Closed What Does This Make Us?

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Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; accio! editor; sixth year
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (16)
Fraser had been pretty preoccupied with the day. there was just a lot he always needed to do before the school events to ensure that the accio part of it always went off without a hitch. But he was making sure all was ready for now, when the dance was started and he was trying his best to be a good maybe boyfriend for June. They hadn't put a label on it as such, but he was hoping that this dance, and the rose would solidify it. He was lingering near the entrance waiting for her to appear. Knowing he'd happily wait for hours for her.
June had put on an pretty red dress for the occasion, and would got with Fraser to this Dance, he would be her date for the second time. And she had questionmarks, she ofcourse wanted to come along with him. But the two roses she recieved in his name were strange, one red rose wishing her an happy valentines day and the meaning of red was different than the yellow one saying he wanted to stay friends. But the note was strange, only with the F added to it. So she had an feeling someone tried to mess with her, she was not stupid. But she would clearify it today to the person himself. Where it was all about. And why would someone ask you to an valentines dance, if they wanted to stay friends? So for June it was clear, the yellow rose was fake, it had to. She made her way to the great hall and saw Fraser standing at the entrance. She smiled shortly and walked up to him. '' Hi you.'' she greeted him and waited for an moment, unsure what to do.
Fraser smiled as she appeared, she was so beautiful. he felt a little in awe. "Hi, you look, incredible," he complimented almost a little flustered as he did so, going to lean in to kiss her cheek. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red rose, and presented it to her. "I know I sent one already, but here, for you," he said, knowing now it would compliment her dress.
June smiled as he complimented her. That was not different than usual, but what was, was her feeling she got when he did it now. She was glad Fraser made an move and that was enough to know which rose was real, just an test to make sure. She could trust him and as she already thought someone was jealous again, and she had an feeling who would be, two certain slytherins who were so obsessed. “ Aw that is very sweet, thank you.” She returned an kiss on his cheek, it went slowly it was not something she was used too.” Someone tried to send a rose in your name.” The blonde took the fake note out of her tiny bag, and showed Fraser. It saying where he wanted to stay friends after thinking some more. And only an F underneath it. “ But I didn’t believed it.” She made sure.
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