Welcome to the Jungle

Ainslee Maxwell

Mum to 🧒🏻🧒🏻👧🏻 | Head of IUOM
OOC First Name
Agent Smith
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Sturdy 14 inches Oakwood wand with Magaul feather core
The past few days was a nonstop at work and Ainslee was about to explode if she doesn't go somewhere else other than the Ministry of Magic. So, she called up the only person she knew around to come and meet her at the Wellington zoo after lunch that day. A nice walk under the summer sun and a possible taking pictures with animals was the fastest and easiest way to calm her nerves from all the people who breaks the rules of the government. Ainslee left the building before her coworkers even stopped her to do something again, she's now thinking that she's a slave rather than an employee. Being a good witch, Ainslee decided to take a taxi to the zoo. Apparating will only cost her the statue of secrecy. Upon arriving at the entrance, Ainslee bought two tickets to experience up close encounter with the normal beast of the muggle world. The young woman was rather excited, at least this is fun than stamp and send letters.
Being rather busy with work lately, the twenty-three years old man happily agreed on going to the Wellington Zoo with Ainslee later that day, but first he had another job to do. After Arnaud was done and said his goodbyes to his colleagues and made his way to the Atrium, the man stepped into one of the many fireplaces and took the floo network back to his house. Once he stood in his living room, the man quickly hung his coat over one of the dining chairs and ran upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes. Because Arnaud was going to a muggle zoo the man decided that he would take the last of his muggle currency with him to buy himself and Ainslee some drinks. Since he couldn't just pop up Arnaud took a cab to the Wellington Zoo. Once he arrived at the zoo he thanked and paid the cabdriver and stepped out of the car, walking directly to Ainslee when he saw her. ''Heeeeeey, Ains!'' he greeted her with a hug and smile, happy to see her agian after a busy week.
It wasn't that long that Arnaud arrived and they hugged, "So, how's our Obliviator doing?" She asked while handing him the zoo ticket. The two never spoke that much at work, maybe a smile and a nod around the hallways of the Ministry and that was it. This will be their first time again alone. No paper work, no annoying coworkers and no brainwashing muggle interaction for half of this fine day. "Thanks for the company, I just had to get away from all Ministry related things. I don't even know why I went to be a public servant when I can just sit around back home." Though with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Ainslee prefer to be annoyed by other people than the people back home.

And now instead of living in a house, her mother had arrange an extended stay at a hotel in Blenheim. "You know what? Let's do this at least once a week on a weekend or every other weekend, I don't want to be a disturbance on your love life or anything." Ainslee chuckled lightly, she was still a lady after all. "I guess we can go inside before I melt. I have never been into a zoo before, so, I'm excited." She said and grab Arnaud by the hand as she tug him inside the building. Being a kid from an affluent family in both worlds has some disadvantages to it and one of those is this kind of visit to the zoo. She and her brother were not schooled on a muggle school, so, field trips are out of the question.

Ainslee's smile grew more when they were inside. She grab a map to follow it . "Do you want something to drink first or start off with the penguins and kunekune?" The young lady asked her companion whilst looking at the map.​
He smiled at her when she asked him how he was doing. ''Busy, as usual. There have been a number of incident were Muggles have witnessed the use of magic lately.'' Arnaud told her, sounding rather tired. ''And who's left do deal with it?'' the man said, ''Moi.'' Though he didn't mind doing his job at all, going from one place to another withour having a proper break made him very tired. So when Ainslee, his only female friend so far, asked if he wanted to join her to do something fun, Arnaud couldn't wait until he was off. When Ains handed him his ticket he smile once again, happy to just be outside doing something relaxing and fun for a change. ''Because being cooped up in your house isn't fun either.'' Arnaud said teasing her. Arnaud chuckled when the woman suggested that they should to something like this every other week.

''Ohhhh, Ainslee, now you're just rubbing it in me.'' he said jokingly. ''You know I don't have a love life! I'm living the happy, single life.'' Doing stuff like going to the zoo with her, or even to a pub for that matter, would be something he'd see himself do so agreed on her suggestion. ''Alright, I'm in. As long as there is going to be beer involved at some point!'' the Obliviator chuckled, ''Yeah, you're right. Let's go inside.'' Though when she told him that she had never been to a zoo before he looked at her as if she was nuts, and walked with her toward the entrance of the Wellington Zoo, showing their tickets to the muggle kassière before they were allowed to go inside.

He stood next to the woman, looking at the map as well. ''Let's go see them and the monkey's first before going for a drink, we've got the whole afternoon so why hurry it, right?'' he said with a smile.
Ainslee pouted like a silly teenager, she feels what her friend is feeling. Work has been their stress and she doesn't like it one bit but it was the only income she has at the wizarding world. Although, the only money they have is the old money from the family and she can only use that at the muggle world. Ainslee made a silly disgusting face when he said he's happy being single. "Hey, my brother might have married the wrong woman but I still wish to find someone. Whether a commoner or nobility. As a matter of fact, I really don't care what status a man has in life as long as he cares,loves me and wants a happily ever after." Ainslee said in one heart beat.

No one in her family even cares about their title, it was just a matter of tradition, all except Camilla. "Oh,and kids. He has to like kids, of course he has to because it'll be his." She sigh dreamily. Ainslee is still a fan of Disney movies and it's always in her face. The young lady'sface change from dreaming to satisfaction as Arnaud agreed to her weekend plans. "How about Wellington Phoenix versus Western Sydney Wanderers? I'm more of a Crusaders fan but at least they have beers at the stadium." She informed the man. Ainslee had no idea if Arnaud likes soccer, though, either way she's going to drag Arnaud with her.

As her friend mentioned earlier not having a love life, Ainslee will sure change that up somehow when she sign him up on one of those speed dating thingy. Deciding where to go, Ainslee nod at her Arnaud and slip an arm with his, a gesture she always does with her brother and also to thug him toward an interesting woman. The penguins were awesome, cute to say the least but the look on Arnaud gave her earlier when she said she'd never been in a zoo before has kind of tick her off. "When I said I never been to a zoo before was true. I guess being on top isn't always nice, there are cons in every corner." Ainslee smiled at him, anger disappearing, she drag Arnaud softly toward the pig looking thing that was name in a New Zealander or something.​
Arnaud chuckled softly when Ainslee told him that she didn't care who she'd marry as long as the man loved her. ''Not to be rude, but from what I've heard so far your family is pretty sh!t except for Devlin, of course. I honestly don't think that any man would marry into a family that has this weird traditionally things, once again, I'm not trying to be rude and I respect everything your family does.'' he could think of someone who'd want to marry her, he himself, though Devlin had made it pretty clear that his sister was off limits from him once she would be old enough to date back at Hogwarts, and since his old friend was probably still bigger and stronger than him, Arnaud wasn't going to hit on his only female friend until Dev was ok with it.

The Obliviator smiled as she mentioned that her future husband needed to be someone who loved children. ''Depends on if they're really quiet kids when they are just babies.'' he said with a small wink. ''Because a man really needs his sleep after a long day of working.'' he chuckled, thinking his comment was rather funny. ''Those are two New Zealand football teams right?'' Arnaud asked, not really knowing much about the football teams of the New Zealand football league. ''Sure, I'm up for that. It's not Liverpool against Chelsea, but it'll do just fine, I think.'' he said with a smile on his tired-looking face. ''Like I said before, as long as there's alcohol involved I'm up for it.''

His friendly smile appeared again when she slipped her arm between his and walked with her the route he pointed out on the map. He absolutely adored pinguins, so when they stood in front of a group of the animals, who were all excitingly running around, he grinned, wondering how his life would be if he was born a pinguin instead of a human being. Arnaud looked up at Ainslee when she replied to a comment he made ealier. ''Huh, who would've thought that.'' he said with a chuckle. ''Who knew that being royal had its cons.'' Arnaud smirked, teasing his friend again. ''I bet you have done a lot of things that normal, broke families like mine, couldn't?'' Rather surprised that he used to word broke for the financial problems the Cormac family had.
The young lady stared at the pig for quite sometime as she listen carefully at the man beside her. Arnaud does have a point, the Maxwell's have weird traditions. Traditions that could have change if her niece wasn't born to a gold digging mother. Ainslee smiled sadly absentmindedly, her friends doesn't need to apologize for speaking what he was thinking. She snorted, "I wish I could change it. Love freely, work freely or just ran away with the love of my life ... If ever I find him." It was suppose to be a happy afternoon but reminiscing the time she fell in love once was off mooding.

"I remembered when I turned eighteen two years ago that I had a coming out party with the other girls born into nobility. I felt like I'm being sold at the black market. Fortunately, no one was interested, they all comment that I'm too boyish to be a wife." Ainslee chuckled lightly. The young woman shook her head slightly at Arnaud's comment about babies. Though she smiled at him and gently punched his arm. "You're going to be the worst husband and dad ever. Your future kids might prefer their aunt Ainslee than their dad." Ainslee stated and faced the pig again.

The animal was rather cute, note to self, Teagan needs to visit a zoo in the future her ladyship thought to herself. Since her niece became the Countess, all Ainslee did was plan Teagan's agendas and work visits. Her and Devlin's father's passing might be tragic but life and duty must go on. "Oh, yeah! I remember reading that they have a local game and coincidentally, Devlin purchased a membership from the local stadium for my birthday last year." She said pertaining to the game at the Westpac Stadium where the Wellington Phoenix resides. It wasn't her fault her brother treats her like a princess, though, he couldn't do the same to his daughter. Not that he doesn't love Teagan but Devlin had told her once that spending time with his daughter somehow felt weird to him.

Ainslee's lovable smile faded slowly again as the conversation was diverted to a sad one. She sigh but frowned as Arnaud mentioned broke families. She turned to face him, Ainslee managed to study his face. Huh, he's handsome. Why didn't I ever mention that to him? She asked herself but toss the idea at the back of her head. He's her friend, she can't say that to him. Ainslee had watched a lot of movies like that and it doesn't always end up nicely. "Not really a lot. On my spare time I have to attend functions with the royal family and other government things. I have been on world cups but that's the only fun stuff I got to do. I had never done this." Ainslee gestured at her surroundings. "Also, I never done sleep overs, go to formals, kiss a guy, eat street foods and other normal lady would do. Hey, at least you survived it. I would trade for your life style to mine if ever." She smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Embarrassed, Ainslee turned around and walked toward the Monkey sanctuary. Thinking if kissing him was a bad idea.​
Glad that Ainslee wasn't angry with him because of what he said about her family and their traditions, Arnaud smiled at the woman when she told him what she wished for. ''You can.'' he said, though he perfectly knew that it'd be rather hard for her to turn away from her family. ''And you will, eventually. I mean, you're a pretty girl, even with your family stuff going on, I think boys would love to date you.'' Arnaud commented, unknowingly telling her that he'd date her. ''You will find the right guy, everyone eventually finds the right person.'' the Obliviator said wiith his friendly smile.

However, when Ainslee mentioned that no one was interested in her when she turned eighteen, the smile faded from his face. ''Oh, come on. Nobody was interested? Nobody? You must have had someone that was interested?'' He didn't believe that not a single guy wouldn't be interested in his friend. As she gently punched in on his arm, Arnaud laughed softly. ''Whaaaat? It's true. You rather go out of bed every other night?'' he asked her, now facing her as they stood in front of the Kunekunes. ''I'd be an awesome dad, you just wait and see auntie Ainslee.'' Arnaud answered back whilst he let out a chuckle.

Arnaud laughed. ''Really, he gave you a membership? All I got for my birthday was a happy birthday card with a discount for the ice cream parlour in the Obsidian Harbour.'' Though he knew exactly why Devlin gave him the discount, Arnaud appreciated the gesture from his friend. After Arnaud and Ainslee left the Obsidian Harbour, the man got in contact with his old school friend again, and ever exchanging tons of letters to each other, Devlin had even invited him to come over during the Christmas holidays to dinner with some of their old Hogwarts friends. It was nice to be in contact with Devlin again, to remember old and almost forgotten memories that reminded them of the good times the two had along with their group of friends back at their time on Hogwarts.

His laugh faded too and noticed that their conversation was turning to a more personal one, though he smiled when Ainslee looked at him. Feeling kind of stupid that he had mentioned his broke family in front of her, Arnaud listened to what she told him. He was beginning to feel a bit sorry for her as she was talking about how little fun she had when she was younger. ''Turns out you've had a pretty boring child/teen hood yourself too.'' the Obliviator said and when she told him she had never kissed a boy, Arnaud looked at her with surprise, though that look of surprise didn't leave his face when Arnaud's cheeks began to burn after she kissed him on the cheek and continued to walk their route. He had not expected her to do this, and in fact didn't mind it either. As soon as Arnaud escaped his thoughts, he quickly walked over to her. ''What was that for?'' he asked, a smile appearing. ''Not that I don't mind it or anything.'' he decided to add quickly for some reason.
Ainslee walked faster, she could feel her cheeks burning at the stupid gesture she did. It was a simple friendly gesture, the mood was rather depressing and so she only kissed him because of that. Nothing more. "Umm ... What are you talking about? You must be hallucinating. It's probably the sun, look you're sweaty." She said when Arnaud got to her and wiped his forehead. Oh, Merlin. Not again. This is not okay Ainslee thought nervously. The brunette sigh and said again, "The Monkeys are up ahead and a concession stand. I'll buy drinks and snacks." Ainslee smiled at him. She faced the path again not doing any eye contact with the guy. Reporters. Holy crow! the thought of her and Arnaud at the front page of a local newspaper or magazine will just ruin her friend's life.

The cons of being one of those famous people are what other people think of you. Example of those are what's happening right now. Two friends at the zoo. "When's your birthday again?" Ainslee asked out of the blue to divert the awkward, yet good, feeling in the air. The monkeys, as always, were funny and cute but funnier and cuter when seen live. "Oohh, you want some cotton candy? It's been a while since I had one of those." The brunette asked again. When Ainslee gets nervous, it stay for quite sometime let say, a week, before it's gone.​
Arnaud laughed when Ainslee suggested that he had been hallucinating because of the warmth. ''Thanks for whiping my sweat away, but I'm not hallucinating, Ains.'' he told the woman. To him, the kiss on the cheeks wasn't as friendly as she thought it would be because Arnaud had developt some romantic feelings for her over the last couple of months. Getting that she didn't want talk about it anymore, the man let it go for now and nodded his head. ''Yeah, let's do the monkeys and food.'' the Obliviator said, smiling back at her. As they walked along the path he noticed that Ainslee hadn't tried to make any eye contact with him whatsoever, perhaps she didn't because of the reporters, which the two were approaching soon. Ainslee had told him enough about her status and her family to know that this would be the right time to stop walking for a moment and let her go alone - she wouldn't notice it anyway. When there was a good enough distance between the two of them, Arnaud started walking toward the monkeys again.

When they finally reached the monkeys and passed the reporters he caught up with her just in time to hear what she asked him. ''February, 14.'' he said as he got closer. ''On Valentine's day.'' Arnaud put his hands in his pockets whilst looking at the monkeys, who were goofing around, jumping from one branch to the other. When she mentioned cotton candy he looked up at her. ''Yeah, sure, why not?'' Arnaud was starting to get hungry anyway so a bit of food in his stomach couldn't hurt nobody. The man turned to face Ainslee and smiled.
Her ladyship ignore Arnaud but was rather surprise at the battle of destiny when he answered her question about when was his birthday. "Seriously? On Valentine's day?" Her British accent over powering her Irish, a tendency to happen when she's very nervous. She slowly crossed her arms in front of her chest, another habit, when she's thinking of other option in a situation like his birthday. Ainslee turned to face her friend, "So, If I ask you out to celebrate your birthday ... it ends up like a date?" Ainslee was somewhat taken aback at the idea but romantic, nonetheless. The woman shook her head and faced the monkeys again, "I got into a cat fight because of him over a birth date?" She muttered to herself, hoping Arnaud didn't catch any of that.

The cat fight, her and her archenemy, started that end up in humiliation, detention and a huge amount of points deducted to their house. Plus, an angry Devlin Maxwell at her face saying that his best friend have a girl friend and all that, so she'll have to stop dreaming. I should send a letter to Leslie with at least a picture of me and Arnaud. She's going to drool The woman was still in contact with her rival and still likes Arnaud. Karma does do incredible things. It was also that time she met somebody but the relationship failed after graduation. Ainslee absentmindedly cling onto her friend's arm, she pulled Arnaud at the nearby concession and gave her orders of bottled water, chips and cotton candy. "What would you like?" She asked the man and smiled. Then a light bulb lit up somewhere in her brain, "What if I sign you up on a Speed Dating event as a birthday present? I'm sure you're pretty sick of seeing me all the time, totally not your fault."

The two sees at the office and plus, Ainslee knows where Arnaud is all the time. Gosh, I didn't know I'm kind of spying on him She made a faint disgusting look as she thought of it. The two department literally works together and she can't help it with all those years not seeing him. At first, Ainslee's feelings was somewhat turned off but as days and weeks and months go by, her crush toward him came back again and this time as an adult.​
Once again the man nodded his head. ''Yep. On Valentine's day.'' he said. Hearing her Irish accent made him chuckle. ''Haven't heard that accent for awhile.'' Arnaud told her. ''When was the last time? Pff.. back at school I think.'' When Arnaud and the Maxwell's attened Hogwarts, he loved their Irish accent, and was always trying to speak with one too when he was around Devlin, and later Ainslee. Arnaud laughed softly at what she asked him next. ''That depends on whether you take me somewhere to actually celebrate my birthday or to go on a date with me.'' he told the woman with a smile, he wouldn't mind going on a date with here if she was ever going to ask him out on a romantic level. ''You're the first one to mention it though. I've never really thought about Valentine's day because it was my birthday, you know.'' he said to her.

Arnaud looked back at the goofy monkeys again when one of the group tried to get the attention of the people watching him and his friends. As the monkey had their attention and started throwing his poop around their cage, Arnaud couldn't controle his laugh anymore. Whilst he was laughing, the monkey started throwing poop against the windows between them, though he perhaps didn't look very charming and it might have been a bit childish to laugh at this, he had to admit to himself that he wasn't expecting to see a monkey throw his own poop when Ainslee invited him to go to the zoo with her. Arnaud glanced at the menu when Ains pulled him with her towards the concession. ''I'll have a cotton candy, a coke and some chips too, please.'' he said to the man behind the counter, and as they waited for their orders to get ready, he took Ainslee with him to a nearby table, draw one of the chairs out just enough for her to sit on and then took place on the other chair himself.

''Speed Dating event?'' Arnaud asked her, tilting his head to the side. ''I don't know, Ains, speed dating isn't really my thing.'' It really wasn't. If he was going to date someone he wanted to know her properly before even asking her out, and besides, Arnaud wasn't a good talker when it comes to talking with strangers anyway so talking with a complete stranger would only make the situation more awkward. ''And I'm not getting sick of seeing you everytime, I always enjoy your company.'' the man told her with a smile.
The two finished ordering and Arnaud, with his gentleman manners, took her to sit at a near by table. Ainslee thanked him as he pulled a chair for her, she chuckled lightly at the mention of her accent. "Yep, back at the school when I still have a crush on you." Her ladyship didn't even thought that the words came out loudly. She bit her lips as she looked guilty, "What I mean is ... that when a band of girls has a crush on you. They were so annoying during every time you all played Quidditch." The young woman just hoped she had diverted the person of interest to that band of girls. Though, Ainslee was one of those girls as well. She was just lucky enough that her brother is best friend's with Arnaud.

Their orders came and she immediately opened the chips and stuffed her mouth with it in case the young man in front of her grill her more about what she said. Ainslee didn't mean to reveal that piece of information. But she always thought, if she had the courage to tell him that sooner, would she be a Cormac now and didn't look like a stray puppy that was left at the altar two years ago? The brunette vanish the thought and said after chewing the chips from her mouth, "Anyway, about your birthday. I'll sign you up but don't worry, I'll go too but you have to meet somebody. If it ever comes to the point it rotates to me, just pass by and go to the next one." Hurt that she's setting up a date for a friend, or rather, more than a friend. Ainslee still manage to smile genuinely.

The afternoon is still long and as Arnaud said that he's enjoying her company, it did flatter her. She's curious how many lady friends he has, coworkers excluded. "How many girl friends did you have that you don't like the idea of speed dating? I mean you just flirt and stuff and if you like someone you take her number or address for that matter. Basically, speed dating is where you get one night stands." Did I just sum up how speed dating works? I curse the day television exist She stuffed her mouth again an amount of chips and didn't said anything anymore. Everything seems to be falling apart that one day she'll tell her kids that their mother is so lame at liking a guy, the guy got away from her.​
''You had a.. what?'' the man said, trying to think back at all the moments they shared at Hogwarts. His heart started racing at full speed once he'd fully processed what she told him just a few seconds ago. She had a crush on him. Him! Even though it was back when they were in Hogwarts, Arnaud hoped she would still have a slight crush on him. As soon as Ainslee started talking again, the twenty-four year old came back to reality. ''A band of girls? A come on, Ains. It wasn't a band, surely you're just being overdramatic.'' He knew of the attention Devlin, he, and the gang received from girl from their House, but had never really payed any attention to it. ''Just so you know; I never asked for their attention.'' he commented out of the blue, his cheeks changing colour because of the sudden statement.

Still thinking about what Ainslee had said a couple of minutes ago now, the man was brought back once more. ''My birthday'' the man muttered to let himself know what they were talking about. ''Don't be silly.'' Arnaud finally said as she told him what would happen that night. ''If you're going to be there too than I won't skip you. Like I said I enjoy your company. Surely I still feel the same way in a pub whilst speed dating.'' he wasn't going to let het off that easily. Arnaud took a big gulp from his coke and slowly started tearing off the cotton candy from its sticky/handle-thingy. Perhaps speed dating was going to be fun, talking to other girl that weren't his co-workers and perhaps he'd even get a one night stand out of it - he was already interested in somebody so doubted that speed dating would change that.

After talking a big bite from his cotton candy and listening to what Ainslee asked him, he answered her question in all honesty. ''Truth be told, I never really had a lot of girlfriends. I'm a lttle picky, you know.'' Arnaud began. ''I just don't really like having one night stands anymore.. Sure I would love to a .. You know.. be intimate with someone again, especially since it has been so long. But I just don't want to do those anymore. If I'm going to date I want to date the right one.'' he, for some reason, had no shame in telling Ainslee he hadn't had intercourse in a long time.
Embarrassed at what she had revealed, the woman sank onto her sit more. It was just a crush or is it more than a crush? Ainslee played the years they were together at Hogwarts and one did come up into mind. Arnaud really never noticed her and she can't never blame anyone but herself. The future Marchioness was rather looking like a nerd than a princess. "Okay, it wasn't a band. A couple. They were sluts though and pretty much a two face." She said. The girls back then we're all her friends because of two things; one, she lives with one popular guy and two, she gets to see the other popular guy on school breaks. "Oh yeah? At least you caught your girlfriend's attention." Ainslee was rather saying everything rather loudly these days, it's like she wants all her burden out from all of those years.

She opened the bottle water she bought and chug half of it from nervousness. Ainslee was so mad when she found out that she told the entire Ravenclaw house about it, of course she wasn't sure about it when she used a sonorous charm at the common room. Since then Ainslee was a loner again. "You really broke women's heart ... the entire Ravenclaw women population." She wasn't going to say any more about her feelings. The day will just end up like an awkward story. Maybe after this she could bury herself in bed with a tub of ice cream and cry her eyes out, ask for a day off and stay in bed.

The woman avoided eye contact again and looked around the zoo. Families walk around, a kid holding hands with his parents. She smiled suddenly. "So, speed dating then. I hope you find the one your looking for..." I should not get my hopes high but I wish it's me Ainslee thought dreaming. The young woman studied Arnaud's face, still the same face she actually fell in love with. Still the same personality. Though out of the blue, she asked, " Why do you always ignore me when we're still at Hogwarts?" A wallflower she was. This was all Devlin's fault and now he has a swarthy marriage.​
He couldn't help but the laugh at her statement about the other girls. ''Now, now, that's a harsh thing to say.'' Arnaud told her whilst his laugh slowly faded. Though he couldn't blame her for thinking that about the girls, becuase some of them really were two-faced ''sluts'' or so he found out during his stay at the wizarding school when he figured out that some of the girls were only using him rather than actually be in love with him. When she mentioned his ex-girlfriend, Arnaud shook his head slightly. ''That was later on.'' the man answered. ''Plus she wasn't really one of those girls, you know, she was more into reading a book than watching us playing Quidditch all day.'' The only reason he asked his, back then still girlfriend, Aimee, out was because she didn't care about his flying skills or popularity.

''Ains, come on.'' he began, getting a bit irritated. ''I wasn't that popular, or handsom when I was younger.'' Although he had an awesome time at Hogwarts, there were also quite a few memories he'd rather forget than remember. He knew perfectly well how some girls thought about him and Devlin's gang, and instead of developing an ego, Arnaud was more ashamed of the attention they were getting since he never really was someone who would talk a lot to girls unless they wanted to talk to him about homework or Quidditch. Arnaud took another big gulp from his bottle of coke when the silence returned and like her, started looking around the zoo, smiling at the sight of that one monkey that was still throwing his poop around

As Ainslee spoke up again he turned his head to face her. ''I hope so too,'' he said, ''Though I don't think so, unless she's really the one.'' Of course he already knew he the one was for him, but he wasn't going to tel her that in a zoo. Surprised by the womans question, he thought about it for a moment. Did he really ignore her that much back at school? He honestly couldn't remember it. ''Did I?'' Arnaud replied. ''Because I always thought we were cool. I mean I saw you pretty often since Dev was one of my best friends.'' he stated, still trying to remember if he really ignored Ainslee that bad.
Caden was avoiding stress on his first ever vacation since he took over as head of trade and investments at the UK Embassy in South Korea but he didn't think over when his sister invited him in New Zealand where she and her husband and 6 years old daughter lives. The young man ended up being a babysitter and the husband and wife ran away for a Caribbean vacation. Now, instead of just sitting around at their house, Caden and his niece stood behind a glass separating them from the monkeys at the Wellington zoo. He sigh while he was carrying his niece, the man wasn't really into kids but his niece was an exception.

"Aren't you hungry yet, Violet? We've been walking around the zoo for godsake." He asked his niece irritably. The sun was freaking beating down on them and the zoo was an open place. Violet nodded at him and said, "Cotton candy." Caden shook his head slightly while looking for a nearest shop to buy cotton candy when a familiar face caught his eyes. Caden let Violet walk on her own while they hold hands but instead of going at the shop, they went toward to that familiar person. "Your ladyship?" He called out to Ainslee Maxwell. His ex-fiancé.
"Wait, what? You had a girl friend? So, Devlin ... wasn't playing with me. That freak." Ainslee was taken aback at the thing she thought was just a rumor. At least she didn't humiliate herself when she caused that scene. Maybe her brother told her that because he doesn't want her to be like the other girls. Though, a playful smile was beginning to stamp her lips as Arnaud explain that he wasn't popular nor handsome. "Really? Because this gal won't be all over you if you weren't handsome and kind." Realizing she did it again, Ainslee pursed her lips tightly. Grab and opened the bag of her cotton candy and stuffed Arnaud's mouth a hug amount of it so he can't say anything. "Okay, I know if I say this I'll regret it but I liked you since the dawn of time ... Well, since second year BUT what matter is that I liked you and I realized I still am." Her ladyship looked around to see if people are looking but everyone seems to be busy with the monkeys and other animals around.

Ainslee sighed in relief, she doesn't want this out in the public but then again, pictures will be showing up anytime soon. The evening newspapers are probably printing them now. "And yes, you see me every time but do you stop and talk to me? No. A nod and a smile probably." Now, she's the one getting irritated. Her pride had been smashed now, Ainslee could feel her cheeks burn either from the heat or embarrassment or both. She took another gulp of her water when suddenly someone address her formally which she accidentally spit the water from her mouth. The young woman stood up from her chair and faced the person who called her. "Umm ... Caden Granger?" Shock fell through her. She looked from Caden to Arnaud and back at the new comer. Then Ainslee noticed the little girl on his side. Daughter perhaps?​
The young man frowned at how Ainslee reacted to him but Caden noticed that she wasn't alone at her table. Arnaud Cormac or should he say rival, was there too. "I see Cormac is here. You two seems to be having a good time." The young man stated with nonchalant in his voice. Caden had been with Ainslee for too long to know that her ladyship fancy the man but even though he knows this, Caden still dated Ainslee. "Nice to see you, Ains. Still gorgeous than ever. I just hope Corman here can see it." Caden muttered the last sentence. But if ever the man heard it, he won't back down to a duel on a crowded muggle zoo.

"By the way, this little girl here is Violet. My niece." Caden introduce his cute niece to the woman proudly like he never mentioned to her that he hates kids. Violet waved shyly to Ainslee and said "My un-un talk 'bout you a huge lot." A truth revealed accidentally. He always thought, what if he wasn't that greedy? Maybe he has her by now. Had kids and she'll probably not going to be working at the Ministry of Magic.
Looking at her with curiosity in his eyes again, the man frowned. ''Why would he be playing you?'' he said, honestly having no idea as to why Devlin would do such thing do her in the first place. Trying to think of reasons why Devlin would tell Ainslee, Arnaud pressed the bottle of coke against his lips and gulped some away. He sighed. apparently Ainslee really wanted to talk about it now. ''She was ''over'' me because I was kind, yes, and I helped her with lessons such as Charms and Defense Against the Darks Arts. Because believe it or not, I was pretty awesome in either of them.'' The irritation in his voice began to rise more clearly now. He had no intention to talk about his past love life with the girl he liked now. Hoping that the topic would end with his words being said, Arnaud was surprised by the sudden action Ainslee made. Whilst his mouth was full with cotten candy, the man listened as she was explaining her feelings towards him. For a minute or so Arnaud didn't know what to say to her. Did Ains really still like him? Because that would be perfect for him. He quickly started chewing the cotton candy away and by the time he swallowed it, he said. ''You still do?'' still trying to take the new info in.

Arnaud was about to speak up again when Ainslee did first. Though he didn't clearly understand where this sudden irritation from her side came from, the Obliviator replied, choosing his words carefully. ''Sorry, but did expect an entire conversation between the two of us when we were younger, exepct maybe for that one time on Chrismas eve, when I needed to talk to someone? You were a little girl when we first met, remember? And by the time I graduated you were thirteen years old. After that I saw you one more time before you graduated too, when you were sixteen, you know, Devlin's Chrismas party.'' he could feel tension coming so instead of saying another word, the man chose to keep silent. It was right after he was done talking when another voice joined their conversation and Arnaud turned to see who it was that joined them.

He shook his head lightly at the sight of his old rival. ''Great, just what we needed.'' he said without looking up at Caden anymore. ''What the f*ck is Granger doing in New Zealand?'' Arnaud thought to himself, wondering if Caden had stalked the two of them here. ''Cut the bullshit, Granger, why are you here?'' Ignoring two things completely; 1) that Caded has said his name wrong, probably on purpose. and 2) that there was a little girl standing next to him. No. Arnaud wasn't happy at all that his old rival had come to New Zealand too for whatever reason brought him here.
Ainslee could feel her mouth gaping but closed it. The man in front of her was just full of himself. "Hi, Mister Granger." She greeted, her throat drying up despite just drinking almost the whole bottle of her water. Ainslee glanced at Arnaud as the man noticed him, she was nervous, who couldn't when you just lied at the man you like? Saying that you had never been kissed and no one dated you? Her hand was restless at her side, Ainslee wants to grab Arnaud's hand for support but he was at the other side of the table. So she settled them inside her shorts pocket. Ainslee cleared her throat, "Yes, in fact, it's our second date." Her ladyship said but hope her friend would just go with the flow. He might not believe it though. A date at the zoo? that's so lame Ainslee thought to herself but then again, it's still romantic, as long as her date would be Arnaud.

"And don't call me, Ains. I only allow one person to call me that and it isn't you." She commented a bit harsh. Since she was dump in front of the church in York, Ainslee never saw Caden ever again until right now. The guy had been her friend and he was there when she cried like a river because of Arnaud, she appreciated the comforts but she was still mad. Very mad. Then Ainslee looked at the little girl beside him, she smiled nervously at Violet. "I thought you said you don't like kids?" Her tone curious. Ainslee can't stand the man. If she could just hex him to the moon and back but her wand is keeping hold of her hair bun plus if she ever hex him, she'll not just be on the evening news but her job at the Ministry is on the line as well. So, she kept her hands on her pockets.

The young woman closed her eyes and sighed as Arnaud vulgarly talked to Caden. She just opened them and pursed her lips. The two might be one year old apart but their rivalry since Hogwarts was pretty intense. Sometimes the other is on top and sometimes the other is on the bottom. Ainslee waited for this moment of only her and Arnaud alone, why can't Merlin give that to her? "I swear if you say something about the marriage, I can pull a very powerful killing curse." The woman whispered to Caden. Secrets are meant to be kept, only a few knows about it and she's not going to ruin their friendship over a pass mistake.​
Caden smirked. A date, at a zoo. He could have taken Ainslee somewhere that isn't crowded or noisy. "Lady Ainslee, you're the only daughter of a Marques. You should be treated as it is. A princess ." The man wasn't just doing this to irritate her companion, he's also doing this to prove a point. The woman literally grew up with everything and Arnaud Cormac can't give it to Ainslee. Love, even a noble person can make him crazy. "And why shouldn't I call you by your nickname? Oh yeah I forgot, Cormac used to call you like that before you found out he has a girl friend." It was rather an awful day that is. It was like cry me a river by the lake. Every night they have to sneak just for her to scream and take all the heart aches she has away.

"You know Ainslee? Cormac doesn't even like you back." Caden stated. He knows the guy inside out, his ex was just naive who didn't get any serious relationship. If he could take her back, he will in a heart beat. Marriage at a young age was his fear but not anymore but Cormac is in the way and it seems the two are getting to know quite well. Then a very irritable Arnaud Cormac spoke with a touch of some cuss words that a child shouldn't be hearing. "Typical, saying that in front of a child, nice move and I'm here because my niece wants to see some animals and I'm also on vacation from my work at the UK embassy in south Korea. It just so happens that my sister lives here." The man explained. But thanked Merlin he did see Ainslee.

Some people think they're still popular and being chased by girls. Fame has its stop sign. Facing Ainslee back, he listened at her with another smirk. But he didn't listen to her even if she threatens him, he knows the woman is afraid to loose her job. "I'm sorry if you're ashamed of our almost wedding but I am too. I shouldn't have left you. You could have been a mother by now and not with Cormac." This day seems to be getting good He thought revenge is always sweeter.
Arnaud looked from Ainslee to Caden and back as the conversation continued, groaning whenever Caden tried to insult him. ''Yes, we are on a second date here.'' the man began. ''And unlike you, with your piece of poop smirk on that piece of poop face of yours, I'm actually treating her how she wants to be treated.'' Arnaud stated, raising his voice whilst he was looking at Caden. How the two of them became rivals was still a mystery to the Obliviator, though when Arnaud saw Caden's smug face again for the first time in several years, all the hatred he held towards the man came boiling up. ''And if she doesn't want you to call her by her nickname, you better respect that.'' Arnaud told the man.

At what Caden said next Arnaud got so angry that when he stood up to face the man directly, his chair fell backwards. The twenty-four year old stood inches away from his face, breathing in and out angrily. ''If you don't shut up right now, I'll punch you in your perfect teeth.'' he commented. ''Got that?'' Arnaud didn't care what the little girl would think of him or her uncle but he wasn't going to let Caden walk around telling lies. ''And I don't care what your niece hears, as long as she knows that her uncle is a piece of poop.'' Clutching his right hand into a fist, Arnaud stood ready in case a fight broke loose between the two of them.

''What do you mean ''almost wedding''?'' he asked, looking from Caden back to Ainslee and back. ''Are you going mental, Granger? Because one, Ains would never marry an ******* like you and 2, she told me she hadn't dated anyone before.'' Arnaud said. ''So before you start telling yourself stuff, I'm sorry to be the one who has to wake you up from that fantasy.'' the man had no idea that what Caden just said was actually the truth for once.
OOCOut of Character:
Elleine, I'm going to kill off your IC. This is the hardest sh*t roleplay I had ever done

Ainslee knew Caden wouldn't believe that she and Arnaud are on a date, but that didn't irk her. The one that got her furious was how Caden used statues on how to treat her for a date which Arnaud countered angrily. Her heart was raising and she noticed quite a bunch of people are staring, some giving them angry eyes and the others just whisking away their children from them. "Arnaud didn't pick the place, I did because yes, I am the daughter of a Marques and I deserve to have fun with the LOVE of my life. I don't think that it is against the law. Wizarding nor muggle law." She doesn't know what got into Caden, they were best friends up until he asked her to marry him. Oh, Merlin. Love is a very difficult kind of magic Ainslee thought with a sigh.

But her expression change at the man's comment about Arnaud not liking her back. The woman can feel a sting building in her eyes, remembering what she had just revealed earlier. I hope the ground would open and swallow me whole and it made sense when Arnaud reacted rather angrier than ever. "What is it to you if he doesn't like me? He's a nice guy and his my friend. That was enough." She choked a couple of times as she talked and a couple of tears started to run down her cheeks. Ainslee wiped them vigorously. Everything was going haywire now, she thought of drawing her wand and she did. Her hair wavely came down as she released her wand. "Guys, calm down or I'll hex you both. We're very much attracting people." Ainslee told the men. Attracting muggles to be exact.

Ainslee was shocked that the man went on to blabber it when she already threatened him. The woman pointed her wand at Caden's chest but of course, she can't kill the man in front of many witnesses and she doesn't want Arnaud involved once the people from the Ministry comes. On her mind, Ainslee was already planning on how to kill the man but everything was already out. "Get the hell out of here. Or I swear on Merlin's grave I will kill you and I don't care if I ever go to Azkaban." She said on gritted teeth. Ainslee meant everything she said, it wasn't just for scare. She ignore Arnaud, an eye contact will just make everything worse. Oh wait, everything is messed up now. Why am I scared like hell? She asked herself while tapping her wand on Caden's chest.​
OOCOut of Character:
nope, I'm enjoying this :p

The man snorted at the stupid remark the other man did. "Cussing don't hurt me anymore, mister Cormac. I'm just saying that Ainslee deserve more than just a date at the zoo. Though, how could you know that when you never acknowledge her before." He said. Anger hiding within him, Caden could have Ainslee but the woman solely have eyes at Arnaud. That's why everything the man does he have to do it better. Classes and sports. Caden got under Arnaud's skin about him not liking Ainslee, "So, it's true then. I knew it. You're a piece of crap, Cormac." The man was ready for that first punch but of course, he can't do it.

That's what I thought so He thought to himself. But what got him was he didn't know about the wedding or even them dating. It was all over the news and even the daily prophet featured their story. Caden was about to tell more when Ainslee draw out her wand and threatened him. He didn't budge, he stood there with his niece. It's a zoo for Christsake, not the county Armagh. "Love of your life, oh come on Ainslee Carrigan Maxwell. Did he told you he liked you or even love you?" It was full of bullcrap, everything what Ainslee was saying. Though, hurt, Caden said "Well, just to remind Cormac that I was the first one to make you happy." Caden thought he have out done the pest but it seems Arnaud Cormac had won this one.

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