What is your problem?

Eddie was nnow confused. "What, are we going now? Don't abort ship? Huh?" He did not understand anything Odie had just said after protecting him from his mother. "What do you mean abort ship?" He wasn't sure or not but it could be a reference towards the baby, the one he had just convinced Ana not to get rid of.
"Yes, we're going now. There's no better time than the present." She smiled at him. "I'm saying that to her because she wants an abortion and I'm stopping her from doing it." Odie didn't usually talk to people about Ana's business but she felt like she should tell Eddie everything.
Eddie was right! He grinned at Ana and then Odie. "You don't have to worry about that. We had a talk and a hug and now she's keeping the baby. Aren't you Ana?" He was very pleased with himself about that, he never thought his charm could be used to help people instead of to sleep with them.

"Fine, we can go now, you see those fields up there?" He pointed to the fields close to obsidian. "Those belong to us, for now any way. That's where we're going. I warn you, ignore any sound you hear from the shed as we walk past though. My brother has made a gang of friends he thinks no one knows about and we all think it's cute."
Odie's mouth dropped. "Ok, I've been trying for weeks to persuade her not to have an abortion and then you talk to her for what, five minutes?? And immediately she suddenly doesn't want an abortion." Odie shook her head. "I seriously need to work out how you do that." She laughed and watched the look on Ana's face as she started back home.
Odie looked to where he was pointing and nodded. There were lots of fields but she was able to work out the ones he was talking about. "What does your brother and a gang of friends have to do with noises." She laughed as she asked it. The thought of it just sounded weird.
Eddie laughed and waved goodbye to Ana. "See you around then Ana." He began to lead Odie up towards his current home. "It was simple, she started to cry so I asked her worries and then told her why she shouldn't worry. I can tell you what I said if you want?" He liked the thought that he could connect with Ana, it would make the whole family thing easier. He was sure a lot of her family still disliked him but, hopefully, when they saw that Even Ana could be his friend they would trust him. The rock on Odie's finger should help as well.

"Oh, well, to put it nicely, they are mad. They will be banging around and I swear one of them cackles like a hag. Occasionally there's screaming, I assume they're having a tickle fight or something." He grinned and opened the gate into the first field. What he didn't tell Odie was that, in actual fact, they owned all of the fields they had to walk through, the one with cows in, the one with sheep in, the one that had crops and the one with the house on it.
Odie smiled as they walked up towards the fields. "Go on then, what did you say??" Odie knew how Ana usually didn't let much slip, especially in public. Eddie must have said or done something to make her feel like she needed to be kind to him.
Odie held onto Eddie's hand as they walked through the fields towards the one that had the house in it. "Lily and Jerrod are exactly like that. Only difference is; they'd do it with each other and play really loud music instead of having a group of friends and cackling hags who scream." She didn't care that her shoes were getting slightly muddy. She liked fashion but she was also a tomboy and didn't care about a bit of mud the way Ana did.
Eddie sighed playfully and thought back to what her reasons were and his replies. "Well, she said she didn't want a fatherless child and, with Riley gone, that's what would happen and I said that a child doesn't need a father, I diidn't have one and I turned out fine. Riley sounds like a d!ck so the kid is better without him and it's not like she doesn't have family willing to help. Her second reason was what happened to Natalie. I told her that she had been given another shot at happiness with a child and what happened to Natalie shouldn't effect that."

Eddie hoped Odie would be okay with him saying that,. He knew it sounded insensitive but sometimes it's what people needed to hear. They walked up and, as Eddie said, there was screaming and giggling as they passed the shed. Unlike the other times he had passed, however, he could hear another boys' voice there. Normally it was his brother and two girls.
"Cr@p." She laughed. "Why didn't I think of that. I was going for the comforting don't-worry-it'll-be-alright side of things." She laughed as they walked hand in hand across the field near the shed.
Odie smiled when she heard kids messing around in the shed. She loved kids and found some of the stuff they did funny. "Any idea who his little friends are then?? Or are they a mystery??"
Eddie laughed and shrugged. "Not a clue, we aren't meant to know so we can't ask questions. I know there's two girls and one boy, other than Kris of course. That's it. I'm really tempted to pretend to get something from the shed but they emptied it so there's no excuse to go in there." He loved that his brother was making friends but he didn't feel comfertable not knowing who they were. For all her knew their could be kids in there who's parents were training them to be death eaters and to recruit children for it.
"You could get your mum to go in their asking him if he wants food or something like that." Odie shrugged. It was just a thought. She used to use the excuse on Ana all the time when they were younger. "Does your mum own all of these animals then??" She pointed to the cows and pigs and sheep which were around the fields. She had only ever once had a pet gerbil and he disappeared without a trace.
Eddie smiled. "No body is meant to know he hides out there. We're meant to believe he's in his room." He couldn't help but laugh as they walked away from the shed and entered the next field, just one and a half to go. "Well, Technically, Zed owns them. We don't own those pigs though, they're our neighbours. Our pigs are up by the house."
"You could say that your mum couldn't find him in his room so you went searching for him??" Odie could feel her legs staring to ache as she had walked so much today with all the weight of Connor on her feet. She could feel herself slowing down without meaning to. "I never seem to have done to well with animals. I had a gerbil when I was younger and I woke up one day to find he was gone. I still don't know what happened to him."
Eddie shrugged. "Maybe." He smiled as she looked nervous. "Look, they are the softest animals ever, trust me, you will definitely love Porky." Porky was one of their pigs, the one that hadn't had piglets, that was Podge. They entered the next field. "look, this is the last field until we reach the house garden okay? We're almost there." He would've offered to carry her if, you know, she wasn't so pregnant.
Odie shook her head. "I'm not scared of pigs. I just don't get on well with animals. They don't seem to like me. I failed my Care for Magical Creatures exam because I couldn't do any of the lessons." She shrugged. "I don't care though. I don't need to be good with animals for my job." She leant on the fence between the two fields for a second as she looked at where Eddie was pointing. Then she started walking again. "I can't wait till he's out of me. Ana commented on how light-footed she felt when she gave birth. I'm looking forward to it personally."
Eddie chuckled at her moaning. "Come here." He stood behind her, his hands on her hips, grinning." prepare yourself." Eddie began to power walk, pushing Odie up with him. In less than five minutes they were at the next gate and Eddie was pink. "There... You... Go. Here, we, are." HE opened the gate, leaning on it while he let her through first. Eddie got his breath back and yelled as loudly as he could. "Mum!" He knew his mother would come out then, he quicky helped Odie to the top of the garden, right outside the house.
Odie was surprised when he started pushing her along the field. She laughed and hugged him when it was finished. "You're my hero Mr Newton."She smiled and walked with him to the house. It was a pretty house and quite big for a farm house. She couldn't wait to see the woman who had managed to raise Eddie. "I'm going to have to congratulate your mother on managing to raise you to be who you are." She laughed slightly and continued towards the house.
Keighla-Maria looked out of the window after she heard the yell and saw her son with a woman who had, let's say interesting hair colour. She put down the washing up, took off her apron, and went outside to greet them. She assumed this was the young lady he had gotten pregnant by the stomach on her. "Please Eddie, tell me you didn't make her walk up the hill?" He could be ridiculous sometimes. "Hello dear, I'm Keighla-Maria, the sorry mother of this thing." She joked before remembering the news. "Oh! Eddie, your father offered to house me and Kris once Zed kicks us out so we'll be moving to Ireland soon and needing your help."
Odie laughed at Keighla-Maria's joke. "I'm Odie. It's nice to meet you. I must say, you've done a terrific job with him." She smiled at Eddie's mum and felt a shot of pain mentally. She didn't know whether she should say she was sorry for what happened to Zeke or not. If she did then the woman could become upset but of she didn't then it could seem rude. She went for the not option and decided she would only say anything if the subject got raised. She turned on Eddie and frowned. "I thought you said you didn't have a dad??"
Keighla-Maria smiled, obviously Eddie had forgotten to mention the discovery of Seamus. "Oh he didn't my dear. He asked me about him, I'd say, a month or two ago and went off to Ireland to meet him." She shook her head. "What on earth are we doing out here? You need to sit down my dear, come on in." She lead the girl into the house, walking into the kitchen. "I'm terribly sorry for my sons' bad manners but he never told me your name." It was then she noticed it, the shining red jewel on her hand. Keighla-Maria took her hand and inspected it. "He never told me about this either." She turned and smacked her sons arm.
Odie followed Keighla-Maria inside and then smiled apologetically when she realised she'd never actually said her name. "It's Odie." Her smile increased when Keighla-Maria saw the ring on her hand. She laughed when she hit Eddie. "He's only just proposed to me. I insisted on meeting my to be mother-in-law." Odie looked at the ring while Keighla-Maria inspected it. It was truly beautiful.
Eddie smiled as the two got along. As his mother lead Odie to the house he shook his head. "I'm going to go up and see Pork and Podge." He grinned and walked off towards the path. He passed the chickens who all clucked when they sqw him, and carried on to the pig pen. He put on the wellies that sat under the hidden rock and entered the pen. He wasn't happier than when he was with his pigs.
Keighla-Maria smiled and waved her oy away before putting the kettle on. "So, tell me all aboutyou two then. I haven't heard so much as a peep since he told me he had gotten you knocked up, sorry for the crude language but I'm not the politest person." It was true, she always used the language sh had grown up with.
"It's fine." Odie smiled and shrugged. "Eddie told me that after what happened to your son, he wanted to have more to do with family so he wanted to see his son grow up. We started hanging out a bit and now we're engaged." Odie still couldn't believe she was going to get married. "That's it really."
Keighla-Maia smiled sadly. "He always was a sensitive soul. So, tell me about your family, Eddie has told me literally nothing and I want to know all about you if you're going to be my daughter in law." She poured herself a cup of tea. "Tea or coffee?"
"Just tea, please." Odie shrugged. "I have one sister-Ana-but our parents died ten years ago. We live with our aunt and twelve cousins. Well...we did. Some of them have moved out and some are planning to move out so there's not so many now." Odie shrugged. "There's not really much else to know."

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