Open What This Time?

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Liusaidh Styx

100% defeated styx
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Kalif II
Knotted 12" Flexible Chestnut Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
7/2040 (21)
Liusaidh thought the balls were overrated but she still always went along to them. Knowing that they would be the greatest amount of fun if she just let herself. Yuleball had been a bit of a mess but she wasn’t going to do that, she didn’t want to do the same thing twice. She wasn’t sure what this bring and truthfully in her little clutch was a small stink bomb. She skipped her way into the hall, spotting her brother and loudly asking in gaelic if he was a true scotsman before continuing on in her journey’s into the hall. She was immediately drawn to the snacks table, after all, she couldn’t do anything if she wasn’t properly well fed.
Part II

Bobbi had been at the Valentine Ball a short while before the Hufflepuff's eyes fell upon that monster and her stature stiffened on instinct. She approached from behind and muttered “Arseface” under her breath while taking a good step that barged into the back of the second year as their piggy fingers gorged food from the snack table.
Liusaidh was a little surprised when she heard someone mutter behind her and was then quite roughly shoved. She stumbled a little and then looked round spotting the girl she'd knocked out at the last celebration. "Are you here fae round two?" she had a wide smile, "Ah see ye attack when ahm no looking, real brave ae ye,"
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