your mother cheated...how pathetic she must have been. With a muggle, no less." Asparuh held his head up high. "She should have gone after a mixed. That would have been much better."
Lisa scowled as the man and woman talked about blood status. The man declared Lisa to be a Mudblood; she didn't have a clue how he knew, and didn't really care. Any man who called Muggle-borns "Mudbloods" were Slytherin scum in her book.

She had a feeling this conversation could turn pear-shaped, and didn't want to be around to see it. But a morbid curiousity had gripped her, and she sat down to eavesdrop.
Melissa sniffed at the man. How could he be so utterly rude. She ignored every word he was saying to the best of her ability. Sure it hurt, but she would not show it. She knew what her values were and his didnt matter. "Your right, my mother was pathetic, i grew up believing i was something different, only to be told almost 30 years into my future that i wasnt who i was told to be. Picture yourself being told by your mother you are not pure. Its not the best feeling in the world." She said harshly. "Although, i was nor ever will be as rude and inconsiderate as someone like you." She spat. She wanted to turn and leave, but something made her stay. She still did not know what it was, but this arguing was releasing something inside her.
Asparuh let out a low, cold laugh. This woman was downright pathetic, and for some odd reason, wanted her to live, just so she could live a life of pure misery. He enjoyed it. Although, he would not lurk around and watch her. No...that wasn't how Asparuh was. All he had to do was picture it once, and perhaps run across them again in the future. Asparuh watched the woman in pure amusement, although his eyes showed nothing but darkness, no good in them whatsoever. Asparuh pointed out, "I know I am rude. But I also know what is right. I have a strict policy of never lying unless necessary. And..." he paused, a cold smile spread across his face, "I am helping you in a way that you might not know just yet. Have anything else to say to me, halfblood?" Asparuh smirked, and waited for her response.
Mel sighed. There was no point at all fighting with this man. She needed to grieve and get over this situation. There was no point in dwelling on it. She decided that is what she would do. Although she still needed some time to get over this. "How are you possibly helping me, by laughing in my face?" She asked tiredly. She no longer cared how pathetic she looked, she felt that way and there wasnt any point denying it. This man was going to be cruel no matter how brave she acted.
Asparuh took a mental note in how open she looked. Asparuh rolled his eyes at how ignorant the woman was. Asparuh shook his head, and took a step back from her and folded his arms across his chest. He inquired, his voice sharp, "How long as it been since you let it all out? All that...pain and sorrow? Running will drive you mad. I've seen it." Asparuh knew this all too well when it came to that. He never did the running though. It was more like...the running from. Asparuh was just toying with this woman's mind. No need to use magic when clearly verbal was working.
Melissa had mostly been looking anywhere but the mans face, but this made her look up. Her head was tilted down, but her eyes met his in a questioning glance. He could read her very thoughts. She knew she had always been like an open book. It was never difficult to read her emotions. "It has been a while, it wasnt something i desired to talk about, but i dont care anymore. Now that those two know, everyone else will. Its who i am, no point denying the painful fact is there?" She stated, not looking away from his face. "As you said, running doesnt help." She finally looked away, down into the long alley. She had been running into darkness, which only made her more confused. She should have stayed in the light and thought things through. Now she was trapped in her own darkness and it would be harder to find her way out.
Asparuh could not help but smirk at the woman. She finally gotten the picture. However, what was he going to do now? Continue pounding her with the past until she broke, or let it be? Asparuh simply shrugged, "Rather pathetic to wait a while, don't you think. There is no point in denying what you are, even if you find out you are just scum. Although, I will have to give you some credit. At least you aren't a mudblood. Or a muggleborn if you prefer that term." Asparuh gave her a look which no emotion could explain, but it was not a frightening or frightening one either. Asparuh turned around, and began to walk out of the alley, not bothering to tell the half-blood he was leaving. On his way, though, was that child. He paused to stare at her for just a moment, and said back to the woman, "Get this girl out of here. Her curiosity might be fatal." Asparuh vanished into the darkness.
Melissa said nothing, just stared at the man with soft eyes. She didnt feel hate towards the man, sure he wasnt the nicest guy, but she had to give him some credit for knowing what he was about. She watched as he left, her brain filled with slight confusion. Everything about today had been a blur. She raised a hand to her head only to hear the man say something else about getting the young girl out of the alley.

Wordlessly agreeing with him she stepped up to where the girl was hiding and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Im sorry you had to hear that." She said with a nod. "Lets get out of here. Its not safe for you, or for me." She stated, beginning to walk back to the light outside the alley. She looked back into the darkness and the man was gone.
Lisa nodded, standing up and brushing the dust off her back. The alley really was filthy. She looked around; the man who freaked her out had left, just as suddenly as he came.

Lisa looked up at the woman. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" she asked, concerned.
Melissa smiled at the girl, a warm motherly smile. Her hand still placed on the girls shoulder, she patted it gently. "Ill be fine sweetie, thankyou for caring about me." She said softly. The girl really was sweet and Mel wished there were more children like her, but Melissa wasnt going to explain anything more to the girl, she had already heard enough in the conversation with the man.
"Okay." Lisa nodded, slightly reassured, but a little worried all the same. "I'd best be off," she added, walking towards the alley entrance. "I might see you around." Lisa hoped the woman would be okay. She deserved to be okay for being so kind. But life just wasn't like that, and Lisa knew it.

With a quick smile and a wave, Lisa vanished around a corner.
Melissa smiled a sad smile. "Stay out of dark alleys." She said as the girl left. She took one more glance down the alley, not sure which way her life was going to spin her next. She decided to stay out of the dark. There was no point dwelling, it only caused more pain. Turning back to the light of Obsidian harbor, she walked back to her shop. It was her first day after all and she was determined to make life work for her from now on.

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