Closed What happened in two weeks?

Dante Styx

just hyper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Dante Styx was actually home, for once, during the breaks - just like he promised his mother and father. He liked being home, and the majority of his siblings were there too. His older brother Cassius seemed to be in a sour mood though. He was not sure why. And he heard that Daemyn was in the works on being in an arranged marriage. Dante was not sure what all was going on, but something about the love lives of his brothers were not going well. He was quite happy with his girlfriend Callie. He would have invited her over, but he knew what his parents would say. And do. So, he kept the letters. When a couple of knocks were heard at the front door, Dante sprang up to answer it. As soon as he flung the door open, he had to look up. And up. And up. “Mom? Dad! Cass’ History professor is here!” Dante called out as he rushed back inside, but peered around a corner to see what sort of trouble his brother was into.
No one ever dropped by Hades Styx’s home without a proper notice, so this came very unexpected. Hades got up from his chair and walked out of his library and down the hall to see what in the world Dante was yelling about. Something about a professor? Must have been Cassius’ if Dante did not know who it was - or at least, specified. How Hogwarts New Zealand ran their schools… It was beyond his understanding. He immediately saw that the man wasn’t exactly a man. Have their standards gone down so much that they hired a half-breed like this to teach at the school? He folded his arms across his chest, and asked coolly, "What is it that warrants a house call without a proper letter?"

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