where villains spend the weekend

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Samuel Phillips

Part-Veela | Artist | Scrivenshafts Owner
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Interested in Somebody
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Straight 11 1/2" Flexible Cypress Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hey dudes and dudettes, so it's the holidays now and i actually have time to roleplay (who would have thought i actually had time to do anything???) and there's a bunch of my characters that are completely open and I don't want them to get any more dusty than they already are (I love them too much to leave them alone you know what I mean) let's plot them up because you're awesome, I'm awesome it's pretty obvious what I'm trying to say here.
Annie Urie; Twenty-four. Lifeguard. Sweetheart.
Generally Annie's as kind as can be and likes to brighten people's days. She's naturally an athletic person, and has been most of her life. She's helpful beyond belief and people take advantage of this and use her as a doormat. She's unfortunately still too kind to say anything. Annie also has trouble making emotional connections with people, especially men, and avoids anything that will get her too close. That is to say she's had a bit of a rocky past, her parents passing away when she was ten, her heart broken at 16, however now that she's an adult she's happier than she's ever been. As far as she's concerned her life right now is exactly the way she wanted it to be. Recently, she moved away from New Zealand and is currently a lifeguard at Bondi beach. For her I'm open to anything and everything, friends, enemies and romances. But keep in mind she would avoid any or all emotional aspects of a relationship, she likes to keep any of her friendships/relationships light so she doesn't get too attached.
Amber Wilson; Seventeen. Polite. Indecisive.
Newly graduated from HNZ, Amber has no idea what she wants to do with her life or where she wants to go. At a first glance she seems composed and put together, but that's what she wants you to think. This of course means she isn't as reliable as she makes herself out to be. She says one thing and does another, a trait that has helped her avoid many responsibilities throughout the years, and is alternately her defense mechanism. This being a result of growing up in a wealthy household with her parents never around. She actively avoids responsibility because she fears the people she gets close to will suddenly never see her again. Whether she knows it or not she hates being so alone. What I need for her is mostly friends, she can be funny, trustworthy and helpful when she wants to be so friends aren't out of the question as long as they can put aside her flakiness and focus on her positive traits.
Laura Monteiz; Nineteen. Naive. Party animal.
After spending most of her life as a 'good girl' Laura has finally let her hair down. She parties a lot, in an attempt to make the most of her new found freedom. She currently lives in New York in a messy apartment with two guys she works with. Her life pretty much consists of a nine to five job, and partying the rest of the time. Generally speaking, Laura can be overly trusting and naive. Luckily she surrounds herself with kind hearted people, for the most part they keep her safe. What I need for her are more friends and possibly a romance. She likes to be around people who are fun and carefree, also people she can live vicariously through. It would be cool to have a friend/boyfriend/whatever corrupt her, and take advantage of her trust. I would like to see how she reacts to being used. So yeah she's completely open as far as I know.

Anton Dementyev; Nineteen. Vain. Critical.
Everyone's fist impression of Anton is that he's a douche bag. Plain and simple. He's harshly honest, and won't hesitate to tell you if he thinks you're ugly. Much like he won't hesitate to tell you if you're annoying him either. He doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, and this scares him. He's happy mooching off his parents until he figures everything out however. This is to say he's selfish, and feels entitled to get anything he wants without lifting a finger for it. He expects perfection from everyone, especially himself. It weighs him down sometimes, but not once has he considered his expectations of others are unrealistic. What I need for him is everything, friends, romances and enemies. He definitely needs some bros to party with, and maybe he could meet someone so nice he slowly realizes he's viciously cruel. I don't see him having any serious relationships at this point, merely flings and one night stands. Enemies goes without saying, there'll probably be a lot.
Jonathon Phillips; Eighteen. Energetic. Trouble Maker.
Recently, Jonathon graduated from Beauxbatons. He's got a lot more free time than he knows what to do with. So currently he's very very bored. Like a child he's energetic, impressionable, impulsive and loses interest easily. He's a nice guy when he wants to be, but usually his urge to be nice is clouded by his urge to please himself and have fun. He doesn't consider the consequences of his actions, and generally doesn't care what people think about him. On occasion he can be a cuddly teddy bear, sweet and considerate. But mostly he just says what he thinks, and doesn't care if he offends anybody. What I need for him are mostly friends, maybe a girlfriend. In regards to the girlfriend, I'm not fussy. She just needs to be patient with him, and tolerate how annoying he can be sometimes. It wouldn't be anything serious either since he has a final. The ultra mega super amazing best friend positions are filled, because he has two bffls, he just needs some casual party friends to hang out and wind down with.
Maxwell Stone; Nineteen. Athletic. Determined.
Maxwell's recently turned over a new leaf. While he was in school, he was an arrogant douche to say the least. Partying, sleeping around, skipping class, undermining professors. Just your friendly neighborhood stereotypical rebel. After graduating and being kicked out of home with nothing, he's had to build his life from the ground. In the process he's realised how his actions have affected people, and subsequently wants to make ammends. He's become kinder, more considerate, and somehow more happy from the whole experience. He's had to put his dreams of being a professional Quidditch player temporarily on hold because he has two jobs and barely enough time for himself, let alone trying to make it as a quidditch player. Though slowly he's letting himself work less hours. What I need for Maxwell are friends and enemies. He doesn't get out much for anything other than work, so the only chance he has to make friends is through work. He's a fun and loyal friend, so I imagine he would make similar friends. Any enemies he has would be from his school years, people he hasn't had the chance to apologize to, or haven't accepted his apology.
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Ferdinand Oakley; Fourteen. Inquizitive. Sassy.
Ferdinand has an impeccible thirst for knowledge. He questions everything, much like a four year old. He knows that the only way people can truly learn and expand their knowledge is by going out there, asking questions and experiencing things first hand. He's very open minded and accepting, something his parents taught him to be from a very young age. Conversely Ferdinand can be very cheeky. He calls people out on their bullcrap, and twists their words around for fun. He's a listener as opposed to a talker, except of course when he needs to ask some questions. Problem is, a lot of the time Ferdinand prods people too far and makes them uncomfortable. Usually he doesn't even realise. For Ferdinand I need friends and an arch rival. I Haven't had much of a chance to develop him yet, so he needs a lot and I mean a lot of friends. He gets along with all different kinds of people so I'm not fussy with friends. With the arch rival, it can either be friendly competition or they could be on bad terms and always try to up one another. I'm not fussed either way. I just want to see how he reacts to challenges and competition.
That's all folks! I just want to get these Charries more active. Feel free to pm me, thanks in advance for reading/replying :wub:

Hi babe!

So, for Ferdi, I was thinking we should do a Perdi rp, maybe something in the rosebush, they haven't done much together so it would be nice to have a Perdi rp, cuz, sweetness.

Jonathon! After I Graduate Rosie, you remember the plot we had with them? I think we should do another rp, not sure what to do with them, but anything would be funny, plus finishing off the one we already have.

Amber: I think that Amber and Hazel could be okay friends, they both recently graduated and so I think they could run into each other and start talking. I dunno if anything would come of it, but you know, just a friendly chat about options could be a nice calm rp.
Hey Anna! :woot: :hug:
So since we didn't get to finish Batman/Robin (my fault I am super sorry, because I lost track of time we'll say Batman won and we'll figure out the punishment later, yeah?) anyway, they've graduated and they need to hang out and have fun and get an apartment with pet turtles, etc. :r :p

Also, I know he's not on the list, but what's happening with Corey/Daniel?
That's all I got, if you have any ideas I'm listening! ^_^
TEIGS :hug:

Yes yes yes to everything. I missed perdi so much :cry: I'm happy to start that, as long as you don't mind it being short. I'll also reply to Rose asap because sigh how perfect are they I mean wow. I could see Amber and Hazel getting along, and giving Amber a chance to talk about what her future holds with somebody else is a great idea. It might stop her being so puzzled all the time. That I won't be able to start because of the other posts~ if you wouldn't mind doing that it would be top notch.

love yew girl :wub:

@tenilee we'll make up some kind of back story, i'll pm you , and wow i totally forgot about Dorey i'll get right on that :wub:
Ok, this would be like way in the future but mostly because I love Ferdinand's face... I think maybe Luxie should develop a little crush on him. Until then, I think they should be friends because she is being inquisitive about this whole wizard ordeal and because he is a bit older he should have at least some answers for her. Let me know what you think!
That's cute. It would be interesting to see how he acts around people who are younger than him. Ferdinand would feel out of place answering questions instead of asking them, but he would do it anyway. Just for the sake of being nice.

I don't know how they would meet but I love the idea :wub:
Perfect. I don't know... Maybe up in the owlrey or something? She would have no idea how to use the birds and would need to ask for help from someone. It doesn't really matter. But could you do me a favour and start the topic?
Hey Broseph!

If you are interested I could offer a few of my children up to play with ya!!!
Definitely interested :D

Should I pm you?
Of course!!!
Me again, Annabanana! :wub:
So, with some prompting, I'm thinking my character Desislava Lesley and your Maxwell Stone meeting. Because, it'd be sweet, and nice. I can create something later today, too! :p
Hey again boo :wub:
They shall be bros and they shall be best of bros :correct:
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