Whatcha going to do with your life?

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Alianne Finch

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14 inches Hawthorn with a core of Chimaera Scale
Hello everyone!!

So I have this character, Alianne Cooper. She is twenty one and recently moved to New Zealand from Tennessee. She tagged along after her twin, Alex, who got a job as an Auror. Alianne is a pretty blonde girl with odd, amythest eyes. Aly is very carefree and outgoing, without much sense of direction or purpose in life. Nothing can keep her attention for long and she grows bored with it. Aly's mind is constantly thinking and anylizing. She is extremely observent and takes in everything that is going on around her, even if she doesn't act like it. She's very intelligent. Her family feels as if she is wasting her life and her talents.

Basically, what I need is friends, like a best friend and then a few aquantinces. Possibly an enemy or two. A boyfriend or two with a future final would be nice but she grows bored with boys easily so the boy would have to be extra special to keep her attention ;)
I think that would be great! Would you care to start an rp?
Hi, DJ could be a friend or even a short fling if you like. He trusts easily and gives out way too many second chances, He's generally a nice guy but he won't accept if someone hurts one of his friends or if someone cheats. Those are the two things he'd never forgive.
Hmm he could be her friend if you like. Boys generally bore her after a short amount of time so he could be just a fling too. Either way
Maybe they could have a small fling and then decide they'd rather be friends?
I have Roberto Strouss who just moved here to and is looking for someone special
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