What do YOU want?

Michelle Magonus

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Arden sat lazily on the chair in a cafe. It was really late and she should be at home with her brother and step-family, but she couldnt be asked. She hoped some loser would sit down so she could torment them. Pan was sitting opposite her, growling at whoever passed, or whoever even came near Arden.

"Good boy." she said, chucking him a haf eaten sandwich which he gobbled up greedily.
Kyouhei had a huge headache thinking about his other two kids. He was glad that he had Hideko with him but the other two was with that idiot Hikari, his fiance's sister. Why on earth would she keep other people's kids, that was pathetic and illogical. His relationship with Emiko was none of her business. Kyouhei looked at Emiko who was sitting on the couch sucking the fake wand. He picked her up and apparate to his sister's house and let his brother take care of her. Right after that, he disappear from the house and apparate to the UK. He spot a small cafe, and sat on one of the chair that was located outside of it. He lean back to the chair before taking a deep breath and massage his head. He felt like killing Hikari at the moment.
Arden spotted this guy and sent Pan to torment him. "Aw, did the ickle baby get scared if the mean doddie?" she laughed.
What annoyed Kyouhei was that there was this kid with a dog trying to scare him. She had no idea who Kyouhei was and she had no idea what he was capable of. He looked at the dog and kicked it and swung and pointed his wand at it "Stupefy" He cast the spell, right after he did it, he place his wand back to his pocket and looked at the girl sharply. No, he wasn't in the mood for any interruption. Kyouhei could kill her in a heartbeat, he was good at martial art, in fact he won the championship right after he graduated. This was the other reason why Kyouhei decided not to be with the deatheaters, because he was a big fan of fighting, muggle style, without magic.
Arden laughed at this persons feeble attempt to hurt Pan. Luckily Pan had a protego charm on him, preventing him from getting hurt. "Any idea what you have just done. I'm ex-CFC champion, USA and Canadian Boxer and kick-boxer champion, Black belt in karate, judo, ti-chi and the ancient Chinese way of controling people. Do you really want to fight me? Well do you? I also have champion dog-fighter." she threatened this challenger.

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