What is your problem?

Edward Newton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Eddie had been walking around the shops. He was looking for things for babyConnor, there was only two months left to go until he was born after all. He already had one shopping bag with a few clothes in it, and another completely full of toys. Now he was just browsing to see if there was anything else that caught his eye.

Five minutes later, just as Eddie was about to return to the Green household, something caught his eye in the shop window. It was a shoe shop and, right in the middle of the display, was the cutest pair of baby converses he'd seen. He knew that they would suit his son. As he entered the shop he accidently bashed into a girl. He turned to apologise when he saw who it was. "Oh, Sorry Ana. Didn't see you there." He prepared himself to be yelled at. She really didn't like him.
Ana was in a bad mood. The male species wasn't exactly her favourite thing at this particular moment in time. She couldn't believe Riley would cheat on her. She never saw him as unloyal. Then again, he had changed since she first met him. He was more like his dad and less like the person Ana had fallen in love with.
Shopping was her distraction but it wasn't going well. Every corner she turned, she had some sort of memory of Riley. She was about to walk out the shop when her bad mood was heightened. "So you should be you stupid pr!ck." She glared at him. She hated him. Why was he such a stupid pig. What did Odie actually see in him??
Eddie sighed, he guessed she would be like this. He snapped at her, annoyed with her behavior "Look, what the hell is your problem with me huh? Yeah, I was a d!ck but guess what, I have a reason and I came to my senses once my baby brother was found speared to a wall. So maybe, just maybe, you should let your sister be happy and let go of your memories of the old me because that died with my brother and my parents marriage." He was all but yelling at the girl, he was sick and tired of people, mostly her, assuming he was the same person as he had been a few moths ago.
"Put it this way." Ana kept her glare on him and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're not the first guy to tell me he's changed and the last one who said it never actually changed. It's going to take a lot more than saying you've changed to convince me that you have." Riley had told Ana he'd changed and that was the only reason she had gone back with him. She had been too stupid to realise that he was lying and now here she was in the same position as last time; carrying a fatherless baby.
Eddie grimaced and closed the gap between them. "Look, you may know some sh!t men but I'm not one of them. Look, you want proof I'm a good man and I'm not a d!ck? How's this for proof?" Eddie reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box and passed it to the girl. Inside was a simple gold ring with a red jewel in the centre. "It's the type she likes, simple yet beautiful, gold not silver with her favourite colour, red. Now try and tell me I haven't changed at all." He took the box back, closed it and put it away before turning and picking up the shoes he had been eyeing. "Look, you still want to bother me you can do it as I shop for Connor." He turned and walked to the till.
Ana opened the box and put her hand over her mouth as she gasped. It was one of the most beautiful rings she had ever seen. "Oh my god. It's amazing." She looked up at him. "It must have cost a fortune." Ana couldn't believe the way she had acted after Eddie had gone to so much trouble for Odie. She walked with him to the till and then looked up at him. "Eddie, I'm sorry. It's just..." She sighed. "I'm going through some cr@p at the moment and I'm not exactly in the best of moods wiith men as a whole. I didn't realised you liked Odie that much." She hoped he would forgive her for the way she had behaved.
Eddie paid for the tiny shoes and turned around. "Yeah well, I guess one night stands can turn into something more. Look, I love your sister, I hope she loves me and, no matter what, we are having a child together, you're going to have to deal with it." His tone was softer now and he rowned when he heard that she was going through stuff. "Wha..What happened?" He knew some stuff that happened from Odie but not much. "Come on, I'm going to be your brother-in-law hopefully."
Ana looked down. She hadn't talked to many people about this. She didn't want to. She missed Riley and wished the two of them could go back to the way they had been before the whole Natalie thing happened. "I found my boyfriend with another girl and I'm pregnant." Ana looked back up at him. She was struggling to hold tears back as she looked into his eyes.
Eddie's expression softened, he didn't pity her or feel sorry for her but he did feel empathy for her. "That must suck but, if you don't mind my asking, why is being pregnant a bad thing? Think about it. A little child, all yours, to love and care for." He couldn't see how the woman didn't want a child. He couldn't see how anyone could want to get rid of a child.
Ana sighed. "1) because I don't want to be the mother of a fatherless baby and that's what it's going to be because Riley can't be f**ked to pay the slightest bit of interest in it and 2) because the last baby I had got stolen from the life support machine and has still not been found." Ana felt a tear fall down her cheek. She couldn't hold it in.
Eddie thought for a second before placing the shoe box into one bag, putting the bags onto the floor, and pulling her into a hug. "Hey there, Firstly, why can't the baby grow up without a dad. By the sounds of this Riley chap your kid has a better chance without him, I grew up without my dad and I was fine. Besides, it's not like you have no family to help you. As for your other child, why should that stop you from having another? I don't mean to sound insensitive if I do but you can't get rid of this child because of the incident with the last one. You have been given another shot of happiness with a child."

He whispered this in her ear and he hugged her close, rubbing her back soothingly. In his opinion, an abortion could be more traumatising to the people who got it than if they had kept the child. He also felt Ana would be an amazing mother, she just needed the chance to prove it.
Ana hugged Eddie back when he spoke to her. She was starting to realise why Odie liked him so much. He was kind and caring even when she didn't deserve it. She had treated him like sh!t and he was still being kind to her. She had to accept him as a brother-in-law after this. "I suppose your right. I'm just worried. I took me ages to get over what happened with Natalie. I'm just scared that it could happen again, that's all." She wiped the tears from her face. "Thank you, Eddie. I think you'll be an amazing husband for Odie and I'd love to have you as a brother-in-law."
Eddie smiled as she spoke, he was happy that he had her permission in a way. It made the whole thing feel better, made him more confident. "Hey, if you need help, with anything, Count on me. Even if it's just needing a babysitter so you can go and hang out." He grinned, picking up the bags in one hand, and threw his closest arm around her shoulder. "Now, on to a happier note, have you bought anything in here?" He had been told that she was fashionable and he had been out with enough girls to know what was fashionable and what wasn't.
"Thanks." Ana smiled then shook her head. "No. Nothing's really appealing to me. It's odd really. Usually by now, I'd have at least three bags of shopping." She laughed slightly. In actual fact, she wasn't concentrating on what she was looking at so she didn't notice whether she liked it or not. It was weirdly complicating even for her.
Eddie smiled. "Well, tell me if it does, I'm pretty loaded at the moment. Well, I have always been but I thought I'd start spending it before Zed took it all in the divorce." He rolled his eyes, his step dad could be such a d!ck when he didn't get what he wanted. "That's why I'm shopping for stuff for Connor now. I even bought him tiny little converses." He thought the shoes were adorable.
Ana turned to him. "Eddie, just because I said I'd love to have you as a brother-in-law, doesn't mean you have to start spending tons of cash on me. That's what Odie's there for." Ana had seen the converses that Eddie had picked up. "I have to admit, they definitely looked one-hundred percent adoreable."
Eddie laughed. "I'm not splashing cash because I'm marrying your sister, I'm doing it to annoy mums' soon to be ex husband." He laughed and exited the shop. He put the little shoes back into the bag and looked around, That was the last shop that had anything to do with babies in. "So, where you want to go next? You have a specific place you like?" He figured, they should go too her favourite places as he didn't have any any more. His old ones were places to pick up chicks but, well, that wasn't going to happen any more was it.
Odie had been looking all over for Ana. She was worried about the way her sister was thinking. She didn't want her sister to have an abortion any more than she herself wanted one.
She turned a corner and saw Eddie and Ana walking together. She walked over to them with a smile on her face. "Should I think of my own sister as a threat??" She joked as she stood in front of them. "Last I knew, you two hated each other. I never expected to see this."
Ana looked up when she heard her sister's voice. She hadn't expected to see Odie here but then Odie wasn't leaving her alone much recently. "We were just talking. I'm not a threat." Ana laughed then looked up at Eddie. "Go on." She stepped to the side so him and Odie had more space.
Eddie took a breath and approached his pregnant girlfriend, hopefully fiancée in a couple of minutes. He took Odie's hands in his and sighed. "Odie, I need to ask you something. It's a very personal question and you need to answer it honestly." He had started like that to confuse her, by the looks of things it was working. He reached into his pocket as he dropped her hands and pulled out the box but held it behind him where she couldn't see it.

Eddie took another breath and looked over at Ana for confidence before turning back to the red head. "Odette Maria Prinze." Behind his back he opened the box. "Will you do me the honour..." He paused and held the box in front of her, the ring he had shown Ana before hand glittering in the sun. "Of being my wife?" Eddie's fingers were crossed behind his back as he waited for her answer.
Odie was confused. She didn't know what the hell Eddie was on about. Personal questions weren't things that many people asked her. Not even Ana-most of the time. "Yeah, sure." She shrugged and then looked into his eyes waiting for the question to be asked. When she heard it, her hands went over her mouth as she gasped. The ring was beautiful but it wasn't what she was looking at. She was looking straight at Eddie. She was so happy that he had asked her. Her arms wrapped round her neck and she had tears of happiness running down her face. "Of course I will."
Eddie froze for a minute, life was like slow motion as she said yes. He grinned, put the ring on her finger, before picking her up and spinning her around laughing. When he put her down he went to Ana and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you Ana." Eddie was elated until he realised one thing. "Umm, this means you have to meet my mum."
Odie looked up at him with her head tilted to one side. "You're acting like it's a bad thing." Odie couldn't see why meeting his mum would be a bad thing after she had lived in a house with Dervish and his anger period. "Really, I want to meet your mum."
Eddie nodded, it could be worse, she could have to meet Zed. That would be hell, but he doesn't need to know, he wasn't anything to do with him now. At least, after the divorce he wasn't. "Okay, She is a muggle though, just to warn you. She's fine with magic, hell, she even does her shopping here. Man, she's going to kill me for not introducing you before now." HE laughed and kissed her, this day was one of his best ever.
Odie smiled at him. She had never actually met a muggle before. She'd only seen them round. That's what she got for living with a death eater. She laughed when he mentioned how his mum would kill him. "I'll protect you. How's that." She grinned at him then turned to Ana. "I'll see you later. Don't abort ship." Then she turned back to Eddie. "Which way are we going then??"

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