Open We're Tramping Through The Bush!

Molly Burke

irish ☘️ | bubbly 🫧 | 61' grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
20 (04/2043)
It had only been a few days since Molly had started Hogwarts, and honestly, the young girl was enjoying her time so far. She had thought that everything was so magical and amazing! The girl was curious about the many creatures that Hogwarts had. And Molly thought the best place to look and explore all the amazing cool creatures was defiantly the Forbidden Forest. She had overheard students talking about this supposed "Forbidden" Forest, but the girl was a bit confused as to why it was forbidden. The Irish girl skipped her way down to the edge of the forest, now a little nervous to go inside. The girl looked around her nervously, having second thoughts about this bad idea as well as peeping through the spaces between the trees, biting her lip to see if anything was interesting. The girl regretted not bringing her bunny companion with her, as she thought she didn't need Mr Snuggles.
The thrill of Hogwarts excited Evie and she always felt like she was having lots of fun and it was a never ending dream. The girl was playing with her dragon figurines outside on the grass when she noticed a familiar face walk past her. It was Molly, the girl that had fallen for her first ever prank, and she seemed to be walking towards the forbidden forest. With her dragon figurines in hand, Evie jumped up from the grass and ran after her. "Hey, Molly!" she shouted, finally catching up to her once she had stepped foot inside. "What are you up to? Wanna play with my dragons?" Evie held them up, showing her a Hungarian Horntail and Norwegian Ridgeback. She didn't mind so much that they were in the forbidden forest, and was just glad to find someone she knew to use her dragons with her.
Molly turned her head very quickly when she heard her name being called, thinking that she was going to be doomed for the rest of her life when she had noticed a familiar face. A girl that had pranked her. The Hufflepuff sighed quietly with relief, as she was grateful that it wasn't a Prefect or a professor. "Hiya Evie!" Molly giggled with a wave. Molly gasped, giggled and clapped when she saw what was in the girl's hands. "Oh my gosh! Those dragons look so cool! Do they have names?" Molly asks as she points to the dragon figurines. Molly looks up and around the forest. "Oh... well I was thinking about checking the forest. But uh, I'm not really sure now" Molly says unsurely.
Evie beamed at the girl's reaction to her dragons. She was glad that they were making people interested, as she really thought they were interesting herself. "This one is Ace." she told her, holding up the Hungarian Horntail, before then showing her the Norwegian Ridgeback. "And this one is Bee. I don't know why I named them that, I just did." She shrugged before listening to Molly's reply. It seemed that she liked the dragons, but wasn't really eager enough to play with them. Her sister told her that she might get bullied for carrying them around everywhere, but she thought surely Molly would've liked them. The Gryffindor didn't mind however as they were her dragons and she wouldn't want anyone getting too attached to them anyway. "What aren't you sure about?" Evie asked with a raised eyebrow. "It's just a bunch of trees." Evie took a few more steps inside to prove her point. "Look, nothing is happening to me, so come!" Evie beamed, her dragons still clutched tightly in her hands as she gestured for Molly to join her.
Molly giggled as Evie explains the names of her dragons. "They have such cool names! Have you ever thought of getting a pet dragon? Maybe we can play with your figurines next time? If you wanted?" Molly says and suggests. She didn't think playing dragons in a creepy Forbidden Forest would be the best circumstances. Molly thought for a moment at Evie's question. "Hmm, I dunno" Molly eventually said, as she thought about it for a bit. The forest did look normal, and it seemed that there was nothing really that bad about it. Molly watches Evie nervously while biting her lips, as she sees her friend enter the forest unharmed. The Hufflepuff looked behind and around her, making sure that there were no students around to tell her off before she went further inside. Nothing extreme had happened, which was a bit boring. She was hoping to see fairies flying around or something. But it was just boring trees and a bit dark. "It's a bit boring," Molly says aloud, as she looks around the forest from where she was standing.
When Molly asked about Evie getting a pet dragon, she frowned a little. "That would be cool, but it's practically impossible right now. My parents would never say yes, and if I wanted to get a dragon egg, I would need to do some sketchy stuff to get it." she told her, having already searched it up herself. They were extremely difficult to obtain and Evie would just wait until she was older to get involved in that. She was happy with her dragon figurines and they would do for now. Evie beamed as Molly began following her into the forest. She didn't think it was that boring. "Well, who knows what sort of cool things we might find if we go in a little deeper?" she said, eager to explore it some more. She began walking more inside it, soon struggling to see with how dark it was getting. "Why do you think it's so dark in here? Do you think perhaps the creatures that live in here would be able to see? I know cats and dogs have this extra layer on their eyes to help them see in the dark, and dragons do too! Do you think we might be able to find a dragon?" Evie couldn't help but be excited now as she thought of every possibility that could be ahead of her. She was glad to have come across this forest.

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