🌹 Rose Giving What they're looking for could be found in a single rose, or a little water

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
15 (12/2046)
hugo had spent his lunch break trackng down the staff on his list for the rose deliveries. which had turned out harder than he had anticipated. Professor Moncrieffe had been easy, but the caretaker had taken a lot longer than he had thought. He had also stopped by Professor Edogawa's office but had received no answer at the door. just about calling it for the break he hurried down to the great hall to get something before it was time to go to class. however as he walked across the din of the hall towards the ravenclaws he saw the professor at the staff table. he changed his direction and approached him. "Professor Edogawa. I apologise for interrupting your lunch but i have a rose delivery for you" he said. as he rummaged though his pile to find the right one.

Yellow Rose for @Professor Conan Edogawa: Title from the little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry[/small[
Conan had left his office a bit earlier than usual in favor of watching the chaos that was apparently called rose delivery. This certainly didn't happen back in his days. Wow. He couldn't believe he just thought that. Was he getting to be that old? Anyway, there was quite a commotion left, right, and center. And even keeping track of his kids was getting funky. Jonah, Eli, and Hina were all up and about at some point delivering to staff and other kids and Merlin his girls had received roses - yellow ones but that's where it all starts! He could clearly remember how he and Taylor started! Friends! He was cut off from his musing when an older student came up to him and he brightened considerably. Maybe his kids sent him one! Or one of his students? "No no, not interrupting anything! Is there anything I have to do?" he was always excited about gifts - Taylor always said he was like an overgrown puppy - and this was no different.

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