What is Your Problem?

Rory Fergusson

moutohora macaws chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16" Sturdy Vine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
7/2030 (31)
The scottish boy was fairly pleased with himself, not least because he was getting back the first bit of homework he had asked Flavio to do for him and he was happy about it. The fact it was done quickly too was good, Rory had been meaning to have it handed in so that he could do other things, the boy didn't need to do the homework, he didn't need to do it but he liked having done a little, the professors looked more favourably upon him and he was just happier in general when he didn't have to think too much more about classes. Outsourcing the homework to someone else was just the right thing to do, he didn't need to do any of it, he didn't need the good grades, and he certainly wasn't ever actually going to do the work himself.

A person of his status didn't need to do the homework, and he hadn't ever done it at home, his mum or siblings had, it wasn't like Rory was going to change now, he had better things to do than his homework, and it wasn't like Flavio ever complained. The boy walked proudly out of the library with the work in hand, a smug look on his face as he moved proudly out of the library. he had so many other plans for the next few days, so much that he wanted to do. The boy stopped as he ran into someone he knew speaking for a few minutes briefly mentioning the boy who had done his homework, and how great it was that he now didn't even need to remotely think about the homework, that he could go do something more interesting, not that he couldn't have, but most of the time, Rory did remain with Flavio while the boy did the homework. Rory said goodbye to them and once again began walking down the fourth floor corridor proudly, happy knowing he could now play quidditch for a good amount of time.
Amber was on her way back to her Common Room, but she wasn't really paying attention to where she was going. Her mind was on Flavio and the conversation she'd had with him right before the holidays. He had told her how busy he was and how little time he had now for things he liked, all because he was doing someone else's homework. Rory Fergusson was the mean bully that pretended to be Flavio's friend only so he could make him do things for him, and Amber couldn't help but wish she hadn't promised not to tell a teacher about it. Flavio had seemed so sad at the idea that she had felt the need to promise, but she knew this needed to be stopped. It wasn't fair.

She looked up when she heard a familiar Scottish accent. Speak of the devil. She halted in her tracks and listened to his conversation, tensing up when he mentioned how he made someone else do his homework for him. Was he actually bragging about it now? He wasn't even worried about getting caught! The sheer arrogance of it made her blood boil. She had met Rory once before at the Valentine's dance last year, but she hadn't thought he was this awful. This was horrible, and she had to do something.

As he said goodbye to the person he had been talking with, Amber increased her pace to catch up with him. She had promised Flavio not to get a professor involved, but she had never promised not to get involved herself. She gritted her teeth. "Hey, you! Rory!" She shouted as she marched up to him. "Who do you think you are? How DARE you!" She stopped in front of him, her face slightly flushed with anger. "How dare you use poor Flavio like that?!"
Rory was more than a little startled when someone just started yelling, calling him out using his name harshly in the corridor and the boy glared a little, he was sure he'd met this hufflepuff before, how he didn't know but he thought the hufflepuffs in this school blended together until they were a mesh of interchangeable yellow. He shook his head at the girl, since he didn't really know what she was talking about, how dare he what? What exactly did this girl think he was doing that deserved this, or really what did she think he was doing to Flavio that deserved this level of anger from the girl. Rory didn't know what she was going on about, it surely wasn't the homework, because Flavio wanted to do that, the boy just had to say no and Rory would find someone else to do it.

His confusion didn't filter away when the girl finally stopped yelling at him, and he just shook his head at her, "Whit ye goin' oan aboot?" the boy asked clearly confused as to why this was happening, not realising what she was talking about what she meant, "I havenae done anythin' tae Flavio, and I dinnae get why yer yellin' at me for somethin' I havenae done," The boy shook his head at her he was curious to know what this girl was accusing him of, wanted to know what it was. Wanted to be sure he wasn't being accused of something that was true, Rory couldn't think of anything that he had done wrong to his friend, and after all in the Scottish boy's mind he and Flavio were good friends. He had learned and enjoyed playing chess with the other boy, they were friends.
Amber saw the boy glare but she glared right back at him. She would not be intimidated by him. She was in the right and she knew it. Flavio deserved justice, and she would have to fight for it if he was too scared to do so himself.

She pointed a finger at him and frowned. "I am indeed yelling at you for something you haven't done." She snapped. "Because that something is your homework, and instead you're making poor Flavio work all day to get yours done as well as his. Do you really think that's fair to him? He told me he barely has free time anymore and that's your fault! Who do you think you are? If you don't want to do homework, that's fine, but don't make anyone else suffer just because you're lazy." She took a deep breath, but she didn't feel herself calm down in the slightest. "If you're really his friend, you wouldn't treat him like that. And don't tell me he doesn't mind, he's too nice to say anything else and you know that! I just heard you bragging about it as well, so it's not like you're even hiding it. You're.. you.. you're a mean jerk!" It wasn't the most original insult, but she really did thing he was a jerk. She poked him in the chest lightly, glaring up at him and wishing she was slightly taller.
Rory frowned at her as she began speaking, it was rather loud and he didn't really have the patience to listen and though it was about Flavio this girl just didn't know what she was talking about, he wanted to do it, he could always say no, he didn't have to do it. Rory held the girl's gaze though he seemed thoroughly unamused by it and was actually beginning to think that the girl was just a little crazy. Rory knew his place above others, and Flavio knew his place to help Rory, this girl was just yelling.

There seemed to be no stopping her, or calming her down, but eventually she finished with a poke to his chest and Rory looked at her for a moment just to be sure that she was done, "First, your gonnae stop talkin' ah me like tha'" he replied with a thinly angry tone, "Secon', I didnae make him dae ma hamework, he does cause he wants tae. All the boy needs to say is no, and I am his pal, so if he had a problem he'd tell me," Rory replied as if that was plainly obvious that he would do that. The Flavio that Rory had in his mind wasn't some weak boy who just did other people's biddings, he was the guy who fed ducks, played chess with him and sat with him, they were friends. Rory benefited because the boy did his homework, and Flavio benefited because he was seen with someone of a higher status.

"Now, really I didnae care what ye 'hink of me or how I treat ma pal Flavio," Rory took a small step forward, standing up perfectly straight and poking her on the chest back, "Leave me alone, take yer hyperactive mudblood sh1te elsewhere," he was more annoyed that she had been saying he wasn't a good friend, Rory thought he was a perfect friend, to those of the good status like him.
Amber couldn't tell if this infuriating boy really believed what he was saying or if he was making excuses. She honestly didn't know which would be worse. It was frustrating, because nothing she was saying seemed to really get through to him, no matter how hard she tried. It was like he dismissed her words before she could even say them, which only made her more annoyed.

She tried her hardest to stay calm and keep her voice down a little. "I can talk to you however I want." She said slowly. "I don't need to be sweet and nice if you're not being nice to my friends. You can say you didn't make him do your homework, but Flavio told me that he thinks you wouldn't be his friend if he didn't. Is that true?" If it was, she didn't know what she was going to do. It was so mean and unfair. "Real friends don't treat each other that badly. If he does all that for you, you should be doing things for him as well." She took a deep breath. "The only reason I'm not going to a teacher with this is because Flavio asked me not to." It still made her feel bad, she felt like she had to tell but she also promised not to. It was hard.

Through all this, her voice had remained fairly steady and calm. But then Rory just had to say something that broke her restraint. He had called her a mudblood. "How dare you!" She gasped. "That's a horrible word, and you know nothing of my blood status!" She grit her teeth. "Is that why you think it's okay to treat Flavio like that? Because you're a Pure Blood?!" The word sounded like an insult coming from her, though she had never thought badly of them before. "Let me tell you one thing." She said, her voice calm again but with a very dangerous undertone. "Flavio is worth ten of you." She paused, then added. "And so am I."

As much as she wanted to talk some sense into this boy, she knew it wasn't going to happen. She stepped back from him a little, trying her best to calm down. But the arrogant and dismissive way he had called her a mudblood still rang in her ears.
Rory rolled his eyes at the girl, clearly she just didn't understand that she could not actually talk to him however she wanted, because he was superior to her, but he decided to just let her have it this once. To let her think how much better she was than him, even if she wasn't at all. As she continued speaking he frowned slightly, did Flavio honestly not think he would be his friend if he didn't do his homework, "Naw, it isnae, ah'd be his friend regardless," the boy said getting defensive about it, and he didn't understand why he had to do anything for him, since Rory was the pureblood he was helping him by just associating himself with him. His mother had encouraged him to befriend people who were lower than him because they made good allies, and though he hadn't entirely understood what she had meant by it, he was doing good on it "Go tae a professor see if ah care," Rory knew getting kicked out of a school wasn't a good thing but getting into serious trouble might allow him to attend Hogwarts Scotland which he had always wanted.

He didn't care for her anger at the word he had used, it felt annoying that she was now even more angry, and he didn't want anything to do it. He knew from the way she reacted that really din't like the word, but it was tough luck, he didn't care for her anger and he treated Flavio like he would most people, people did things for him because of who he was, pureblood, better, scottish. At her final statement Rory couldn't help but shake his head, he leaned in and in an equally low tone, with the full harshness of his accent, "Well, la di f##king da," Rory didn't care if she thought she or Flavio was worth ten of him, he knew that wasn't false on so many levels, but let the silly hufflepuff have her fun, have what she thought was a final truth, have her victory over him, "You gonnae leave now, or am I gonnae have tae listen tae mare of yer sh1te?"
As much as Amber wanted to keep yelling at this boy and show him sense, she knew that it would be no use. He was too stuck in his views and didn't seem to think he had done anything wrong. Oh how she wished she hadn't promised Flavio not to get a professor involved. She couldn't break that promise, but she wished she could. She sighed, shaking her head. "Flavio will see what a bad friend you are someday, and you'll be all alone. Just think about that." She told him, her anger gone now. "But yes, I'm leavng now. No need to swear." She told him, adjusting her ponytail. For some reason it helped her calm down a lot when she realized that it was no use. If she could yell him into becoming a nice person, she would, but she didn't think anyone had that kind of power when it came to a jerk like Rory. Without another word, she turned on her heel and marched away, determined to be a better friend to Flavio to make up for how bad Rory was to him.
Rory was honestly glad when she finally walked away, when she finally had said her peace and decided enough was enough, there was no sense in arguing with someone who was unwilling to even acknowledge that they were just so so wrong, the boy watched her walk away, almost tempted to stick out his tongue at her figure but more he was just annoyed, how dare she call him a bad friend, he was a great friend, he was a good friend. He would do things for Flavio if Flavio wanted it, he supported his friend, but of course Rory came first he had wealth, status and purer blood of course it was going to be favoured to him that was just how the world worked. The boy grumbled loudly to himself as he then stormed away, he didn't want to be lingering outside the library, he needed someone to vent to who might understand what exactly he was going through or at the very least be exceedingly willing to listen. Rory thought she was silly, thought Amber was stupid, a stupid hufflepuff who just didn't know what they were saying. God, how that house was just the worst at this school. Rory muttered curses the whole back to the slytherin area of the school.

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