Who Wants To Roleplay?

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Gareth Knight

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
<COLOR color="#000">Hey all! We basically have internet now so I am able to return. I won't be on as much as I normally wold be until we get proper internet (August 14th) but I should still be on regularly.
So, onto my people:

Gareth Knight

Gareth here is 26 years old. He has two children and a final. I would quite like some friends for him, male and female. He is in a relationship and he is not likely to cheat but I wouldn't mind if someone introduced a bit of drama to his love life in some inventive way.

Caleb Shaw

Caleb here is 23 and has nothing. He would need friends and possibly some ladies. He's settling down a bit more now o he is more likely to have a girlfriend rather than a fling but that doesn't mean he'll stop with the one nights, just means there will be less of them.

Sophia Turner

Sophia here is 32 years old and is a mother of one. She is (hopefully) a future healer. She will need friends, both male and female, and possibly patients if you require a healer. She will eventually want a man to settle down with but it would need to be someone who will put the time in as the father of her daughter left her unable to trust men.

Natalya Turner

Natalya here is 15 years old and has nothing. She is a student at Beauxbatons though I am wondering whether I should move her to HNZ. She needs friends, male and female, and possibly a love interest or two. She's not the kind to cheat but she is the kind to get confused in a love triangle and not know who to pick.

Unknown Child

Finally, I am thinking of making a first year for next years sortings. If anyone needs a specific first year for a plot or anything or wants something for an idea they have then feel free to post and I'll probably do it :)

Isaac Gallantree

Isaac here is 11 and is about to be sorted and HNZ. He is a nice boy who doesn't stand for people who walk over his friends, though he wouldn't be the first to help someone if he didn't know who they were. Personally I'd say he's somewhere between a Slytherin and Hufflepuff.
He's very loyal to those he's friends with and he doesn't discriminate but he's happy to lie and cheat to get himself or his friends out of trouble.

Also, if anyone was interested in playing Isaacs little sister, that would be awesome too :)

That's all for now folks

- Summer​
Once you figure out your first year, let me know, because Claire here loves friendship!
Lily could be friends with Gareth, Caleb and/or Sophia. She is happily married with a baby so there would be no romance possible, but she could always use new friends. :D
That sounds good :) I think best for Sophia and Gareth, I'm having some issues with Caleb at the moment muse wise.

Could you start one/both of them? I have just had blood taken from my wrist and it's bruised hugely so it's quite difficult to type.
- Summer
Claire is way too sweet. She would need someone who is nice, loyal, and funny, and well, sweet! haha. That's all. She's a little bit... er... of a push over.
I can start something soon. I have HNZ peeps at the house right now and my dinosaur of a desktop is ailing. :( I have my iPhone but, well, it's not the best for rps. Lol. Give me a few days. :)
I can offer Rhi or Irene or both of them for Caleb..Like him,Rhi has nothing too..She is 22 and has returned to New Zealand from Greece..Maybe they would be a couple,Rhi is not the character to have flings..Irene is the opposite of Rhi..She is an auror,20 and has experienced too many heartaches to be in a serious relationship...
I've Sara here for Natalya, since they're around the same age, they might get along, and if she moves to hNZ, she could help her get used to the place?
<COLOR color="#000">Hey guys, sorry for the delay.

Lily : Sounds good, thank you :)
Irene : They both sound very good for Caleb. Is there any way you could start one or both of them? I am currently very busy in RL as well as HNZ life.
Sara : She sounds pretty good, shall we do a topic next holidays for the two of them?
- Summer​
Sounds Awesome Summer! i'm working on getting the other plots set up.
Great then..I'll post up a link as soon as I started one..For both of them,that way I could keep all of my characters busy..
So I see you is for Caleb and Rhianne found at the Makutu Mall..
<COLOR color="#000"> Thanks guys, sorry for any delays, I have just returned from my holiday :)
- Summer​
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