Wherefore Art Thou

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Tybalt Archer

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2" Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core
9/2019 (42)
Halloween was one of those things that Tybalt had never really been able to enjoy when he had been at home. His town had gone crazy over it, but the kids he knew spent half there time making him miserable and half their time getting sugar rushes from the trick or treating, which really was mostly treating. Tybalt this year had decided that no matter what he was going to at least go. he was happy to do what ever, and he really didn't mind the idea of getting into a lot of trouble in fact he was really fairly open to it. Halloween he was willing to let his hair down and just have a bit of fun. He was hoping that he would see Indiana there, or maybe someone knew. Like Juliette. He would love to see her again. Despite their circumstances of how they had met, Tybalt would be happy to see her again. And spend some time together while not in a hospital wing, with him in more shock than her. His arm had almost completely healed. He still wore the bandage because the way his arm looked wouldn't make him feel very good. it made him feel like a piece of dirt. That people would think so much less of his because of his arm. So, therefore he had decided to just not take the bandage off until it was completely healed. Which was a little odd, but it was what he was willing to do. For hallowe'en the boy had decided to dress up as a Tybalt from Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliette. It was a bit of an easy option, but he had the large fitting shirt and the trousers to go with it. The style that his character would've worn during the play. Tybalt knew that his character didn't meet a good end, but it didn't matter. He was basically going as a different version of himself. He was happy to do that rather than anything else. It was almost zero effort, and no one would be able to guess it without asking. Mostly because they would assume that he was Romeo. Which was the reason he was going as Tybalt instead. It was odd. Tybalt going as Tybalt. But, he liked that. When he was finally ready the boy put on his converse (mostly because he didn't have any other shoes) and headed out the door.

The entire mood in Hogwarts was good at this time of year. He liked, he liked it a lot it was good. it was interesting. He was happy to say that no matter what he was enjoying everything about the school. Everything that he did, and everything that was involved about it was amazing. The people were better. The staff friendlier and everyone just appeared to be a hell of a lot more excited about the holidays that occurred during the year. Tybalt smiled to himself as he stepped into the very interesting Great Hall. it was so creepy and Halloween like. he was very happy to be at this school. Of all the magical schools, Tybalt was sure that this was the best one. The only one with enough good in it to create such an event, or to go all out for such an event. Happily the boy made his way over to one of the many tables and picked up a bunch of sweets in his hands and began to eat, as he looked around the hall, for anyone of his friends, or just someone who looked friendly enough to talk to. He was also kind of hoping for something like a few people. A group of people hanging out at the same time. Tybalt was happy to be Tybalt for the evening in a hall where really anything could happen. Halloween was just that holiday where everyone was someone else for the evening. Tybalt saw himself as braver that evening. He would do more to be like the proper Gryffindor, he would be confident and just less like himself, so that more people would like him, and so that if anyone asked, he could just say it was the wonders of hallowe'en that make some people became different. The one night when it's okay to be a little weird.
Halloween was one of Indiana's favorite holidays. It was a big one in America. You got to dress up as anything you wanted and have fun with it. Of course Indiana was not a very creative type of girl so she had her older sister pick out a costume. It consisted of a pair of wings the older girl already had and a nice white dress and so Indiana was an Angel for Halloween. The older girl was also going to be dressed in white but she was going as her favorite character from Tuck Everlasting, Winifred. Smoothing down the front of her skirt outside of the doors to the Great Hall. The young girl was nervous, though she wore dresses often she never worn one that seemed so fancy to her. She wasn't sure if her wings were straight or if her hair was still the way her older sister had put it. But she was a Gryffindor and that meant it was time to enter the hall and find her friends. She especially wanted to find Tybalt and Preston amoung all the students in there. They were her greatest friends at the school, the two boys. She wanted to know who they decided to dress up as and just get to talk with them. Straightening her shoulders the girl pushed open one of the doors and entered the room.

The Gryffindor found herself staring at a room truely decorated in the Halloween spirit. Amoung the usual candles floating were Jack-O-Laterns all lit up with different faces; some scary and others were smiling. Indiana grinned as she looked around the place. It was beautiful and all the people dressed up were amazing. There were so many different costumes. One older student she reconized from the Gryffindor Meeting had a dark mustace on his face and she wondered what on earth he was trying to be. She figured it was some character from a muggle movie made a long time ago. Her father enjoyed watching the ones from the 1970s where the men all had the same facial hair as the boy. It creeped her out to be honest. Looking around she noticed a familar mop of dirty blonde hair in the crowd. Moving her way closer she smiled noticing her already had a smile on his face. She liked Tybalt's smile it was much better then the tears. The girl was happy that her friend was feeling happy as it seemed to her that things never went well for him. She hoped this time it would. Standing behind him she tapped his shoulder and then held her bag with both hands waiting for her friend to turn around. He looked like he was trying to be some Renaissance man, but Indiana wasn't sure.
Not exactly being dressed in something instantly recongisable was good. It meant if people were curious they would have to ask, and Tybalt would have to answer them. he knew that no matter what he probably understand if they just didn't know who his character was, he just hoped that people had heard of the play that his character was from. Surely, if they spoke english they knew of it. He is the most famous english playright. Tybalt had always loved the still of writing that he had. It was interesting since he knew that no matter what, because his character ends up doing a lot. He is a boy caught in the middle of feud, in love with his sister and not wanting her to end up with the other side. It wasn't the most pleseant tales, but it was technically a comedy. And the boy at times understood what. He had more than once as this for halloween. His home town had been halloween crazy they loved everything about the day. The way everything was made up in his town for that one day of the year was usually dragged out for an entire week. Everything was dressed up, the houses, the town square. it was really an odd day, and one the boy had always sort of liked. he didn't have many fond memories of the day. The other kids had always set out to make his life miserable always seemed to be able to do it better during any form of holiday. Halloween was costumes, plus candy. It was a combination that only spoke of disaster. They wreeked havoc and just got in the way of everything. He had some memories from a few Halloween's that he was really keen to never repeat. They weren't good memories and he didn't like thinking about it. He would much rather create better ones with friends. People he liked and who liked him. It was just so much better. Tybalt was smiling and nodding along to the music. It was all good. it was all fun. He thought quite a few people had made their costumes scary enough for him to actually somewhat fear them, or fear who might be underneath. He could see a couple of dolls, a cheerleader, a detective. A bug, fairy princess. It was all really interesting. People had really made the effort. Well most people had anyway. He'd taken out the same thing he'd worn on a number of occasions. it was his go to outfit, because it was simple and easy for him. not to mention it was also pretty clever of him, in an odd way. He smiled to himself. This would be a good evening.

He however, had no seen anyone he knew. It was hard to tell since a lot of people had make up on and weren't exactly showing who they were. He was just waiting for someone to go talke to him. It was then that he felt someone tap his shoulder. The boy turned and smiled upon what the bright blue eyes fell upon. Indiana. His friend. The person he was close to calling his closest friend. The one person he felt really comfortable around. It was odd. He'd met her on the first day and it had been a lot of fun. He had come to realise that no matter how much she tried to hurt him, he would always be her friend. She had helped him rather than kick him when he was down. He was thankful for that. And he felt in her debt. He smiled at his friend, taking in her costume, some form of angel he imagined. "Hey" He said gladly. Glad to see his friend there. The boy pushed up his sleeves and looked around them. "This place is incredible. I didn't think they would go all out for something like this." Tybalt didn't even notice that the bandage around the left arm was now exposed. He didn't really care. Tonight was not about that. "So, you're an Angel? I really like the wings. Did you make them yourself, or did you buy them?' Tybalt reached out for the wings, but stopped himself. "I bet you can't guess who I am dressed as?"
Indiana's smile grew bigger as her friend turned around and saw her. She hoped she looked alright, it not being her idea she wasn't sure if the costume really suited her. She would have liked to be an indian and wear her actual clothes from home. Of course her sister wouldn't let her, beign that she had to dress up as something different from herself. Which meant no comfortable mocs for her, instead girly shoes on her feet. She was glad that the heel wasn't overly high. It made it atleast a tiny bit better. Glancing around for anyone else she knew she didn't see one and her attention went back fully on her friend. Out of all the people she had met in her house, the girl enjoyed her time with Tybalt the most, even if he had been crying the one time. At his Hey she leaned over and gave him a tight hug. She missed his smiling face and was glad that he had come. "Tybalt," she answered with a smile on her face.

"I think it's Beautiful," the Gryffindor said as she looked around the room. Everyone seemed to have put so much effort in all of their costumes. It was incredible, the entire atmosphere of the room had changed in one day. Looking over the snacks on the table she smiled and picked up some candy corn it was her favorite fall treat. The sweet pieces got crunched under her teeth as she listened to Tybalt talk about her costume. Her face blushed as he complimented the wings. They were the part she had been the most worried about. Indiana hoped she didn't ruin them by all the people running into her. "Yes. My sister did it to me. I think she may have made the wings," she answered to Tybalt. Looking over him at his question, he was right. She wasn't much of a reader like he so she was sure he was some famous character but all she could think about was a muggle movie that was made long before either of htem were born. Ever After. "Are you Prince Henry from Ever After," she questioned a blush on her face already knowing it was wrong. She figured she might have the right time period however. And she was glad that Tybalt couldn't actually see color, otherwise he'd realize how much he actually made her blush.
Tybalt thought at she was easily one of the best dressed people in the hall. He thought she looked incredible. He had no idea what it was like for most others, when they saw her, the abscene of colour made things a little odd for him. She was very bright to him. He was sure that the entire outfit was white. It was all one colour, white. Though he had no idea what this meant, he often wondered if all angels were of the one colour. He sighed slightly thinking about how no matter if he told her how good she looked ath it wouldn't really matter coming from a guy who couldn't actually see that well what she looked like. Sure he had the contacts in but they only helped make things clearer. He couldn't say it was a good thing either. Not being able to see helped very little in the grand scheme of things. He smiled to himself before looking back at her. It would ovciously mean nothing. He couldn't say such a thing. He didn't want her to think less of him just because of the fact he had tried to compliment her. It was silly. Indiana was smart enough and nice enough to just let it go, but it would weigh down on him. He instead just smiled at her. As she agreed with him. Of course again, he couldn't see the full extent of it. There was a lot he missed with his eye sight, something that he would never see was all the colours that everyone else saw. And it upset him, he had come to terms with it. He knew he would never see it. But he twelve. he wanted to just be like everyone else, and it wasn't possible. It made him upset, just as it would upset anyone his age. He wanted to just be like everyone else. It just wasn't ever going to be possible. So when he looked at the great hall, he could see all the areas where he was missing stuff. Where he wasn't seeing anything of real importance that might be truly stunning to others. He would learn to be okay about it. He would learn to live with it. He leived with it everyday. He was doing well. It was only days like this, and days with friends that he sometimes wished he could just the see the colours of the day just a little. Just see his own eye colour, to see hers, to see what orange meant. It was pretty depressing thought and he was fairly happy to be rid of them.

"Well, the wings look incredible. You look incredible." Tybalt said nervously, unsure of why he felt so nervous about it. He hadn't ever really seen many of the people from his area dressed up as well as she and the rest of the people at Hogwarts did. It was pretty incredible. He never thought that he would be in a school where people would take something like that so seriously. The boy had a smile on his face. He knew she wouldn't know mostly because there weren't a lot people who had read them, or knew the secondary characters. He felt a little bad for asking, but he felt like in a sense he was helping. The boy smiled and shook his head. He didn't really understand what film that was. He didn't really watch a lot of the truly old movies. That and he wasn't that interested in movies. He was much less interested in them as he was in the newer ones, which was fairly funny as he had seen most of the versions of the movie his character was in. "I'm Tybalt, from Romeo and Juliet. The shakespeare play." Tybalt said. "It's okay, most people wouldn't be able to guess it. I just really like it." Tybalt really did love Shakespeare. he found the man truly interesting. "It's nothing compared to your costume." Tybalt looked at his own, pushing up his fallen sleeves. "How have you been? You made the team right? Whens the game?"
Indiana was well aware that plenty of others had more orignal and better made costumes on around her. Still it made her face blush red when her friend told her she looked incredible. She was sort of glad in a way that her sister had come up with the Angel idea. She hadn't relized till now standing in fron of Tybalt that nothing about her outfit would be hidden from him. He could see clearly the color and what it looked like. Others had crazy colors on, she was sure she had seen someone with fake hair that changed colors. Tybalt would never see that and she did feel bad for the boy. She knew better then to bring up all the colors, they had no meaning to him and Indiana would never want Tybalt to feel bad or upset. Especially if it was by her own mouth. She hated the fact that she had already hurt him, but she hoped he had truely forgiven her for the incident which happened on the First Day. Tybalt was her closest friend on the campus grounds. Not to push out her other friends like Preston. But being in the same house with Tybalt helped them being close.

"Thank You," she mumbled turning her head to look away and at the ground. She knew he couldn't see the blush on her cheeks but when embarassed she had the tendancy to look at the ground. However there was a smile on her face, she was glad he thought she looked nice. The girl frowned when she was wrong about his costume. She had already known her guess was wrong but it was the fact that he had made his choice from a play that put her off. Books were one thing but she hadn't ever read a play. Sure she had seen Romeo and Juliet before, but Tybalt hadn't ever stood out in the movie to her before. She made the decision to find a film where he was in hte movie a lot and watch it when she went home. Indiana wanted to know why Tybalt would choose the character. The girl of course believed the boy was above picking the character just because they shared the name. There had to be something about the character which drew him in even after the first wave of the name. "Oh," was her response. She shook her head to his second thought of it being nothing like her own costume. Of course it wasn't he had put his own thought into the costume. Indiana just had let her sister throw together something and put it own her. "I've been good. Practices have been hard and sort of annoying when they are right after a class ends. But the team is looking great I think. And the game is coming up, I think in a week. You have to come!" She said, the last line had come out in a very excited tone. Indiana loved Quidditch and even if she wasn't used to the practices she knew once she graduated and joined a Pro team it would get even harder. She'd get used to the Practices by then anyways.
Never before had Preston seen October 31st celebrated in as hardcore of a fashion as it was done at Hogwarts New Zealand. He was used to the little parties that his school threw, which often involved many of the same things that this school was doing but at a much, much smaller scale. He’d never been anywhere where ghosts roamed the halls openly and skeletons hanging around could be enchanted to scare the bejeesus out of a person when they walked by. Not to mention that students pulled pranks at each other with things like canary creams that made the person turn into a living canary or dungbombs that smelled like… Preston loved it all. As he tied his cape around his neck, Preston was happy with what he saw. He had always enjoyed the day and was glad he’d had the forethought to ask his parents to get him a costume in mid-July. They’d thought he was crazy, but now he was pretty pleased with himself at having done that and couldn’t wait to tell them in his letter to them. Preston had finally broken down and decided to send an owl to his dad, hoping that if the owl went to his dad’s office, it would be less conspicuous since the man’s office was private.

Donning the horns on his head, Preston picked up his pitchfork and headed out of his room. By the time he had reached the doors to the Great Hall, Preston had noticed that even the professors got involved in the dressing up. He looked around for his Head of House, wondering if he too joined the festivities. Somehow Preston didn't think so. With a smile on his face that was quite in contrast with his costume, the Slytherin walked in, his head bobbing to the music. After waving hi to a roommate he wasn't particularly close to, Preston looked around the room some more. His eyes lit up in recognition as he spotted Indiana, a chuckle crossing his lips as he realized what she was dressed as. Dodging an ogre, Preston reached the girl and realized that she was with her other friend, that guy Tybalt. "You look...really nice" he said to his friend, failing to find a more appropriate word to describe her appearance. His brown eyes glanced at her costume now that he was close-up and then slowly drifted to her companion who looked like he was dressed like some renaissance person. "Hey" he said in acknowledgement. "If I'd known, I would have suggested we come together" he smirked, spinning his pitchfork in his hand.

OOCOut of Character:
Obviously not Preston but that is how his costume would look
The boy had never thought that someone might not have heard of his character, or the play that he was being the person from. It was fairly hard to get if you didn't have a family member who liked it, or went to a muggle school and did english. There were movies, musicals and ballets about it, but he could understand how people might not know it. After all, he hadn't actually read that many more than the one he was named after. It was pretty complicated and he would them pretty challenging to read. It wasn't simple. It also wasn't complicated but it was in the beginning daunting and as his father was constantly telling him, he was a little too young to be getting all the references that the plays were making. It was fairly easy for him to understand that, but Tybalt had always been the kind of boy that didn't really like not being allowed to read stuff. It was why he had read a lot more than he would ever tell his parents. Despite the fact that Tybalt got scared very easily, he was always willing to read the scary books, and as along as he took pretty systematic breaks, he was actually okay. He could get through the book without being scared. Mostly because he knew that the books wouldn't be able to hurt him. Not like real people could. So it was more real people that scared him more than the books that at times didn't have the best people within them. Tybalt smiled at Indiana, though she clearly had no idea what he was talking about, or just didn't know the character. He Nodded as she spoke of quidditch, he still needed a lot more practice in that. He wondered if they would win, he hoped they would. It would be nice to win the quidditch cup. And there was no stopping him going to the game. He would go no matter what. He wanted to see a real game, he wanted to see if it was possible for him to understand better the rules of the game and the way it worked. Plus, he was pretty eager to watch Indiana play. He didn't really know the first thing about the sport, but he was sure if she had managed to get on to the team then she had to be really good. She had be amazing, and the young boy was sure that she was.

"Of course I'll be there!" Tybalt said brightly. He wasn't missing this or any other game. If he was going to teach his sister, he was going to need to know as much of the game as possible. Then a boy that Tybalt didn't know walked over to them. Talking first to Indiana. Their costumes seemed to compliment each other. This made the young Gryffindor smile at the two of them. He wondered if they had preplanned this. It would be a good ensemble. An angel, and a devil. The forces of good and evil. He hoped that they wouldn't pretend to fight or anything. That wouldn't be fun. Tybalt smiled at the boy as he greeted him. "Hi" The usual southern drawl apparent in his one little word. From what he said next, he realised that they hadn't actually planned it. It had all been a coincidence. Which was pretty good as far as they went. "Good costume." The gryffindor added motioning to what the boy was wearing. He didn't know who this guy was, but if he was a friend of Indiana, then he was sure that he would be a good person, someone easy to talk to, or just nice. Even if he wasn't, it wasn't his friend. "I'm Tybalt, dressed as Tybalt from the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet." Tybalt got the impression that his costume was a lot less clear than most, and definitely compared to theirs. Both of which were very clear as to what they might be. Though they could both pick specific angels or devils. He was pretty sure that he was the only person who would think that much about it though. Tybalt did at time over think a lot of things.
Indiana knew she was far behind Tybalt in many aspects. He knew more about everything from reading all his books. She had spent much more time outside as a child and never got into the habit of finding books to be great. She watched movies, some really old. So the girl knew things about those sort of things, but not books or play for that matter. The Gryffindor actually greatly admired her housemate for all his knowledge and how when confronted with terrible matters he tried to be brave. Of course she was happy when he said he'd be at the game. She knew the first was against Hufflepuff and Slytherin, which made her wonder if Preston would go and watch it with her. She wasn't sure if Tybalt would care very much when he did not know anyone in the air. Glancing over him she noticed that with his sleeves pushed up his arm seemed to be wrapped up like it had gotten hurt. Of course she knew nothing of the character Tybalt and so it was possible that it was part of the costume. But knowing the real Tybalt, her friend Tybalt she figured he had managed to get himself hurt or worse bullied again. "Tybalt! What happened to your arm?" She asked drawing closer to him and lifting his arm carefully as a way to show him what she meant. Indiana was pretty sure that he said anything about the Slytherin girl she'd leave the dance at that moment and track the girl down and try to beat her up herself. Over the weeks of knowing Tybalt she became protective of him. She hadn't liked it when she saw him cry. She did like the moment they had together in the quiet dark room while she learned more about him and how much they were a like. Though the crying part she hadn't to see. The young girl was actually happy to see her friend with a smile on his face. Of course when they had been alone together she came to realization that he was sort of her best friend here at the school.

The boy hadn't really seemed to be given much time to answer for her ears picked up on a familar voice and she turned to see the person. It was Preston! Smiling she looked over his outfit and laughed. Of course a bluch appeared on her face as she heard the compliment. Just like with Tybalt. Not holding onto Tybalt's arm any longer she gave the newcomer to the conversation a hug like she had the time she met him in the corridors by accident. "Preston!" She said during her hug with a smile on her face. She really liked the boy, he was funny and a change of personality from the standard Brave Gryffindor she was used too. Of course Tybalt was different from the rest as well. But she saw him more than Preston, it was like if she went a day without seeing Tybalt something was wrong with the world. "If we saw each other more often then we would have known," she said sticking her tounge out at the boy. She poked her Slytherin friend in the side teasing him, of course she had no idea if it would tickle him or not. The girl was surprised by what Tybalt told Preston. Indiana glared at Tybalt for a second while reaching out to lightly slap his shoulder. "So you tell him but make me guess? That's no fair Tybalt," she said with a pout on her lips. She wasn't very upset but she was a girl, and there was tendancy to over react to different things in the female population. Finally getting the chance to stand next to her two greatest friends at the school at the same time. She found it funny how different the two were and how obivious it was when she saw them together. Tybalt with a smile, Preston with a smirk; which she actually found odd because she couldn't remember a smirk on the Slytherin's face when they had first met. But it suited him and his house all the same. Tybalt and his American Southern accent which always made her smile, Preston and the New Zealand accent. Both grew up very muggle, though the Gryffindor was from a wizardry family and Preston from an all muggle one. "I'm glad you both came," she said now a smile on her face. It was the bright Night smile which both her siblings had. Looking around for a second she wondered where her older sister had gone off to.
Preston returned Indiana’s hug and smiled as he patted her on the back, trying his best not to get his pitchfork stuck in his hair. He wondered what the other people in the Great Hall thought and wondered if they found it as funny as he did that a devil and angel were in the middle of the room hugging. A satisfied grin stayed on his face as he listened to Indiana speak. For some reason, he was glad that she’d shown him that sort of affection in front of her other friend. “Hey, I see you every day. Sometimes, you don’t see me though” he replied with a shrug, trying to sound nonchalant about it. There were some days when Preston made attempts to go up to Indiana but then he would see her with the Gryffindor before him and he would stop, knowing that three was definitely a crowd. And, although he had suggested that Indiana bring Tybalt to come help him practice flying, he had only done so because it seemed to be the right thing to do not because he really wanted to have the guy join them.

Preston saw Indiana’s Gryffindor friend often enough since they shared several classes together, but he had never heard him speak up in class. If he had, Preston probably hadn’t been paying much attention. He didn’t recognize the boy’s accent but knew that it was not a New Zealand one which wasn’t too abnormal for this school, he had learned. Many of the students were from other countries and, in fact, it seemed that there were few native New Zealanders at the school, something that Preston had to get used to upon his arrival. “Thanks” Preston replied at the compliment. He listened as the boy explained his costume and then nodded his head, a small chuckle escaping his lips. “Funny. Your name is Tybalt and you’re dressed like him.” The boy was familiar with the Romeo & Juliet as it was one of his mother’s favorite plays, but he was pretty certain that most of the students here weren’t and likely would have no clue what Tybalt was talking about. He was definitely an interesting sort of guy and seemed to be much more intellectual than Preston was. The Slytherin wasn’t very much into reading or any sort of academic work, though he managed to do well in school anyway. “Me too. This is fun” he stated, smiling as he watched an ogre pass by. He knew it was the male part-giant because there was no one else at school anywhere near that tall. “ Did you guys see your Head of House? She looks creepy” he stated, eyes widening a bit to emphasize as he pointed in the direction of the food table that she was standing near. It had taken him a few moments to even recognize her.
Tybalt wasn't paying too much attention to himself, and the tone of Indiana took him by surprise. She took his arm and lifted it. He smiled shyly at that, wondering if he should actually explain what had happened. The long story seemed a little off, and he didn't want to be reminded of all the events of that day. It was a good thing he had done, but it didn't mean that he was comfortable talking about it yet. In fact he would rather probably never actually talk about it in detail unless he was talking directly to Juliette. She was the only one who knew about his family and what had happened. She would be one of the only ones to know. That much he was pretty certain of. He didn't like talking about it, and he hardly wanted to give Indiana more reasons to think less of him. Sure, they were friends, but that didn't mean that she had enjoyed in the slightest helping Tybalt when he had been feeling down. "Oh, it's nothing. I was giving this girl a hand, and I fell over." Tybalt said non-chatanly. It wasn't a lie at all, just underplaying what had happened but talking about it wasn't really something he was willing to do. Sure, Juliette had called him a hero, but he knew he was anything but that. He was no hero, and he certainly didn't ever feel like one. Which was why Tybalt was just as happy to not actually go into what had happened. "I went to the hospital wing, and they bandaged it up." Tybalt added with another, it's okay, it's not important kind of tone that he tended to take when talking about his njuries, and at times himself. Tybalt smiled at the other guy, who had just joined them. It was quite funny to him, that he hadn't been the one to think in the box for once. He was always thinking about the easiest way to do things, but when it came to halloween, he was much happier just being anything. And a little more back story went a little way. But he didn't really mind. They had dressed up in a way and he had too. The bright blue eyes of the young boy drifted over the crowd. It appeared that some had done like him, come up with more, and others had gone for the very basic things. What ever took anyone's fancy.

Tybalt saw Indiana almost everyday. He liked seeing her, he liked spending lots of his time with her. She was the closest thing he had to a really good friend. He was a little tired of not having any friends, so she had been a very nice break from the normal. Tybalt had seen the other boy before. Just briefly, in classes that they shared, but he had never spoken to him. Tybalt was curious if they would become friends, since they had a mutual friend. It might not work, he realised that. There only thing in common might just be Indiana. Indiana lightly tapped his shoulder as she complained about him telling the other guy, and not just telling her. "Well, I figured if you cannot get it, then I doubt anyone else will." Tybalt smiled at her, "But, It also cuts down time." Tybalt wondered if Indiana's friend had in fact read Romeo and Juliet, or had seen anything to do with. He then looked around for the Gryffindor head of house. He wasn't quite sure what he was looking for. Things were difficult for him to see most of the time, and he had no idea what she was dressed as, everyone was dressed in odd costumes, the only way he could tell Indiana was because she was standing so close to him. The other boy thankfully pointed in the direction of the food table. Despite his contacts, he had trouble telling who it was, and if it was in fact their head of house. He could barely tell, with the way his eyesight was already, the added make up, had meant that unless someone had pointed it out, then he would not have been able to guess it. "Wow. I did not recognize her. That is one creepy looking costume" The boy looked back round to the two people he was with. Smiling as he did so. Even though they weren't really doing anything, this seemed like a good thing. PLus it was in fact the very first Halloween that Tybalt had spent where he hadn't been getting chased, or it ending with him getting beat up. Overall no matter how terrible the night could possibly get, it was still going to be better than what he was used to.
Indiana thought about it and how she never truely paid attention to the things going on around her. If Preston was more observent than she, of course he'd see her everyday. She hoped that the next time he saw her her friend would come up to her instead of shying away. She figured most of the time the Slytherin did not come up to her was because she was with her Gryffindor friends. Having time to think now that greeting her friend was over she thought of the words Tybalt said to her. She doubted that he was telling her everything. She knew from experience that he wasn't one to say everything if it meant himself looking weak in front of her. He tried to brush off the fact that he was in the middle of a crying fit when she found him after being bullied. He showed her that day that he did not want to seem weak, and it had bothered her. She was sure that someday she would be crying and need someone there with her and she hoped it would be Tybalt. Prehaps Preston if Tybalt wasn't around but she wasn't sure if she'd ever want to look less then anything to Preston. Glancing at the Devil boy she smiled. "Then you should say Hi everyonce in awhile," she told her friend leaning over to nudge him with her shoulder. "And I do see you in classes, but you disappear to quickly for me to have the chance to say anything," she told him shyly glancing at the boy before looking around the room.

The girl listened to her friends interacting and found it quite strange for her. Considering she knew they never had fully met before to her knowledge and she never saw them in the same places as each other before. It was truely strange for the girl. The two boys were different from each other as night and day. Just as their houses made them out to be. "Tybalt," she said turning to the boy she had been standing with before the other showed up. "This is Preston, I met him in the bookstore before classes started. We hunted down all of our books together despite all the older students shoving us around. Preston, Tybalt. He was the first Gryffindor I met, not including my sister of course," she said with a laugh figuring it was best to introduce the two. Otherwise she could be considered rude. Of course spending most of her time around Tybalt she felt as though she knew more about him then Preston, which left the muggleborn as a mystery in her eyes. But she was a curious as a cat, which was one reason why she tended to ask a lot of questions and annoy people with them. Glancing over at her Head of House she tilted her head thinking it was strange but also cool in a way. "I think she tried coming as Professor Styx," she said as an off handed comment a smile on her face at the joke. The girl truely disliked the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor and he jut happened to be the Slytherin Head of House. Who was no where to be seen. She figured he was off in the dungeons lurking around like the creeper he looked like. "By the way I won't tell anyone, Devil, but I saw the smile on your face before," she said teasingly to her friend dressed in Red.
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