Closed What happened in two weeks?

Dante Styx

just hyper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Dante Styx was actually home, for once, during the breaks - just like he promised his mother and father. He liked being home, and the majority of his siblings were there too. His older brother Cassius seemed to be in a sour mood though. He was not sure why. And he heard that Daemyn was in the works on being in an arranged marriage. Dante was not sure what all was going on, but something about the love lives of his brothers were not going well. He was quite happy with his girlfriend Callie. He would have invited her over, but he knew what his parents would say. And do. So, he kept the letters. When a couple of knocks were heard at the front door, Dante sprang up to answer it. As soon as he flung the door open, he had to look up. And up. And up. “Mom? Dad! Cass’ History professor is here!” Dante called out as he rushed back inside, but peered around a corner to see what sort of trouble his brother was into.
No one ever dropped by Hades Styx’s home without a proper notice, so this came very unexpected. Hades got up from his chair and walked out of his library and down the hall to see what in the world Dante was yelling about. Something about a professor? Must have been Cassius’ if Dante did not know who it was - or at least, specified. How Hogwarts New Zealand ran their schools… It was beyond his understanding. He immediately saw that the man wasn’t exactly a man. Have their standards gone down so much that they hired a half-breed like this to teach at the school? He folded his arms across his chest, and asked coolly, "What is it that warrants a house call without a proper letter?"
"What do you mean Cass' history professor?" What in the world would require a house call such as this? A professor dropping by their home unannounced, that seemed a little suspicious. She caught up with Hades as he noted the man outside and her eyebrows raised into her skull. "Is that the kind of thing they're employing at that school?" She hadn't realised that they were employing non-humans now. She could almost accept part-veelas, but even that was too much, but a giant? Merlin. She hasn't even agreed with it when she'd heard about Giants in the Wizarding War - that she'd had any part in that. "Get off my grass!" She called out to him, frowning.
Kaelan Borisyuk had the address. He met Lilah Styx just a couple of weeks ago. She reached out, found him, and from there, it just clicked. Kaelan was addicted and didn't want to let her go, and it seemed like she wanted the same thing. And within a couple of weeks of knowing each other, they were married. So, naturally, he was here at her home to pick her up. Not all of her stuff was at his house yet. Kaelan knocked on the door and took a step back as a teenager answered, and then the parents. Oh, their attitudes just made his lips curl into a mischievous smirk. "I'm afraid you have confused me with my brother. I don't teach at the school." Kaelan could honestly not wait until Lilah emerged, but he could just see her in the background. "I've come to pick up my wife."
Lilah had always been someone who went after what she wanted. In the last month, she had been quite hyperfocused on getting exactly what she wanted - or well, in this case, who she wanted. She'd met him at St. Mungo's when she'd gone for some injury or another. She couldn't even remember anymore as focused as she was on him back then. When she'd returned home and couldn't forget about him after two days, she'd asked her dad for help. He told her to deal with it herself. And she did. The thing was, the more she put effort into finding out exactly who he was, the more she wanted him. And she went for it. And a mere month after - well, two weeks after she'd left home for an excursion - she was now happily married. She was quite looking forward to the honeymoon. And moving in with him. Today, she went home just to pick up most of her stuff, and probably let her parents know that she was moving out. She didn't notice just how much time had passed though since she'd gotten distracted and kept disrupting the house elf packing her stuff. By the time she was done, her husband was already there and her parents were at the door. Well. No time like the present. "Hey honey!" she yelled waving her arm from inside the house as she walked. "Why are you so early?" They both knew she was the one who was late.
Hades was in complete shock considering the fact that this was not what any father wanted to hear. This was who Lilah wanted him to find?! Hades' jaw hardened as he stared at the part-giant, looking for his wife. Hades was about to say that he was at the wrong place, but Lilah came out of her room. She confirmed his suspicions and looked to the two of them. She was going to sully his sacred, pureblood lineage with some giant? He worked hard to keep all of his children pure and this was what had come too pass? "Lilah, you didn't..." Hades hissed, though knew that her getting married, she did not have to ask him. She needed to go to his father. And his father had already approved it. "Over my dead body."
"Uhm, no, sorry I don't accept this, what the-" she can't possibly have been married because she couldn't just get married without permission of the Patriarch and why would he... she frowned and turned to Hades. "What the hell is your father up to, Hades?" Was this a punishment for something? Did she anger him? Well, that probably wasn't the best assumption because she was sure she annoyed him on a mostly general basis, that was probably true of most of his family though so she hardly took offence, was he getting senile in his old age? Twenty years ago there was no way he would have allowed this, not a chance!​
Seeing a couple of pureblood supremacists freak out over their daughter marrying outside of that status. Kaelan just ate it up. He thrived off of the looks they were giving him. "You really need to work on your timing, sweetheart." Kaelan kept his green eyes on his wife, lingering on her before he switched his attention to the parents. They were really not happen, and one even said 'over his dead body'. With how pale he was, Kaelan thought that the father-in-law might have been the walking dead anyway. He definitely knew where Lilah got her good looks though. And knew that in time, she would look just as gorgeous in several decades. He really lucked out. "Unfortunately, neither of you don't have a say. She's a capable, albeit persistent, woman." Kaelan decided that he might rub salt in the wounds though. "We'll name our first children after you two, in honor of her parents."
Lilah did not need to work on timing. She had perfect timing. "No, I do not, I am perfect," she said, throwing her hair back as she walked towards her husband and parents rather excitedly. One could tell she was practically skipping. "Hey Daddy," she sang at her father, perfectly pleased. "I was gonna tell you today, but I was sort of busy packing up my stuff," Lilah said with a shrug. "Grandpa said it was fine, and Kaelan and I just couldn't wait, and a wedding would have been just too much work, you know?" she said as she came up to her very large husband. He was sort of hard to miss. She wrinkled her nose though at the mention of naming their children after her parents. "Really? You want to name them Hades and Anastasia?" she asked him maybe a little unimpressed. "Maybe for middle names."
Not many would be able to tame Hades, but the mere mention of Lilah's grandfather approving it, saying it was fine, meant that it was no one other than Kalif. Anastasia's parents were dead. He made sure of that - even if it was not by his hand. It was his influence. A bunch of muggle sympathizers. But that part-giant having a smart mouth made his lips twitch, but his mouth remained closed as he debated on how to handle this. He needed to double check the rules within the family, if he could just off someone if he had a good reason. Would having little respect covered by false flattery count? Hades approached the front door, but did not want to stand too close to a part-giant. Their damn magic resistance made him wonder what would or would not work on him. "Hurt her, and I'll build your coffin myself." Hades didn't have anything to say. There was nothing he could do, besides maybe keep his murderous wife at bay.
"You are a horrible child and you deserve each other." It would come as no surprise to anyone that knew her that Ana had favourites, Lilah was not one of them, nor had she ever been so. In all honesty, Ana had always had a much softer spot for her sons than for her daughters, as she tended to be much harsher on them. One only really had to look at how she treated Dante to know he could do almost no wrong. Lilah on the other hand? Well, she could do all the wrong. She was going to have to have words with that bloody menace of a man they called their Patriarch. Clearly he needed a good swift curse in the backside if this was the kind of quality men he was allowing into the family, or out of it she supposed. Was that why? Because Lilah was a daughter and not a son? Well, she didn't think he would have allowed such a thing to take on the name of Styx, or Zhefarovich for that matter, but then, what did she know? Did they not also now have Veela in the family? And wasn't that wayward child Lanithro married to a muggleborn or whatever? Clearly she had been in this family for far too long, because she honestly wanted to have a few choice words with the old grump. "Get out of my sight both of you. Don't think you'll get anything from me for your children, I'm taking your names off the tree, I don't care what he says. I'm not having it."
Did Lilah ever tell Kaelan the names of her parents? He thought that he would have remembered their names. The mother's wasn't too bad, but the father was named Hades, and he didn't think he could ever name his son that. It would be strange. He kept his mouth shut on her saying that she was perfect. Yeah, perfectly late. "We will take a raincheck on that." Kaelan bent down and picked up both his wife and her belongings quite easily in his arms. He noticed that she was giving this... All he could think of was bratty, princess wave toward her parents. The mention of a tree made him give his mother in law a look. Right, purebloods had those. "Do as you will, dear mother. See you at the family get togethers." Kaelan apparated off with his wife calling out that she loved them, back home to his - no, their place. He knew how to antagonize people. He was a pro at it.


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