Eoghan knew Lilith well enough that he could quite literally see the cogs turning in her mind as she came to terms with all the information all at once. He didn't make a move as she crossed to the wall, allowing her to figure out what she needed to feel better for herself. When he'd first found out about Eli, he was more concerned about how Lili would take it, and it had been the reason he'd planned to keep it a secret at all. Not knowing what part of his words Lili would focus on as a priority, he waited for her to make the first move, whether that was about Eli or about how he'd handled it.
Hearing Lilith tell him that using mental games wasn't necessarily wrong, had the Ravenclaw's head spinning too. On the one hand of course, he knew why he did it, but he didn't want Lilith to get the wrong impression either. "Mental games aren't right, either," he said, feeling as though she was looking straight through him, "I only did it because it was just that, a game." The second year wanted to win of course, but the idea of people manipulating each other on a day-to-day basis would have been different. The blond took a few steps closer, "Making people doubt themselves or, making them feel like they have no other options? Yeah that could be considered bullying, and it can be a slippery slope to believing that it's justified in situations if it means you can protect yourself," he knew it all too well. "I'd never do that again to someone because I don't think that's me," he'd grown from that person, in many different ways.
"I feel bad for Eli, I tried to be his friend. After I found out about the rose I still wanted him to be there for you, but if he's going to hold on to the grudge that what happened on that platform is who I truly am, and not the person he's been sharing a room with for two years, I'm not going to beg him to change his mind." Whatever Eli wanted to think about Eoghan, he'd let him. It wasn't as though he would particularly feel the absence of the Ravenclaw anyway. Eoghan stepped closer still so that now he was beside Lilith, "All that being said, I am nervous it will change the dynamic of your friendship" Even if Lilith hadn't found out or asked him what was going on, Eli was likely to distance himself from Lilith now wasn't he? And that would be his fault despite his previous attempt to heal it. "I didn't mean for it to go this way, I thought Eli would understand once it was over, remember what we'd said before. But, if you want me to try to talk to him again I can, because I don't want you to lose someone because of me." Of that, Eoghan was more scared than he dared to admit. Of everything in his life, Lilith was the best thing to have happened, so to consider himself the reason behind something that impacted her negatively wasn't a prospect he wanted to be careless with.