Open What a Wonderful world

Zennon Baros

Finley's dad; healer
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
The world would never be the same. Maybe it was a little dramatic but, honestly, he’d earned a right to a little drama he thought. He wasn’t sure it was entirely his fault that things were weird and now with an election potentially soon, he’d seen the news about it, he wasn’t sure who he would even vote for. He wasn’t old enough to vote in the last election and as yet, he didn’t even know who was going to run. That begged the question of whether or not he wanted to vote. Before he wouldn’t have been allowed to, because he hadn’t been a citizen of the New Zealand magical community, but this was his home now. His son lived here as did Sam. So he wasn’t about to abandon it.

His friends also lived here and he wasn’t about to turn away from them either even if he was a terrible friend for the most part, he loved them. He worked hard on his friendships, getting them to the point that he didn’t need to see them all of the time. The people he missed the most though were the people he had gotten close to towards the end of school. Like Willow. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d even seen her, let alone had a conversation with her. It was probably a bit of a good thing honestly, because he didn’t want to think about what it would mean if he’d seen her a lot with her being an Auror and everything. She would have finished her training by now he was pretty sure. He’d finished his and he was sure it was a similar timeline.

It was this and a couple of other reasons as to why he’d left Finley with Sam and gone out today. He needed a little time on his own without Finley. Ever since he’d graduated he’d had Finley with him and whilst that was fine, he loved his son, he did want some time to himself and Sam hadn’t had much of a chance to spend a lot of time with Finley lately so it seemed like the perfect time. That and many other reasons as well. Still, he did feel a little guilty about leaving Finley behind, but, it was for the best as he was able to kind of work on what he wanted the most out of this day. With Finley tagging along he couldn’t wander aimlessly and it was something he’d quite enjoyed doing a few years ago. It was something that his sister Elsie had taught him. She had been the master of it really.

With a sigh, Zennon stepped out onto the street and immediately bumped into someone, as though the fates had aligned and he looked to see Willow and burst into laughter. “Oh you are never going to believe me if I tell you I was literally just thinking about how I hadn’t seen you, are you?” He frowned a little as he got a good look at her. He was surprised he had recognised her at all actually because, "Hey... what happened to your hair?"

@Willow Cullen
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with the election coming up things in the office were weird. there was sort of a chaos staff were shuffled to different portfolios and she had finally passed her exams just in time to be thrown into an election year. it was interesting for her because the candidates had not yet been announced however she knew one person who was applying to run. She wondered if she would end up stationed with her mum, or one of the other candidates or if she would be seen as having a conflict of interest and left out of the election delegated to the other files. She had taken a break and gone to get a coffee she was just heading back to the ministry when she walked into someone, or rather someone walked into her. she shouldn't have done that. all her training and she still walked into someone. at least her instincts kicked in and she waved her hand muttering a freezing spell. the cup stopped in mid-air a spiral of coffee spreading through the air. before looking at the man. inside berating herself for having her priorities wrong. if this had been some kind of attack those seconds may have been the difference between defence and not.
thankfully not only was it an honest accident the man was someone familiar to her. "Zennon. you are right I wouldn't believe you. but it is good to see you" she said as she used the cup to scoop up the now Immobilised coffee back. he looked well. older, of course, didn't everyone but well. she smiled as he said he hardly recognised her hair. "I always changed up colours. i had to go blonde at some stage" she said. the reason for the colour choice was just as he had said. not being recognised. she had almost failed her tracking exam due to her green hair stanigng out vividly making it hard to miss her if she was following someone. "how are you. and finley. and your family"
It seemed that Zennon was destined to run into people who were going to be covered in coffee these days. To be honest, he supposed he wasn’t all that surprised given the way things usually worked out for him, but it wasn’t something he wanted to make a habit of. Still, he was glad to see that Willow seemed to be doing okay - at least to the base point. He hadn’t seen his friend in a long time, but it was good to see her now. He hoped she had a few moments to catch up, or perhaps time to find a time to catch up. He was trying to be better about seeing his friends.

“No, I see your point, you’re right,” Zennon could remember the bright array of colours she’d had in her hair over the years and it was almost strange to see her hair blending so elegantly with the rest of the hair styles around her. He was almost considering that it didn’t really suite her, but as he continued to look at her, it didn’t really matter if it did or didn’t, it wasn’t for him regardless. “Yeah, Finley’s doing okay, sorry about your coffee.” he didn’t really wanted to answer the question about his family though, because it wasn’t really a great answer. His mother had still be struggling with his father’s and sister’s death and he hadn’t heard from Rowan at all. Azalea had retreated into her own life and hadn’t spoken to any of them since the party, same for most of the rest.

It was best not to dwell. “But how are you? Are you enjoying your work? I haven’t seen you in Mungo’s so I assume you’ve not had any near death experiences, right?”
Willow nodded as Zennon said that it made sense "the good thing about magic is I can change it is I ever need a bit more colour and white blonde is such an easy base colour to work off" she said.
she was glad to hear that Finley was doing well. "He must be almost five now" she said. thinking he was. about two years younger than ivy. and she was now coming up for seven. it was weird to think that her friend has a son the same age as her little sister. mind you, she got some weird looks when ivy had been younger and she had been looking after her. a young girl, her bright hair, a couple of tattoos and a baby, one didn't need to be an oculmense to work out what they were thinking. "Don't worry about the coffee. it has all been saved. now" she said holding up her cup which was indeed almost full. it had been a nifty trick that she had been shown fairly early on in her training when she had knocked someone else's coffee from the desk. and one that had come in handy more than once.
"Work is going well. i am finishing my training very soon. and have been given my first proper assignment. guarding one of the ministry candidates which will be interesting especially as mym um is running as well" she said. the fact she was guarding a candidate was not classified information. just the details of what it involved. "and I guess you have been keeping out of trouble yourself as your name had not made its mark on the New Zealand's most wanted list" she said teasing. there was no way that her friend would make the list even with the stereotype and reputation that parsletounges had.
Being a pureblood, Zennon had spent very little time in places where magic wasn't common. There had been those times he'd spent in the non-magical world of course, when they'd all been dancers when he was a kid, but he'd never continued that and since Elsie's death he hadn't spent all that much time in the muggle world. Losing both his father and his sister to something that would never have happened with magic was too much of a loss for him to be comfortable with. It wasn't something he liked to talk about and he didn't hate the idea of the muggle world because of it, but it was something he was cautious to stay away from, he had no real need or desire to spend much time there and he was just fine with that. "Magical hair colouring is honestly one of the best things ever invented I'm sure. I know my sisters used to swear by it." one less now of course and that thought made him sigh a little, but it was a dull pain of healing over time and not the sharp one of new loss.

"Indeed he is, his birthday is in December, so still a bit of time yet, but six months isn't a lot of time is it," he said with a soft sigh as he thought about it. He was not ready for his son to be getting older yet, but he was having to live with it in ways he hadn't thought about. Being a single father was strange in a lot of ways, but also in the fact that he wasn't really a single father. After all, he still did have Sam and the pair supported each other as much as they could whenever they could.

He shook his head at Willow as she mentioned his name on lists and laughed. Something he hadn't been able to do a couple of years ago. "Ah, that's just what you think! I'm being extra sneaky. It's easier now when people trust me as much as they do, being a healer and all."

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