what a day

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Elvera climbed the hidden passage to the north tower, she had been feeling a little odd recently, but she was starting to feel better, a bit more energetic and less lethargic. she sat down and looked out of the window. there were quite a diew students outside but today she was staying indoors. she drew her legs up so she was sitting sideways in the windowsill, he felt like the the lady of shallot, looking out into the world.
There she weaves by night and day
A magic web with colours gay.
She has heard a whisper say,
A curse is on her if she stay
To look down to Camelot.
She knows not what the curse may be,
And so she weaveth steadily,
And little other care heat she,
The Lady of Shalott."
she started reciting softly, it was the start of the second part of the poem, but is was also her favorite bit.
Climbing up the few sets of stairs that lead to the northern towers of Hogwarts castle,Victor been on solitary mission alone. With no company at his side or anyone to talk too, he figure the north towers would bring company somehow or someway. If not, he didn't mind to weather it alone, it wasn't bad just a tad lonely. Somehow, he figured there will always be someone up there.

Arriving at his last step, he found to be right. Though he stood quiet, hearing the girl whisper or recite something he couldn't make but it sounded affluent he stood trying to listen. Till the girl finish, he stride closer almost standing at her side. "Wouldn't have recognize that at all, what was it if you don't mind me asking?" he beam sheepishly, the words sort of reminded him of Shakespeare.
Elvera saw a boy comeing up behind her and and listen, when she finished she turned around and saw one of the bos in her year, but she hadnt really spoken to him before and she couldn't remember his name. It's called the lady of shallot but i cant remember who it is by, its about a lady watching out over Camelot from a tower and then she falls in love with Lancelot and leaves the tower on a boat, but she dies at the end" she said she had like this poem since she was younger, but it was only when she had started here that the had fully understood it.
"Its nice, I've always wanted to read literature like that, its very unique" something he would probably only hear writing like that in Hogwarts just not back home. Life to modern back home, nothing seem antique now and days. "I wonder why the author ended the woman life if she was already living lonely? You would think it would end up on a lighter note?" Victor kept speaking, his thoughts mentally reciting the poem again. "I'm Victor, you seem familiar but I'm terrible with name".
Elvera smiled, "I dont think that It the point but i will let it slide. she laughed lightly. realizing that she did recognize victor, but hadn't until today known his name. "I'm elvera Le Fey, also a sixth year, but a ravenclaw. so now we have finally done the introductions how are you today? she said. wanting to know a little more about him as he seemed nice.

((i know it is a little lame but still)
Victor blushed, quickly embarrassed. "Maybe I should attend more history class?" he chuckle along with Eve, he knew just a little about that time of history. It sounded more familiar if king Authur was mention. "A well overdue introduction after six years? Don't you think?" he found it funny, some aspects of it. Though sad in other ways. "Tonight? Tonight I'm doing well, a little tired after returning to Hogwarts. What about you Eve?" he used his gentle voice when speaking to someone unfamiliar to him.
sorry it was slow i was away

Elvera smiled, "I dont know if they teach that kind of thing in history of magic, morgauge, my grandma tought me abought british mythology when i was little and she poticuallt liked autherian myth. i guess it rubbed off" she looked out of the tower again. it was getting darker and the mountains were just marks against the sky. that was definatly a much overdue introduction but as they say better late than never. she said. she had enjoyed her holiday she had gone back to england to visit morgaus again and it was a nice time with her family. "I'm very good, i wide awake though as i only just got back from england a few days ago and am still working on their time." she said glad to talk to someone and not to be on her own, although she guessed hiding up in the north tower would not be the best place to go if she wanted to be sociable, the common-room would be better than that.

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