What is your problem?

Keighla-Maria brought over her cup of tea and sat across the table from the red-head. "That's quite a lot of people. I'm sure there's more to you than that. What do you do? What are your plans?" She laughed good-naturedly. "There has to be more to you than your family." She had a sip of her drink.
"I work with the floo network at the ministry. It's not much but it gets me the extra money I need for clothes and othe necessities." Odie shrugged. "I don't really have any plans. I just take life as it comes. It's what I've done my whole life really. I figure, if I have plans, their likely to go wrong and then I'll be disappointed. If I don't have any plans then nothing much can go wrong and I wont have anything to be disappointed about.
Keighla-Maria thought for a second before nodding. "Good theory. Does this means you have no plans for my boy?" She laughed. Someone needed to keep him in line and she could just see Odette here being the one to do it.
"Not really. I'm just going to make sure he stays and helps with Connor." Odie smiled and shrugged. She didn't mind what Eddie did with his life as long as he was there to watch Connor.
Keighla-Maria almost dropped her mug. "It's a boy!? I'm having a grandson?" She sighed, though grinning. "I knew it, it seems this family can only have sons. I have three, now you're having one." She was so excited for Odie and Eddie she didn't notice her slip. "Oh, and he's called Connor?" The older woman felt it best not to mention how painfully obvious it was that Eddie loved this girl. She knew her son, he wasn't one of the people who proposed out of duty, Eddie only did something if he actually wanted to.
"Yeah. It's different in my family. We seem to have whatever there is. My mum had one brother, my dad had one sister and I have a sister." Odie smiled. She had always thought her family had random gender patterns. She didn't pay much notice though. It just made it more of a surprise when she was told what gender her baby was. "Connor Zeke Newton. We thought it would fit with what has happened recently." It was Eddie who had come up with the idea of honoring Zeke by giving their son his name and Odie liked it. It was a nice name and it worked with his first name.
Keighla-Maria smiled and a tear rolled down her cheek. "Connor Zeke Newton." She wiped it away and went and enveloped Odie into a huge hug. "You know, I think you'll fit in with this family my dear." She sniffed and went to put her mug in the dishwasher.
Odie was surprised when Keghla-Maria hugged her but she still put her arms around her. "Thanks. I'm so happy about that." She was happy to be accepting into the family like this. Mainly because Keighla-Maria reminded Odie of her own mother but also because she loved Eddie and wanted to stay with him.
Keighla-Maria turned back, having wiped the tears away and composing herself. "So, is there anytime you have to be back or are you able to stay here for dinner?" She loved to cook and, as a result, the more people to cok for meant the more food to cook wich totalled in a happy Keighla-Maria.

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