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Cassius Styx

6th year ⋆ livid
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Cassius Styx had a habit of giving off some horrible first impressions, especially when he was a first and second year. He was such an angry kid that took out a lot of his anger on Gregory Friend. Now, he was a sixth year Prefect, and he had a lot going for him once he left the school. He made straight Outstandings, but of course he did because he felt that he was the best the school had. He was a pureblood, came from the prestigious Styx and Zhefarovich family, and had the looks to boot. One could say that he had it all. Cass thought that he did. He really had everything he wanted and more.

Although, there was still something else that was missing. No, he had best friends and everything - including Veronica. Even if she might have had a thing for the previous Head Boy with the stupid name. He doubted that any of his family members would soil themselves with a muggle bloodline. At least, any of his siblings. He knew that there were some that loved to rebel and end up causing his grandfather to have an aneurysm. It was almost like they had a bet going on over who would suffer his wrath, or keel over. Cass was not one of them at all. No, he was in the lounge, just reading over some of his family’s history. Written in Bulgarian of course. And taking up the entire couch.
The student lounge had become a place that Elio had been expecting to see people for a while, and even though they were only half way through the semester, Elio had already decided that he preferred the lounge over the library these days. The atmosphere was more relaxed, and he found it easier to have casual conversations here. He wasn't expecting to see Cassius Styx taking up the entire couch, absorbed in some book written in what looked like Bulgarian. Elio had heard bits and pieces about Cassius through his friend Snowdrop, who was dating him, but he didn't really know the guy himself, except for in the classes they shared together, not that he was ever silly enough to comment on it to Snow.

He considered walking past without saying anything, but curiosity got the better of him. "Hey, Cassius, right?" Elio greeted casually, his tone friendly but with a hint of curiosity. "Didn't think I'd see you here. That looks... intense," he added, nodding toward the book in Cassius's hands. "What are you reading?" Elio figured it couldn't hurt to strike up a conversation. After all, Snowdrop seemed to like Cassius well enough, so maybe there was more to the guy than his reputation suggested. Besides, Elio was always open to making new friends, even if they came from unexpected places.
Cass would not have ever thought about a transfer student because he never paid attention to such things anymore. He had no reason to. He had his own life to live, and that was what he was doing. Plus his parents were not thrilled that he had hidden Dante's condition from them. Considering his family, could one blame him? His silver eyes glanced up as he heard a voice say his name. Who the hell was this pretty boy? He was in Gryffindor too. Honestly, it sort of fit. He did not really greet him so much as just stare, especially when the boy pointed out what he was looking at. "I am in no mood to chit chat with you."

He was in a bad mood because he thought that his girlfriend was avoiding him. Cass really liked her, so he just assumed that if something was wrong, she would come and tell him. The reality was a lot worse though, one that he did not have any idea of. Cass brushed his thoughts to the side of his suspicions as he gestured toward the pages he were reading. "This is the history of my family, so of course it is intense." Cass rolled his eyes, clearly having an attitude about talking to someone he did not know. It was rude not to introduce one's self, wasn't it?

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