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Mystic Rain

Pastry chef- Hippie- Emotional- Whimsical
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 16 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
8/13/2019 (40)
Mystic enjoyed her life- she had the occasional lover, went out on a few dates a month, and was doing fairly well with her shop. It was a cozy, cluttered little thing, full of teas and crystals, flowing, colorful dresses and skirts and tops and bags, glass knick-knacks and baubles, incense and candles, and some homemade goodies- cookies and cupcakes and brownies. She was humming, the sweet, haunting sounds of Enya floating through her shop and out the open doors. She danced around, with a bright, full bouncy skirt multi-colored sundress that swirled about her legs as she moved, chunky black wedge sandals with a half dozen multi colored bows, and her hair done up in a giant, messy beehive full of matching colored baubles, tinkling gently as she danced, singing along in a cheery, litling voice. She loved days like this- sure, the shop was slower for the moment, but the sunlight and the breeze put her in a fabulous mood.
Victoria didn't think this scene was really for her, and so she continued walking along with her mother's hand in hers.
New to the country, barely got his feet wet and Pierre has absolutely no idea where he's actually going.

Not a first for him by a long shot, he doesn't exactly have money to spare now that his Dad's realised he took his credit card and had the thing shut off. B@stard. Still, muggle money would have been pretty useless where he's going anyway, and the magical community in New Zealand, as far as he's been told is a pretty good place. It could never compare to his home, and he would never want it to, he doesn't need the constant reminders of where everything he touches reminds him of his parents or his Grandmother. He can't deal with that right now. Not when he'd spent every coin he had to make the trip here in the first place.

The flight had been okay, if a little more tense than he might have expected at the time. Confined spaces have a way of doing that, he supposed with everything they talked about. Still, back off the plane and over to New Zealand and now he had to figure out what he was going to do with his very last coins, something to eat and a place to stay for the night? A job maybe? He had wanted to be a healer for the longest time, but his abysmal grades towards the end of his final year had snuffed that dream out in it's entirety and now he didn't think he was qualified to even walk in the doors of a hospital. Best leave those dreams to die then.

What did draw his eye was a... rather eclectic kind of store. He couldn't say he wasn't used to such things, given he had been raised in Nice and one could hardly call it the most subdued of cities in France. This was a little different though because even by magical standards it was an odd thing. Curiosity winning out, Perry shrugged and headed over and into the shop. He hadn't' slept in a good few more hours than was strictly suggested by most medical professionals around the world, but what he lacked in sleep he made up for in exuberant energy - though, due to the lack of sleep his general sense was waning a little. Oh well.

"Bonjour, bit new to the country, do you think you could point me in the right direction of an inn, or... perhaps a diner?"

@Mystic Rain
Mystic finished her spin, turning and smiling brightly at her new guest. "Hello!" She greeted, patting at her hair gently to make sure it was still in place. "Oh, there are plenty!" She agreed with a happy smile. "You're in the right place. Though," She mused. "It'll be a bit hard to find a room tonight, I'm afraid." She thinks about it, leaning against the counter. "There's a festival in town and everywhere is pretty booked out." She snapped her fingers. "Oh! I have a few extra rooms," She gave the kid an easy smile. "Would you like to take one?"
It would be just his luck he would walk into a shop with an overly friendly person. Now it's not the case that he dislikes overly friendly people. He has a tendency to be overly friendly himself, but he hasn't slept in at least twenty four hours and has been in three different countries over that time frame, he really would have liked to avoid any kind of small talk, no matter the kind of small talk. He would have prefered the woman give a simple no, rather than the perky and compassionate display he was currently receiving, but he had also been raised with actually good manners (despite how often they seemed to be non existent, oops) and so he tries his best to shake off the abrasiveness of the inflection and smile - sort of. "...Hi," he said, frowning slightly at the exuberance. Maybe he really just can't deal with anything today.

The bit about the festival was fair enough he supposed, he hadn't exactly done his research on any of it. He hadn't realised such a thing was so popular, but it wasn't that uncommon he supposed. "Oh, um, well I guess..." saying no felt like the right answer, but then, if what she was saying was correct, where was he going to stay? He'd spent some time in that little Raven Inn in backwards England, right out of school, that was who had given him some names of places to try here, but if they were all booked out then... well, what other options did he really have? "I wouldn't want to put you out, I can just... find somewhere - you're not like an official inn or something, are you?" Was it wise to take up a stranger on her offer for somewhere to stay?
Mystic laughed and walked over to her counter, taking out a sign and scribbling Rooms for Rent on it, before propping it on her desk. "Nope! But I'll rent out a room for the night. I have a few spare rooms," She gave him an easy smile, leaning against the counter with one hand, the other on her hip. "Ridiculously cheap, unfortunately- if you take a room, I'll send you with some money and you have to run to my favorite restaraunt to pick up dinner for us," She offered, pleased with her own percieved cleverness.
This woman, and he was beginning to wonder if he had perhaps jumped the conclusion she was a woman at all, was... strange. To the point, Perry was beginning to suspect she might actually have been some kind of fae creature, he'd read some books in his childhood that talked about this sort of thing, strange woman in strange clothing who offered a bed and food, only for the weary traveller to never be able to leave again, because they'd... Perry frowned, he couldn't quite remember what the lesson of the books had been, but he sure did remember that those strange women definitely looked something like this. He bet she even had a weird name. "That's... incredibly kind of you," he offered, unsure what else he might be able to say. "What did you say your name was again, sorry?" It was probably something like... Lula... or... something crystally like Chrysanthemum.

@Mystic Rain
Mystic let out an airy laugh, smoothing a hand over her skirt. "Mystic Rain," She introduced herself, doing another little twirl to the music. "Pleasure, darling. What shall we call you?" She asked, swaying her skirts to the music, letting it still flow through her and smiling brightly at her new guest. She enjoyed herself immensely most of the time, and she knew she could be a lot, but she'd learned long ago not to temper herself for anyone. She was happy in her skin, and that was what was important.
The name was the least surprising thing about her. Perry nodded along with her and shrugged. "Most people just call me Perry, I prefer it," he said, unsure whether she could do some weird magic stuff with his name. Faeries in all those books liked to know people's names for nefarious purposes and whilst she mostly looked harmless, he had no way of knowing, especially since she seemed maybe a little too keen to open her place to someone she didn't know. Still, he was grateful, since he certainly didn't have anywhere else to be going. He watched her dancing then, unable to help the smile that slipped up onto his face. Honestly, in some really small way, she reminded him a little of his Grandmother. She was a woman of absolutely no nonsense and a retired auror, but, even then, she knew when to enjoy herself and let her hair down with a bit of fun. It was nice, especially after the last couple of months. "If you really want to, you can call me Pez," since that was what his Grandmother used to call him.

@Mystic Rain
Mystic studied the boy with an easy smile and an open air. "Well, Perry-Pez, let me show you to your room," She spun, loving the swish of her dress, and placed a spell to tell her if anyone entered the shop. She moved through the beaded/fabric curtain to her little managers shop, and then through the next beaded/fabric curtain and up the stairs to the flats above her shop- she'd bought the whole building, technically.

She thinks it used to be an orphanage, but with a little renovation it had turned rather homey- she had a large, cluttered but cozy living room full of pillows and plants and hanging fabrics and a peek into an open kitchen/dining room, the latter also with ample seating in a large corner table that had two long seats built into the walls and a few extra cushioned chairs around the other two sides of the table. A fresh herb garden spanned along the many windows of the dining room and kitchen.

But Mystic led him past this as well, ignoring her bed and bathroom on the far wall and leading him up a second set of stairs to the third floor- where all her spare rooms lay. Two smaller bathrooms, cozily decorated, a single laundry room, and four spare bedrooms. Mystic had been hoping to find a few strays to give a home to. Not that she would tell Perry that. She moved to the first door on the left and opened it- it was surprisingly bare for her, with a comfortable double bed, an armchair with pillows and a blanket over it in the corner, and a desk against the wall. There were several pillows on the bed and a smaller throw blanket over the foot of it, but aside from that there was no real decoration. "Here we are!" She declared with a bright laugh. "For you, Pez-Perry,"
She'd started moving so fast that it had taken Perry a moment for his brain to catch up and to follow her. The entire place was very much as he imagined given the kind of woman she appeared to be. Harmless, he hoped, but it's hard to be sure in places like this. He did feel he would be well able to defend himself if he needed to, but he had to admit that there was a certain air about her that lead him to thinking she was probably harmless, maybe. He hoped so. He had a pretty good radar for that kind of thing having been raised by a woman much like her in a lot of ways, but still full of no nonsense attitudes and a former auror to boot. So, with that in mind, he followed her, however cautiously and let her lead him deeper and higher up into whatever this building used to be. "Wow, this is... really big," he said, surprised at the sheer size of the place considering. He hadn't been sure this was actually going to work out, but this was bigger than most of the places he probably would have seen on his won and probably bigger than most of the places he could have stayed in the inns. "Thank you... honestly, this is very kind of you."

@Mystic Rain
Mystic smiled easily. "Of course!" She laughed lightly, turning to move back to the living room. "I've always thought that there's no point in living a life where you don't give back where you can. If my nephew ever came this way, I'd give him the same deal as well, but he's happily set up with his boyfriend across the world." She hummed a bit, running her hands over her skirt again. "You have a good aura, Perry-Pez, so I'm happy to help."
Perry wasn't sure how he was suddenly being lumped in with this woman's family, or even who her nephew was (nor did he care quite frankly) but it was... a strange experience to say the least. He'd just flown across the world himself, he was sleep deprived, hungry and maybe he was a little loopy for agreeing to all of this, but he needed a place to say and he figured there were probably worse places to stay than whatever the heck kind of fae workshop this was. Because he was still utterly convinced this woman was some type of fae. Still, being a fae he certainly didn't want to upset her, as that would not have gone down well with whatever fae gods she worshipped. Looks like he was stuck here for the time being at least. "My aura, is it?" he asked, not entirely sure what she might be talking about. He didn't really believe in that sort of thing. It came up a lot in magic like divination and ancient runes, but he thought most of it was nothing more than muggle hocus pocus.

@Mystic Rain
Mystic laughed lightly. "Of course!" She agreed, doing a little twirl just because she felt like it. "Someone's aura says a lot about them. And yours tells me that you're a good kid, a little lost, just trying to find a place to belong. I can't promise you it's here, but you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like while you decide that." She promised, giving him a fun little curtsy. "Now! Dinner will be out of the slow cooker in about twenty minutes, and there's plenty to share. Why don't you get settled in and I'll go make sure everythings ready?" She offered with a bright, open smile.
Perry didn't really have anything in the way of supplies, or things he had that were just his. He didn't want to carry everything he owned with him, after he'd effectively run away from home. He wasn't sure he could even consider it that since he was a fully realised adult who had a job and a life and things to do that he needed money for. He wouldn't have a lot of it once they realised he'd taken the card wit him, not that it was useful for the magical world anyway. He didn't have a lot of galleons to his name either, so this was pretty much it for him. "Sure," he said, not really sure what else he was meant to say in response. He didn't get this woman. But he wasn't sure if he needed to either. If she was wiling to help him, why should he turn her help down? It hadn't so far been a bad thing, right? "Do you need anything else? Any help or I don't know, money maybe? I can give you some galleons?"

@Mystic Rain
Mystic laughed lightly. "I don't need your money, Perry-Pez," She countered easily. "Just make your way back for dinner most nights and we'll be fine." She put two fingers to her forehead and gave him a little salute. "I'll call you for dinner soon," She turned, letting him settle in, and left down to the kitchen, humming as she went about setting up for the evening and swaying along to the music still floating in through the shop below.
Perry wasn't sure he liked the way she said his name, but he didn't hate it and he supposed he could get used to it. He certainly didn't dislike it enough to mention it, and so he just nodded as he watched her. This woman had somehow got him into her inn without so much as lifting her wand. This was some ancient kind of magic if ever he saw it. "Well, I'll help out anyway, I don't expect to stay here for free, I'm not a free-loader." Even if he didn't have a job, he had no money, he could get one, he was always good at finding work, keeping it was sometimes another matter, but they could deal with that later. "And okay, thanks, uhh, right," he turned and headed up to his room because he honestly had no idea what else he was supposed to do.

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