Open When In Rome

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Lumio Skey

passionate | explosive | Eeylop's assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2039 (18)
Lumio enjoyed any reason to celebrate and though he had exams on this side of the semester, he was decidedly less stressed about them, so came to the halloween celebratation complete care free. He knew that Ronald was probably knee deep in school work and wasn't sure if he would be coming along - he hoped he would - but given how patient ronald had been with him last year he knew he could easily return the favour. The gryffindor walked into the great hall, he was dressed as a roman civilian, wearing a toga and a golden wreath on his head. He liked the costume and he felt it was good fun. He walked over to the drinks and began glancing around, perhaps the fun house would be good this year. It had been a while since he'd done it. All the more reason to now. Though he'd perhaps hold off for a moment, he didn't need to do all at once.
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Delilah wasn't always the most enthusiastic when it came to Halloween but she felt like she needed to make an appearance. It was also nice that she had managed to scrap together a costume that she actually liked. The stared down at the clouds floating across her shirt and smiled to herself. She looked around the room with pumpkin juice in hand, trying to find a familiar face. She spotted Lumio talking to an older girl and she joined them. "Hi." she said with a small smile. "Great costume." she added.
Lumio smiled at Delilah walked to him, he looked at her costume and had to smile, it was pretty amazing as costume. He nodded, "Likewise," he told her with a wide grin. "I really like it!" he added with a nod, "Are you the sky then, or like a cloudy day?" he wasn't sure there was no real difference between the two, but he was asking anyway. "How've you been?" He asked her.
Delilah smiled at his compliment. It wasn't as flashy as some of the other costumes around but she felt good about it even if it might not win any prizes. She considered his question and looked down at her costume. The clouds floated by peacefully across her chest. "I guess I would consider it just the sky. Some times it just happens to be cloudy." she mused and took a sip of her juice. She was glad to have something to do with her hands when he asked how she had been so her fidgeting didn't look too obvious. "I've been....ok." she said awkwardly and knew that she sounded less than convincing. "Being a prefect is a lot more work than I realized." she added. There was more than just the work load to being a prefect that was weighing on her but she didn't need to add that information right now.
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