We're One Screwed Family

Hetty Riveon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Domino !x
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Heather Alecto Riveon lay in her bed, not sleeping, not screaming, not dreaming, not crying. Heather just lay there, watching the sky above her. Luke had set an enchantment on her roof so it looked like moving stars, to distract her from the thoughs that usually raced her mind. It was around 10.00pm. Usually it was her, Jake, Andrè and Luke who were up, but Luke had sent Jake and Heather up to discuss business. Heather didn't use a spell or a charm, nor was she a leglimencer, she just knew he meant social services. Jason got in fights, Jake got bullied, Heather, caused arguments with teachers. She had already been kicked out of Beauxbatons, and Luke hadn't dared sent her to Durmstrang with her siblings...because they were tough...

All this had started when all their parents died. They were cousins, sisters and brothers, but to her, cousins. She had been an only child, and her mum had died at er birth and her father never forgave her for that. Heather couldn't help it. She had also had a failing heart and had a heart transplant so she get occasional pains in her chest with made her short of breath, have epileptic fits, or collapsed...Heather also had claustrophobia and asthma. Heather couldn't help being sick.

She stood up and put on some (really short) shorts and a thin vest top and went downstairs to sit with her newly found family. Luke called her and Jake back down. She went into the kitchen and made herself her coffee. She gripped it with both hands and lent against the countertop, sipping from time to time.
Life was pretty fun for Ethan and monotone at the same time. What he did everyday was got up late and off to hang out with some of his friends until late night and went back home late night or early in the morning. Going to clubs, dating with different girls, being too carefree, that was just him and he liked him that way. Actually, his heart was still crushed with the fact that his parents were no longer alive, this was the whole reason why he kept himself busy with nonsense, to distract himself from sobbing over the past. And of course, he had to look tough in front of everyone, not that he wasn't tough, in fact he was one of the toughest but jealousy grew in him every time he saw other people being able to spend their time with their parents while he couldn't.

As Ethan got up from his bed, he threw himself to the shower, running warm water. Right after he had finished, he dried himself and walk out of the bathroom, grabbing a random clothes in the drawer and put it on. He was satisfied with his looks, he looked perfect just the way he was. He walked out of his room and kicked the door open, walking down to the first floor finding no one in there. Odd He thought. But as soon as he reach the kitchen he could find his cousins. "What are you wearing?" He glared at Heather who was wearing a really short shorts. Even though he was used on seeing girls in a much more shorter shorts or skirts, he still didn't tolerate Heather to wear such an outfit. "Go get change" He said, yawning and sat on the table, resting his head on it.
When Hetty saw Ethan go tell her to get changed. "Why should I?!" she said to her cousin, but she went to get changed away. She came back down in tracksuit bottoms and picked up her coffee again. "Happy? she sniped at him. Ethan acted a lot like he was her dad, and Hetty didn't like that. "I'm not a kid anymore Ethan. I'm almost 17!" she moaned at him.

Hetty wanted to distract herself from her father..put there were pictures f him and her aunts and uncles on the shelf she was facing. She placed her coffee down violently and picked up the picture of her dad and smashed it in the bin, before going back to er original position.
Ethan closed his eyes as he listened to his cousin yelling, well actually he didn't care about her yelling but he was quite pleased that she did what he said. "Very" He smirked at her looking at her in an awful tracksuit. "I'm getting you a better one" He said standing up and walking toward her, placing his right hand on her head, messing with her hair as he walked to the counter, placing the bacon and sunny side up to his plate and walk back to the table. Ethan was a big fan of eating, he could eat as much as he wanted and he didn't care what other people think of him.

Ethan could understand that Heather hated her own father but there was no need to act so rough like now. "Stop, you're going to spill the coffee" He said and continue eating, looking at her smashing the picture of her father and threw it to the bin. "Oh please Yeti, get over it." He laughed, calling her a yeti instead of Hetty. He loved messing with her, she was so much fun. He was entertained seeing her being offended, yelling at him. But of course he would never cross the line.
Hetty laughed at her cousin. "Ahh, love ya cuz." she said, shortening cousin to cuz. When he made himself breakfast, she sighed. "Pig. Unlike you, I can go days without eating. Haven't eaten since Tuesday." she said. It was in fact Sunday now, so that was 4 days. She was so underweight, she was also really light.

When Ethan told her to get over it, she thought if an evil scheme in her mind. But alas, it wouldn't work unless he was standing. "Dont, Ethan, that man never loved me...neither did my mother. It's like I was an orphan before." Quixkly changing the subject she spoke. "So Ethan, who's your latest victim of your love potion, wizard?"
Claus Pascot. A child lost in the adult world. He was never ready for the terrible things out there. Murders, Robbers, and worst of all, people who break your heart. He was upbeat and happy all the time. But he did think of things like that sometimes. He liked having a good time. Instead, of thinking about sad things. So, just like always, this morning he had a big smile on his face.He was listening to his favorite band when he woke up like always. His favorite band was of course - The Beatles. It made him happy, and not think about those things. And since he was a complete Anti-War person, The Beatles couldn't have been a better favorite band. He was just barely singing to himself, one of their songs.

"Oh please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
And please, say to me
You'll let me hold your hand."

He walked into the kitchen and sneaked up behind Heather. He then ran up to her and hugged her. "Morning!" He yelled. He let go and and made himself some coffee. "So. Do you guys want to apparate to a beach later today?" He asked Ethan and Heather. He loved the beach. It was full of nature, and he loved nature. But he got made fun of. He didn't care much, but it did bother him a bit.
When Claus hugged Heather, she squealed. "Hey Claus! What's up?, she hugged Claus back with a smile. "The beach? Um, ya sure, except ya know....Your made fun of....." she muttered the last bit. Claus was her favorite cousin, then it was Ethan and Luke, then Blaise, then Janey and Tori. She lied all her cousins the same but her and Claus were like twins. She jumped on Claus' back. "Giddy up horsey! she teased.
Claus laughed. "Well, of course the sky, is whats up!" Claus smiled. He always joked with Hetty. After all Hetty was his favorite cousin. Not that he didn't love his otthers, he just liked Hetty the best. "Well, whoever said we were going to the beach here? We are going to California's shores. No one knows me there, so no one can bully me. But since there is like an 8 hour time difference, it will be hard. We could go later. Since its 10, if we go there a 6 in our time it will be 10 there! Haha, math." He laughed. It was smart learning it. Even though he didn't understand it. He was still glad he knew it. He could confuse some wizards or witches. He sipped his coffee, and sat at the table.
Ethan laughed as he listened to Heather talking "I don't care" He said with his mouth full, it was pretty rude and disgusting but he didn't care after all it was Heather not random strangers who were in front of him. "Why are you so proud of yourself kid? Go eat something" He said as he offered her his bacon. Ethan took care of his cousins pretty well when he was home but not when he was away. "Be grateful that you have us" He said not looking at her but to the food and stuffed more food in his mouth. He didn't like it when Heather talk about the past, he knew that she was heartbroken but the past was the past and she had her cousins who loved her now.

If the topic was brought up again then Ethan would have to ignore it. Gladly she changed into something random. "Dear cousin, why do I need a love potion again? Everyone's charmed by just looking at me" He said proudly and laughed, walking toward the counter making himself a cup of coffee. Just then he heard Claus coming and hugged Heather. Ethan walked back to the table and put the cup down on it. "You punk, you hugged her but not me?" He walk toward him, wrapping his left arms around his neck and held him, and use his right hand to mess with his hair and finally let go and continue laughing. It had been a while since Ethan got time to talk to his cousins, he missed them. "Oh shut up Claus" He said when he started to talk about the time difference. "Beside, it's winter" He said flatly as he sipped on his coffee.
Heather scoffed when Wthan demanded a hug from Claus. "That's because he loves me more!" she joked, before hugging Ethan in a bone-crushing bear hug. Hetty smirked when Ethan said he didn't need a love potion. "yeeeah, suite, I'm in love with you already! she joked.
There were a lot of things that came up to Ethan's mind, he did remember the last time he got home and that he was yelled by his older relative because he came home too late and that he was making a lot of noise and people could smell alcohol from him. Now he felt a little guilty for not setting a good example for these kids. But hey, at least he still cared about them. Unlike most of his friends who didn't care about their families, Ethan cared about his. Even though sometimes they annoyed him. But he was glad that he didn't have to pretend to be someone else to be loved by his cousins. That was all that matters.

Right after Ethan finished his coffee, he stood up, walking toward the sink and placed the cup and his plate next to it. It wasn't his job, he didn't want to clean up, why should he? "As much as I love you, I can't take you out seeing that you're underage" He winked as he messed her hair and opened the window, feeling the cold winter breeze and closed it again. It was snowing heavily outside. Ethan wasn't a big fan of winter, he prefer Summer.
Heathers stomach growled. "Guess I'm hungry...but I'm way too fat! I'll have a few grapes." Hetty took 14 grapes from the bowl and ate them. She looked at Ethan. "Oh no! I'm so hurt! I might die with heartache!" Hetty joked before catapulting a grape, making it land in Ethana hair. "Aw! My grape! It's in Mr Yucks hair!" she teased playfully, before throwing another.
While Ethan was standing, he could feel Heather throwing grapes at him. The first one landed on his hair, he was pretty annoyed. "Stop it" He said taking it away from him, meaning it. "I don't like it" He said looking at her and then walk to the bin, throwing it away.
Claus laughed at Ethan comment. "Fine you want a hug to?" Claus asked. He then ran up and hugged him, aqueezing him,and almost choking him. "There you go bud!" He said patting Ethan's head. He decided too eat so he sat down and started eating Waffles and Bacon. He giggled at Hetty and Ethan's 'love fest' they had going on. He thought it was funny that he got so mad at the grapes, in his hair. "Hetty if your bored why don't you do this." Claus said before getting up and throwing a grape up - catching it in his mouth. "Its fun. You try!" He said before throwing one up and it landing on the floor - exploding. "Oops..."
Ethan had to laugh when Claus came and gave him a hug, Ethan was so much taller and bigger than him, he hugged him back squeezing him even worse and messed with his hair. "Now kid, you don't wanna mess with me" He said still holding him and messing with his hair. he let him go and laughed right after that, taking a few steps away from him and wash his hand. He didn't like this sticky feeling on his hand because of the squeezed grape. Well actually, he accidentally squeezed it after getting it off his hair. "D@mn" He said as he threw the grape to the bin and dry his hand right after he washed it.

Looking back to Claus and Hetty fooling around, Ethan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Claus, you do realize that you're no longer 15, hmm?" He looked at him, most teenagers or at least seventeen years old didn't want to fool around. One of the example was Ethan, but it killed him inside back then. "Clean it up" He threw young Claus a napkin "Without magic" Ethan had so much fun looking at his cousins cleaning things or do things without magic, he didn't get to see that a lot since he was rarely home in the morning or at least hadn't got up.

OOCOut of Character:

I'm not sure if gm-ed or not.. but sorry if I did
Janey had been in her room reading, when she could hear squeals coming from downstairs. She hadn't been living with her cousins for long, but she knew they were already influencing her brothers, Claus in particular. Closing her book she wandered quietly out onto the landing, where she could hear them talking about grapes. When she was close enough to see what they were doing, she was a little suprized to find them all have a "grape fight" and watched as Ethan tried to remain in control. It won't work she thought, knowing how close her brother was getting to Hetty. If anyone could control those two it would be a miricle.

She walked down to the bottom steps, and helped herself to some food. She had get to have her breakfast, and fished around for some toast, ignoring the fight that was going on behind her. Janey more or less kept herself to herself. and dispite the closeness between her and her brothers, she preferred to be alone. She smiled secretly as she heard Ethan giving them punishments, and turned round to watch. Janey had not yet started school, but there was a good chance she would get her Hogwarts letter in just a few months. "You know you're going to have to pay for those grapes don't you" she said when she could butt-in. Food didn't grow on tree's here, and the sooner her family realized that the better. They shouldn't be wasting what they have.

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